The Answer to Our Cry

Book Description

We all long for freedom from anxiety, worry, and fear. We long to be free from sin and free to love others completely as God loves us. And yet we are shackled by insecurity, prone to selfishness, and wary of letting down our guard. That's not the life God designed for his followers. When his enslaved people cry out to him for freedom, he hears--and responds. Now pastor Rick McKinley shows how the true freedom we all long for--the freedom we see as God delivers his people in the Scriptures--is always in the form of relationship with God rather than our popular notion of complete independence. He calls readers to look to the Father, Son, and Spirit for the model of perfect, self-giving freedom, and shows how that kind of freedom can transform us into people who live fully, love boldly, and fear nothing.

Gospel-Centered Discipleship (Foreword by Matt Chandler)

Book Description

A Gospel-Rich, Reproducible Model for Making Disciples as Jesus Intended Biblical discipleship emphasizes encouragement, repentance, and spiritual growth—essential parts of the Christian life. However, well-meaning believers often struggle to follow Jesus, unaware their views are too legalistic, licentious, or individualistic. How can churches and Christians develop a healthy, successful path to disciple-making? In this second edition of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Jonathan Dodson presents an effective, Spirit-led model for sanctification. Reminding readers that real discipleship is imperfect yet transformational, Dodson encourages Christians to engage more authentically with others as they grow in faith. Drawing from his own failures and successes while following Jesus, Dodson defines discipleship, describes the heart of a disciple, and gives practical guidance for mentor and peer-based discipleship as Jesus intended. Revised and Expanded: Includes three new chapters and new illustrations Applicable: Shows how discipleship can be practical and gospel-centered Theological: Addresses the Holy Spirit's involvement in discipleship Foreword by Matt Chandler: Author of The Explicit Gospel

Tears To God

Book Description

Imran Islam is a young very talented writer. He writes in an inspiring authentic way. Inviting young generation for finding meaning and purpose in their life. Every single poem transmits a strong form of understanding duty, commitment, faith and love as a driving inspiration in life. Imran's emotions of Faith and devotion transmits to the readers. His inner life experience with faith, hope, honesty, happiness, love; all life virtues are reflected in his poems, which makes his work inspiring to everyone. Readers love this poetry book as it is written in a fresh and flowing way. Imran Islam goes with his own style of expressing profound meaning and deep faith. It's always gratifying to read Imran's poetry. Readers can feel that he writes from the heart.

The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down

Book Description

“Our Father, who art in heaven….” The opening words of the Lord’s Prayer have become so familiar that we often speak them without a thought, sometimes without any awareness that we are speaking at all. But to the disciples who first heard these words from Jesus, the prayer was a thunderbolt, a radical new way to pray that changed them and the course of history. Far from a safe series of comforting words, the Lord’s Prayer makes extraordinary claims, topples every earthly power, and announces God’s reign over all things in heaven and on earth. In this groundbreaking new book, R. Albert Mohler Jr. recaptures the urgency and transformational nature of the prayer, revealing once again its remarkable, world-upending power. Step by step, phrase by phrase, The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down explains what these words mean and how we are to pray them. The Lord’s Prayer is the most powerful prayer in the Bible, taught by Jesus to those closest to him. We desperately need to relearn its power and practice. The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down shows us how.

When God Says "No"

Book Description

No is not a four-letter word, but it certainly feels like one. It’s one thing to feel God’s love when life goes your way, but what happens to your faith when life doesn’t go as you had planned? When prayers go unanswered and dreams unfulfilled? When the sick stay sick and the dead do not rise? When you’re lost in the desert and the Promised Land seems like empty promise? When God says, “No,” how do you grapple with disappointment? Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson walks alongside readers as she tackles the difficulties that stymie our faith, stifle our prayers, and stunt our relationship with God. When God Says, “No” will help you to discover hope when life feels hopeless, good in what feels bad, and new dreams when old ones have died. This book is a fantastic reminder of Who is in charge—Who He is and how He works. How He loves us and why He limits us. The better we know Him, the more we understand that He says “No” to a few things, so He might say “Yes” to many more.

Fresh Grounded Faith

Book Description

The author of "Self Talk, Soul Talk" shares a cup of inspiration to help women make it through the daily grind. Rothschild's Fresh Grounded Faith conferences are reaching thousands of women and this devotional is the perfect way to take her special blend of inspirational teaching home for every day.

The Missing Commandment--Love Yourself

Book Description

What keeps you from loving someone God loves so much? How might your life change if you really believed God loves you-not just in your head but down where it counts, in your heart? Imagine how different things could be: The lies you've believed about yourself all these years dispelled. The wounds of abuse healed. Your future lit with hope, peace, and purpose. Your closeness with God and others deepened immeasurably. The true, heaven-born you free at last to live a life unclouded by shame, guilt, and fear and empowered to love others fully. That can be you. The truth is far, far better than you've known. Drawing on their many years of biblical counseling practice, Jerry and Denise Basel invite you on a journey of God-discovery, self-discovery, and truth-discovery. The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself will help you experience God's love as the daily, motivating force in your life. And it will show you how to stop punishing and start loving someone whom your heavenly Father loves very much-YOU. You see, the missing commandment has never been missing from the Bible, only from your life. But that can change, starting now.

Am I Messing Up My Kids?

Book Description

Lysa TerKeurst, mother of five and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, knows about the bouts of “mommy stress” that come with parenting and managing a home and a life. From her own experience and conversations with hundreds of other women, Lysa shares how mothers can release the guilt they sometimes feel and stop blaming their parenting skills every time a child does something wrong let kids live with the consequences of their bad choices simplify life to create breathing room quit comparing themselves to “perfect” moms turn to God for support, guidance, and patience Overflowing with practical ideas, short Bible studies, and plenty of encouragement, this inspiring resource will help moms to realize that—with God’s wisdom and mercy—they can experience peace and satisfaction while raising their kids. Rerelease of The Bathtub Is Overflowing but I Feel Drained

Rich Wounds

Book Description

Profound reflections on the cross that help you to meditate on and marvel at the sacrificial love of Jesus. This book can be used as a devotional, especially during Lent and Easter. These profound reflections on the cross from David Mathis, author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect, will help you to meditate on and marvel at Jesus’ life, sacrificial death, and spectacular resurrection-enabling you to treasure anew who Jesus is and what he has done. Many of us are so familiar with the Easter story that it becomes easy to miss subtle details and difficult to really enjoy its meaning. This book will help you to pause and marvel at Jesus, whose now-glorified wounds are a sign of his unfailing love and the decisive victory that he has won: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) This book can be used as a devotional. The chapters on Holy Week make it especially helpful during the Lent season and at Easter.

A Heart Set Free

Book Description

Foreword by Melissa Kruger A journey with the Psalms Helps us face the reality of our emotions