The Archaeology of Syria

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This was the first book to present a comprehensive review of the archaeology of Syria from the end of the Paleolithic period to 300 BC. Syria has become a prime focus of field archaeology in the Middle East in the past thirty years, and Peter Akkermans and Glenn Schwartz discuss the results of this intensive fieldwork, integrating them with earlier research. Alongside the major material culture types of each period, they examine important contributions of Syrian archaeology to issues like the onset of agriculture, the emergence of private property and social inequality, the rise and collapse of urban life, and the archaeology of early empires. All competing interpretations are set out and considered, alongside the authors' own perspectives and conclusions.

The AUB-IFEAD Habur Village Project

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The purpose of this thesis is to present a pottery typology of the ceramic evidence gathered from excavations at Nustell in North-East Syria. Nustell, an ancient village site in the yabur basin was rescue excavated by a team from the Department of History and Archaeology at AUB led by Prof. Helga Seeden. The excavation was a direct response to an international appeal launched in 1985 by the Syrian Directorate General of Antiquities to explore and save ancient sites threatened by the waters of the upper and lower Habur dam projects. In accordance with this appeal, a joint team composed of the AUB and the Institut Frangais d'Etudes Arabes a Damas (IFEAD), put forth a detailed project for the investigation of the history, settlement patterns and material culture of the ancient sites of Nustell, Tell Zagan and Tell Hwes in the iHabur basin. The present thesis constitutes but one phase of this larger project, specifically the one concerned with forming a ceramic sequence from Nustell. The site was excavated during two seasons, 1988 and 89. The archaeological data provided by the stratigraphical record identifies occupation periods covering parts of the fourth and third millennia. The pottery studied here will attempt to substantiate this proposal as well as trace the major characteristics of the region's ceramic culture along Nustell's various periods of occupation. The establishment of Nustell's pottery typology is an essential step towards paving the way for a wide range of studies that involve: the chronological assessment of the site's architectural remains, the identification of its settlement history, and the creation of a wider understanding of major cultural periods present at the site and characterizing the area, such as the Uruk and the Ninevite 5 periods.

People, Land and Water in the Arab Middle East

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The result of twenty-five years of research with different tribal groups in the Arabian peninsula, this study focuses on ethnographic descriptions of Arab tribal societies in five regions of the peninsula, with comparative material from others. Having become aware of the depth in time of Arab tribal structures, the authors have developed a view of Arabic tribal discourse where 'tribe' is seen as essentially an identity that confers access to a social structure and its processes.


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Research Report

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The Archaeology of Upper Mesopotamia

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A bibliographical repertory of studies, surveys and excavation reports devoted to Upper Mesopotamia. Analytical indices (topics, themes, items, periods). A concise description of 192 archaeological excavations in Syria, Turkey & Iraq, with their bibliography, location & chronological sequence.


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Report for the Fiscal Years

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