The Archaeology of a Great Estate

Book Description

The Peak District is a historic upland landscape, with a rich palimpsest of features which invoke the many generations of people who have inhabited the area. The great estate of Chatsworth reflects the Peak in microcosm. Its landscapes are diverse and contain many exceptional features including archaeological earthworks of medieval open fields and later enclosures in the park, and prehistoric stone circles, barrows, fields and settlements on the Estate moorlands. This book tells the story of the historic landscape and its archaeology; it is a companion volume to Chatsworth: A Landscape History (Barnatt & Williamson), but in contrast to that book includes the whole of the Estate landscape, including the extensive farmland and moorlands beyond the park and concentrates on visible archaeology and what it can tell us about the past. The result is a fascinating in-depth portrait of one of the major estates in Britain.

A Great Estate At Work

Book Description

This book deals with the work of both Thomas William Coke and his son, their agents and their tenants at Holkham through the nineteenth century and into the early years of the twentieth. It shows how far even the most dynamic landlord needed a progressive tenantry and how far the tenantry relied on the landlord for the provision of good farm buildings and other capital expenditure.

Horses and the Aristocratic Lifestyle in Early Modern England

Book Description

Through a study of horses, the book reveals how an important and growing aristocratic estate was managed, where the aristocrat at the centre of it - William Cavendish - travelled and how he spent his time, and how horses were oneof the means by which he asserted his social status.

A History of the Peak District Moors

Book Description

The moors of the Peak District provide some of the finest walking country in England. The pleasure of rambling across them is enhanced by a knowledge of their history, ranging from prehistoric times and the middle ages to their conversion for grouse shooting and the struggle for the 'right to roam' in modern times. This distinctive landscape is not an untouched, natural relic for it has been shaped by humans over the centuries. Now it is being conserved as part of Britain's first National Park; much of it is in the care of The National Trust. ??The book covers all periods of time from prehistory to the present, for a typical moorland walk might take in the standing stones of a prehistoric stone circle, a medieval boundary marker, a guide stoop dated 1709, the straight walls of nineteenth-century enclosure, a row of Victorian grouse butts, a long line of flagstones brought in by helicopter, and very much more besides. Some of this physical evidence remains puzzling, but most of it can be explained by assiduous research in local record offices. The author has not referenced the documents, as that would have made the book twice as long, but the bibliography provides leads to where the information may be found.??As featured in the Buxton Advertiser, Buxton Today and Peak Courier.

What did Capability Brown do for Ecology? The legacy for biodiversity, landscapes, and nature conservation

Book Description

This book is based on a major conference with Historic England, Natural England, the Ancient Tree Forum and others which took place in 2016 as part of the celebrations for the tercentenary of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown. The event brought together ecologists, landscape historians and archaeologists, land managers and conservationists to look critically at the impact of Brown and his successors on the UK's landscape. The book addresses the paradigms of these designed landscapes. It considers the issues around the legacy of Brown's creations and ideas and the repercussions that are still apparent today. It makes for a thought-provoking and rich discussion covering habitat conservation and creation, drainage and the release of alien species. This is the untold story of the ecology of Capability Brown and the landscape school which followed.

At Home in the Eighteenth Century

Book Description

The eighteenth-century home, in terms of its structure, design, function, and furnishing, was a site of transformation – of spaces, identities, and practices. Home has myriad meanings, and although the eighteenth century in the common imagination is often associated with taking tea on polished mahogany tables, a far wider world of experience remains to be introduced. At Home in the Eighteenth Century brings together factual and fictive texts and spaces to explore aspects of the typical Georgian home that we think we know from Jane Austen novels and extant country houses while also engaging with uncharacteristic and underappreciated aspects of the home. At the core of the volume is the claim that exploring eighteenth-century domesticity from a range of disciplinary vantage points can yield original and interesting questions, as well as reveal new answers. Contributions from the fields of literature, history, archaeology, art history, heritage studies, and material culture brings the home more sharply into focus. In this way At Home in the Eighteenth Century reveals a more nuanced and fluid concept of the eighteenth-century home and becomes a steppingstone to greater understanding of domestic space for undergraduate level and beyond.

Archaeology of Afghanistan

Book Description

First published in 1978, this was the first book in English to provide a complete survey of the immensely rich archaeological remains of Afghanistan. It has now been thoroughly revised and brought up to date to incorporate the latest discoveries and research.

William Faden and Norfolk's Eighteenth Century Landscape

Book Description

William Faden's map of Norfolk, published in 1797, was one of a large number of surveys of English counties produced in the second half of the eighteenth century. This book, with accompanying DVD, presents a new digital version of the map, and explains how this can be interrogated to produce a wealth of new historical information. It discusses the making of the Norfolk map, and Faden's own career, within the wider context of the eighteenth-century "cartographic revolution". It explores what the map, and others like it, can tell us about contemporary social and economic geography. But it also shows how, carefully examined, the map can also inform us about the development of the Norfolk landscape in much more remote periods of time. The book includes a digital version of the map, on DVD. Andrew Macnair is Research Fellow at the School of History in the University of East Anglia; Tom Williamson is Professor of History and Head of the Landscape Group at the University of East Anglia.

Erasmus Darwin's Gardens

Book Description

This first full study of Erasmus Darwin's gardening, horticulture and agriculture shows he was as keen a nature enthusiast as his grandson Charles, and demonstrates the ways in which his landscape experiences transformed his understanding of nature.

The Biggest Estate on Earth

Book Description

Explodes the myth that pre-settlement Australia was an untamed wilderness revealing the complex, country-wide systems of land management used by Aboriginal people.