The Art of Thinking

Book Description

Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology

Book Description

Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology features currentscholarship on effectively teaching critical thinking skills at alllevels of psychology. Offers novel, nontraditional approaches to teaching criticalthinking, including strategies, tactics, diversity issues, servicelearning, and the use of case studies Provides new course delivery formats by which faculty cancreate online course materials to foster critical thinking within adiverse student audience Places specific emphasis on how to both teach and assesscritical thinking in the classroom, as well as issues of widerprogram assessment Discusses ways to use critical thinking in courses ranging fromintroductory level to upper-level, including statistics andresearch methods courses, cognitive psychology, and capstoneofferings

The Art of Thinking

Book Description

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Art of Thinking introduces students to the principles and techniques of critical thinking, taking them step-by-step through the problem-solving process. Emphasizing creative and active thought processes, the author asserts that good thinking and problem-solving is based on learnable strategies. The book's four parts, “Be Aware,” “Be Creative,” “Be Critical,” and “Communicate Your Ideas,” present students with a process for solving problems and resolving controversial issues. Discussions of how to evaluate ideas and how to question long-held assumptions or biases help students look at concepts critically. This text can be used in freshman experience courses, freshman composition courses, and a wide array of other courses where instructors want to enhance students' critical thinking skills. 0321881753 / 9780321881755 Art of Thinking, The: A Guide to Critical and Crative thought with NEW MyCompLab Package consists of: 0205119387 / 9780205119387 Art of Thinking, The: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought 020589190X / 9780205891900 NEW MyCompLab - Valuepack Access Card

Writing Today

Book Description

The Art of Thinking

Book Description

Accessible and engaging, this unique text offers concrete, practice strategies for critical and creative thinking and includes many opportunities for practicing these fundamental skills. The Art of Thinking introduces students to the principles and techniques of critical thinking, taking them step-by-step through the problem-solving process. Emphasizing creative and active thought processes, the author asserts that good thinking and problem-solving is based on learnable strategies. The book's four parts, “Be Aware,” “Be Creative,” “Be Critical,” and “Communicate Your Ideas,” present students with a process for solving problems and resolving controversial issues. Discussions of how to evaluate ideas and how to question long-held assumptions or biases help students look at concepts critically. This text can be used in freshman experience courses, freshman composition courses, and a wide array of other courses where instructors want to enhance students' critical thinking skills.

Simon and Schuster Handbook for Writers

Book Description

Technical Communication Process and Product

Book Description

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Technical Communication: Process and Product, 8e by Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson, provides a proven, complete methodology that emphasizes the writing process and shows how it applies to both oral and written communication. With an emphasis on real people and their technical communication, it provides complete coverage of communication channels, ethics, and technological advances. This edition includes information on dispersed teams, collaboration tools, listening skills, and social networking. Using before/after documents, authentic writing samples and skill-building assignments, the book provides a balance of how-to instruction with real-world modeling to address the needs of an evolving workplace.

The Little, Brown Essential Handbook, Sixth Canadian Edition (MLA Update)

Book Description

T he Little, Brown Essential Handbook offers students the essential information they need to develop basic writing, research, and documentation skills. Useful for any level of writing or discipline, it covers academic writing, the writing process, grammar and usage, punctuation, research writing, and documentation--all in a user-friendly, accessible format. The convenient pocket size, four-colour design, spiral binding, and numerous reference aids make the book practical and easy to use--a resource students will actually reference. KEY TOPICS: Academic writing; Writing arguments; Writing in the disciplines; Presenting Writing; Emphasis; Conciseness; Parallelism; Variety and details; Appropriate words; Exact words; Verbs; Forms; Tenses; Mood; Voice; Subject--verb agreement; Pronouns; Forms; Pronoun--antecedent agreement; Pronoun reference; Modifiers; Adjectives and adverbs; Misplaced and dangling modifiers; Sentence faults; Fragments; Comma splices and fused sentences; The comma; The semicolon; The colon; The apostrophe; Quotation marks; End punctuation; Other marks; Spelling and the hyphen; Capital letters; Italics or underlining; Abbreviations; Numbers; Research strategy; Tracking Sources; Finding sources; Evaluating and synthesizing sources; Integrating sources into your text; Avoiding plagiarism; Documenting your sources; MLA documentation and format; APA documentation and format; Chicago documentation and format; CSE and IEEE documentation; Writing Online; Oral Communication; Writing for business MARKET: An essentials handbook suitable for use as a student reference and text for composition courses offered at the college and university level.

The Canadian Writer's World

Book Description

This text will help you produce writing that is both technically correct and rich in content. It has visual appeal, unique features, and integrated ESL content to help both native and nonnative students of varying skill levels. The companion website, MyCanadianCompLab, contains additional chapters and exercises to help improve your writing skills. The product of numerous reviews and feedback from over 200 developmental writing instructors, the updated Second Canadian Edition continues to meet the diverse needs of today's students.