Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution in Europe

Book Description

This book presents a new synthesis of the major metallogenic provinces of Europe and the geodynamic processes involved that can lead to the formation of world-class ore deposits. It represents the culmination of a 5-year research programme, GEODE, set up by the European Science Foundation, that brought together researchers across Europe from a wide range of disciplines into collaborative research projects. They focused on five metallogenic provinces across Europe; the Precambrian Fennoscandian Shield, the Upper Palaeozoic Urals, the Variscides of France and SW Iberia, the Alpine–Balkan–Carpathian–Dinaride belt and sediment-hosted deposits of Europe. Because of the long and well-known tectonic history of Europe and the diversity of ore deposits, linkages between geodynamics and ore deposit evolution have been established and new insights into mineralizing fluids and ore formation processes have been gained. Presented as a set of individual review papers and a final synthesis, this book offers a coherent and structured appraisal of geodynamics and metallogeny in Europe, with valuable lessons for mineral exploration and research throughout the world.


Book Description

First published in 1982, Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert's Geodynamics became a classic textbook for several generations of students of geophysics and geology. In this second edition, the authors bring this text completely up-to-date. Important additions include a chapter on chemical geodynamics, an updated coverage of comparative planetology based on recent planetary missions, and a variety of other new topics. Geodynamics provides the fundamentals necessary for an understanding of the workings of the solid earth, describing the mechanics of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building in the context of the role of mantle convection and plate tectonics. Observations such as the earth's gravity field, surface heat flow, distribution of earthquakes, surface stresses and strains, and distribution of elements are discussed. This new edition will once again prove to be a classic textbook for intermediate to advanced undergraduates and graduate students in geology, geophysics, and earth science.

Computational Methods for Geodynamics

Book Description

Written as both a textbook and a handy reference, this text deliberately avoids complex mathematics assuming only basic familiarity with geodynamic theory and calculus. Here, the authors have brought together the key numerical techniques for geodynamic modeling, demonstrations of how to solve problems including lithospheric deformation, mantle convection and the geodynamo. Building from a discussion of the fundamental principles of mathematical and numerical modeling, the text moves into critical examinations of each of the different techniques before concluding with a detailed analysis of specific geodynamic applications. Key differences between methods and their respective limitations are also discussed - showing readers when and how to apply a particular method in order to produce the most accurate results. This is an essential text for advanced courses on numerical and computational modeling in geodynamics and geophysics, and an invaluable resource for researchers looking to master cutting-edge techniques. Links to supplementary computer codes are available online.


Book Description

While remote sensing gives a surface depiction of the world, its recent convergence with GIS enables richer depictions that can be used to simulate physical processes, identify trends, and make more accurate predictions. GeoDynamics is based on specialized lectures from an international field of experts, addressing remote sensing, spatially

Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin

Book Description

Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin presents a collection of 22 studies by a multinational group of investigators whose common interest is to better understand the complex geodynamic processes occurring along the Pacific margin of Latin America and the impact that these processes have on the local populace. Processes investigated in these papers include the subduction of buoyant ridges and spreading centers, ophiolite emplacement, plate margin truncation, forearc deformation, mantle convection, magma emplacement and associated continental rifting, and the release of energy by great earthquakes as well as slow slip events. These studies illustrate the vast and varied research opportunities that exist along the margin, and will be a welcome addition to the library of those who are actively investigating the geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific margin as well as those interested in the subduction process in general.


Book Description

First published in 1982, Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert's Geodynamics became a classic textbook for several generations of students of geophysics and geology. The authors bring this text completely up-to-date in this second edition. Important additions include a chapter on chemical geodynamics, an updated coverage of comparative planetology based on recent planetary missions, and a variety of other new topics. Geodynamics provides the fundamentals necessary for an understanding of the workings of the solid earth, describing the mechanics of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building in the context of the role of mantle convection and plate tectonics. Observations such as the earth's gravity field, surface heat flow, distribution of earthquakes, surface stresses and strains, and distribution of elements are discussed.

Geodynamics of the Alps 3

Book Description

Geodynamics of the Alps consists of three volumes. This third volume is entirely dedicated to Alpine collision. It describes and interprets elements of the Alpine chain, including Alpine magmatism, the formation of external massifs, the foreland basin, the exhumation of the internal part of the chain and the northern deformation front of the Alps. The aim of this book is to create a space for experts on Alpine research to present the state of the art of specific subjects and provide their own interpretations.

Principles of Geodynamics

Book Description

Geodynamics is commonly thought to be one of the subjects which provide the basis for understanding the origin of the visible surface features of the Earth: the latter are usually assumed as having been built up by geodynamic forces originating inside the Earth ("endogenetic" processes) and then as having been degrad ed by geomorphological agents originating in the atmosphere and ocean ("exogenetic" agents). The modem view holds that the sequence of events is not as neat as it was once thought to be, and that, in effect, both geodynamic and geomorphological processes act simultaneously ("Principle of Antagonism"); however, the division of theoretical geology into the principles of geodynamics and those of theoretical geomorphology seems to be useful for didactic purposes. It has therefore been maintained in the present writer's works. This present treatise on geodynamics is the first part of the author's treatment of theoretical geology, the treatise on Theoretical Geomorphology (also published by the Springer Verlag) representing the second. The present edition is third one of the book. Although the headings of the chapters and sections are much the same as in the previous editions, it will be found that most of the material is, in fact, new.