The Astrology of the Old Testament

Book Description

1892 or the Lost Word Regained. Arabian & Egyptian Astrology, dedicated to all searchers for the true light throughout the world. Two large folded charts & many full-page illustrations; horoscopes, planetary descriptions, table of houses for latitude.

Stowe's Bible Astrology

Book Description

1907 the Bible Founded on Astrology. "The old testament and astrology or religion keeps pace with the sun through the great zodiac. the story of the Sun God and the story of the Son of God are one and the same. Man made in the image of his creator, th.

The Bible Astrology Handbook

Book Description

Ledo has discovered the secret of the ages, the astrology code of the Bible. Many of the stories in the Bible play out in the constellations. Anyone who has read the work of E.W. Bullinger's "The Witness of the Stars" is familiar with how the Bible relates to the constellations. Bullinger's work concentrated mostly on the New Testament. This work covers the Old Testament as well.This book is part of a larger tome, "On Earth as it is in Heaven, The Cosmic Roots of the Bible." The subject matter is arranged differently, listing by constellations instead of stories. In addition to curious believers, this volume would be of interest to astronomers as a field guide in locating Bible stories in God's heavens. Also published under the title "THE SCRIPTURE IN THE STARS."

The Gospel & the Zodiac

Book Description

“Darlison elucidates the zodiac’s significant place in the Gospels, most specifically in the Book of Mark . . . An intriguing leap into faith” (Kirkus Reviews). For millennia the world has been driven by the differences between the great patriarchal religions. Western civilization—or Christendom, as it was once called—received its values and its confidence from a belief in God, the Father, and Jesus, his only son. But what if this conviction were founded on an error? Who is the man in the factually inconsistent Gospel stories? And who is the man who makes a brief appearance carrying a jar of water? This extraordinary study by a Unitarian minister suggests that Jesus never existed historically; he was simply a representation of an astrological theology—a representation, simply put, of the zodiac sign of Aquarius. In The Gospel & the Zodiac, Rev. Bill Darlison demonstrates that all the other signs are present too, in perfect zodiacal order. The Gospel story is not the product of historians or eyewitnesses, but an older, mystical text produced by an ancient, esoteric school as a guide to the Age of Pisces. Every bit as revelatory and controversial as it sounds, The Gospel & the Zodiac will shake up the religious status quo, and in doing so, provide both a new look at a religious icon and a deeper understanding of the faith that binds millions together. “Darlison begins by looking at different scholarly approaches to the gospels, then outlines his astrological interpretation logically and lucidly, matching the zodiacal signs to the narrative of Mark.” —Fortean Times

Biblical Astrology: A Biblical Correlation to the Cosmic Stories

Book Description

In the present era of Jewish rejection of Jesus Christ, see how the stars themselves, in their ancient Paleo Hebrew names, declare him as their Jewish Messiah. See Christ as the fulfillment of: the Genesis 2:15 proto-evangelism (first gospel), the many Old Testament Coming Branch and Seed prophecies, the sacrificial Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the promised virgin born Messiah, and the Coming Seed of King David. Likewise, in the rise of Islamic and Muslim rejection of Jesus Christ’s Deity, see how the ancient Arabic names of the stars themselves, declare Jesus Christ as Immanuel to the pro-generations of Ishmael, Esau (Edomites), Lot (Moabites and Ammonites), Ham (Hamites, Egypt), etc. Furthermore, in the rise of Atheism and Evolutionism, you will see intelligence, order, relevance, and harmony in the astrological record. All of these premises make the stars a powerful gospel appeal to the Jewish, Arabic, and Atheistic communities in 2015. • Is there a Messianic Image of Jesus Christ in the Hebrew Names of the Stars? • Is there a Middle-East Connection to Jesus Christ in the Arabic Names of the Stars? • Is there Intelligent Design in the Stars? In this book, we are going to journey through the oldest stories within the human race. These stories concern God’s Son and his arch enemy, Satan. We are going to see Christ high and lifted up in the Heavenly Tabernacle. We will learn the doctrines of Christ’s Incarnation, Deity, Kingship, Sacrifice, Redemption, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Descension, Ascension, 1st and 2nd Advents, and his Millennial and Eternal Reigns. We will see Calvary as we never have before. We will see Christ as the Shepherd, the King, the Deliverer, the Judge, the Lamb, and the Victor over Sin and Satan. This book will help us better understand why Christ has all power, is deserving of all glory, and worthy of humanities all. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” (Ps. 19:1-6) For All Who Seek To Know!

Astronomy in the Old Testament

Book Description

Astronomy in the Old Testament

Book Description