The Arab Psyche and American Frustrations

Book Description

Every time that the US gets involved in the Middle East, or so it seems, things turn sour. With this thought in mind, the objective of this book is to help Americans and Europeans better understand how the Arabs view the world and why they behave the way that they do, their Arab psyche if you like. Along the way, the book provides those who are about to embark upon an adventure in the Arab world with a sketch of pleasures and pitfalls that await them. There are plenty of both. The search for the Arab psyche traces its evolution through the eras of tribalism, Islam, colonialism, flawed independence, resurgent Islam, global terror, and popular revolution. Each stage has left an indelible mark on the Arab psyche while adding new complexities to the way the Arabs attempt to cope with their ever changing world. American frustrations in dealing with the Arabs have increased apace. The book is written in a conversational tone and requires no prior knowledge of the Middle East. Monte Palmer is a political psychologist who has spent most of a long career studying Arab society and behavior. He is Professor Emeritus at Florida State University and a former Director of the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies at the American University of Beirut. His recent books include THE POLITICS OF THE MIDDLE EAST, ISLAMIC EXTREMISM (with Princess Palmer, ) and EGYPT AND THE GAME OF TERROR (a novel.)

Handbook of Arab American Psychology

Book Description

The Handbook of Arab American Psychology is the first major publication to comprehensively discuss the Arab American ethnic group from a lens that is primarily psychological. This edited book contains a comprehensive review of the cutting-edge research related to Arab Americans and offers a critical analysis regarding the methodologies and applications of the scholarly literature. It is a landmark text for both multicultural psychology as well as for Arab American scholarship. Considering the post 9/11 socio-political context in which Arab Americans are under ongoing scrutiny and attention, as well as numerous misunderstandings and biases against this group, this text is timely and essential. Chapters in the Handbook of Arab American Psychology highlight the most substantial areas of psychological research with this population, relevant to diverse sub-disciplines including cultural, social, developmental, counseling/clinical, health, and community psychologies. Chapters also include content that intersect with related fields such as sociology, American studies, cultural/ethnic studies, social work, and public health. The chapters are written by distinguished scholars who merge their expertise with a review of the empirical data in order to provide the most updated presentation of scholarship about this population. The Handbook of Arab American Psychology offers a noteworthy contribution to the field of multicultural psychology and joins references on other racial/ethnic minority groups, including Handbook of African American Psychology, Handbook of Asian American Psychology, Handbook of U.S. Latino Psychology, and The Handbook of Chicana/o Psychology and Mental Health.

The Future of the Middle East

Book Description

This deeply informed book considers the intertwined roles of faith, force, and finance in shaping the modern Middle East. Leading expert Monte Palmer argues that these factors will continue to have a major impact on the Middle East as the United States and other major powers increasingly find themselves embedded in conflicts that defy resolution. Palmer considers the lessons learned from past and current conflicts: the limits of using tyrants as avenues of force; the transformation of faith into force; the root causes of terror; and the perils of a global environment that threatens a new cold war between Russia and the United States, a war of religions between the Abrahamic faiths, and a war of terror that is rapidly becoming global. As he clearly shows, the relative dominance of faith, force, or finance is always shifting, depending on time, place, and local conditions. Drawing on cases from ten critical periods, from World War I through the current chaos and stalemate, the author offers constructive paths forward for building a Middle East of peace and stability.

Understanding the Volatile and Dangerous Middle East

Book Description

The Middle East can be bewildering, which is why we need to connect the dots that pull together the political, economic, diplomatic, military, cultural, and religious pieces of the puzzle. Professor Steven Carol slashes through the confusion with a topical approach, focusing on key issues such as the geographic features of the Middle East, demographics of the region, the influence of Islam, political processes, shifting alliances, war in the region, and the need for security. He also takes a careful look at perpetual negotiations, attempts to secure peace, and the role that the media play in how we view the region. His goal: to clarify the confusing nature of Middle East affairs and to combat the mistaken beliefs, misrepresentations, and outright fabrications about the region. In a bid to reclaim the truth, he shares basic principles, relying on factual supporting evidence to prove their validity. Seventy-eight maps and numerous tables make understanding complex topics easier. Whether you’re a student, educator, bureaucrat or politician, you’ll find insights based on facts in Understanding the Volatile and Dangerous Middle East.

Handbook of Arab American Psychology

Book Description

The Handbook of Arab American Psychology is the first major publication to comprehensively discuss the Arab American ethnic group from a lens that is primarily psychological. This edited book contains a comprehensive review of the cutting-edge research related to Arab Americans and offers a critical analysis regarding the methodologies and applications of the scholarly literature. It is a landmark text for both multicultural psychology as well as for Arab American scholarship. Considering the post 9/11 socio-political context in which Arab Americans are under ongoing scrutiny and attention, as well as numerous misunderstandings and biases against this group, this text is timely and essential. Chapters in the Handbook of Arab American Psychology highlight the most substantial areas of psychological research with this population, relevant to diverse sub-disciplines including cultural, social, developmental, counseling/clinical, health, and community psychologies. Chapters also include content that intersect with related fields such as sociology, American studies, cultural/ethnic studies, social work, and public health. The chapters are written by distinguished scholars who merge their expertise with a review of the empirical data in order to provide the most updated presentation of scholarship about this population. The Handbook of Arab American Psychology offers a noteworthy contribution to the field of multicultural psychology and joins references on other racial/ethnic minority groups, including Handbook of African American Psychology, Handbook of Asian American Psychology, Handbook of U.S. Latino Psychology, and The Handbook of Chicana/o Psychology and Mental Health.

The Psychology of the Arab

Book Description

The Psychology of The Arab deals with: The domination of the ruthless Arab rulers who have inflected enormous pain and suffering on the populace, and who are intoxicated with the pathology of narcissism . The entire energy of the Arab population has to go toward massaging the Ego of these megalomaniacal leaders. They have split personality-both parts evil- Religion is a big piece of the fabric of Arab society. Arab are inclined to focus solely on the ritualistic part of religion and ignore the foundation of religion which is the faith in the Almighty God. Sadly, Arab have never deeply absorbed the true teaching of God. In the time of Jaheliah- time before Islam-, Arab used to feel ashamed of having a baby girl. Thus, they used to bury the girl alive. The strict adherence to the practice of virginity has kept the Arab woman in such miserable place . Psychologically , virginity represents to a man that he is the first conqueror of a woman, as if he is in battle and the blood from deflowering woman represent his victory. Arab are inclined to overemphasize the significant of the words and pay less regard to action. That can be also a result of the psychological replacement of action by words . Throughout history, Arab have been traders. Thus, their way of thinking is inclined to be in terms of benefits and losses, and that has been reflected in the way how they deal with each other.

Psychology of Arab Management Thinking

Book Description

A.02 - About The Book - Psychology of Arab Management Thinking M For a long time now, I have been putting off the idea of writing this book - though it had been on my mind for a long time now. The mere idea of writing this book scared me to bits and pieces - for many valid and pertinent reasons. As Arabs, work is worshipped (Islamic Religion calls on us to respect work like as if it is in praying). We are also brought up to be polite, courteous and decent (at least a majority of us). Abrupt, ugly, rudeness and distort are discouraged. Also it is not easy to say NO - as part of the culture, customs, traditions and heritage. So what went wrong here - especially in Management circles? Why are we behind the rest of the world, despite all our riches and resources? I hope you will enjoy the book. I have tried to be as frank, open, forthright, honest, sincere and genuine as I can - as Readers who know me can give credence and credibility to me and will vouch and authenticate my works. It is a no punch-spared, no barrels held stiff, no frills - play but to be as frank, open and honest as possible - so it can be a learning process for this generation and others to come in the future. I have not spared myself, so there is just for it to be honest, sincere, genuine and hard hitting - sparing no one. Just No One.

Political Support in a Frustrated America

Book Description

Public confidence and trust in government is low these days. Farnsworth pinpoints this disappointment to shifting expectations of what, exactly, government should do. Politicians were once expected to maintain economic growth, but in our post-scarcity era most citizens expect them to provide services - such as welfare or environmental -that are often contentious. Enlarging the scope of local political empowerment will increase public support by making politics more approachable and responsive.

The Political Psychology of the Gulf War

Book Description

In these original essays, widely respected experts analyze the personal psychologies and public belief systems of the individuals and nations involved in the Gulf War - from George Bush and Saddam Hussein to the peoples of the United States, Israel, and Arab countries. Approaching the events of 1990-1991 from the perspectives of psychology, history, mass communications, and political science, these scholars examine the dynamic relationship of events, behavior, and perceptions.Part I deals with the psychological and political origins of the war; part II focuses on George Bush, Saddam Hussein, and the nature of their leadership and judgement; part III discusses the battle for public perceptions and beliefs waged by both sides; part IV analyzes the results of that battle as revealed by the understanding of the U.S., Israeli, and Arab publics; and part V deals with the war's consequences. A postscript by Stanley Renshon covers military actions in the Gulf in late 1992 and early 1993.

The Dream Palace of the Arabs

Book Description

From Fouad Ajami, an acclaimed author and chronicler of Arab politics, comes a compelling account of how a generation of Arab intellectuals tried to introduce cultural renewals in their homelands through the forces of modernity and secularism. Ultimately, they came to face disappointment, exile, and, on occasion, death. Brilliantly weaving together the strands of a tumultuous century in Arab political thought, history, and poetry, Ajami takes us from the ruins of Beirut's once glittering metropolis to the land of Egypt, where struggle rages between a modernist impulse and an Islamist insurgency, from Nasser's pan-Arab nationalist ambitions to the emergence of an uneasy Pax Americana in Arab lands, from the triumphalism of the Gulf War to the continuing anguished debate over the Israeli-Palestinian peace accords. For anyone who seeks to understand the Middle East, here is an insider's unflinching analysis of the collision between intellectual life and political realities in the Arab world today.