The Auditory Setting

Book Description

The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or 'ambience'. Although this sonic backdrop acts as the acoustically mediated space where a story or event can take place, there has been little academic study of sound's undervalued role in cinematic setting and production. Drawing on theories of narrative, diegesis, mimesis and presence, and following a varied number of relevant audio-visual works, this book is a ground-breaking exploration of human agency in mediating environmental sounds and the nature of the sonic experience in the Anthropocene. Budhaditya Chattopadhyay is an award-winning media artist, researcher and writer, and holds a PhD in Artistic Research and Sound Studies from the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, Leiden University.

The Auditory Culture Reader

Book Description

The first edition of The Auditory Culture Reader offered an introduction to both classical and recent work on auditory culture, laying the foundations for new academic research in sound studies. Today, interest and research on sound thrives across disciplines such as music, anthropology, geography, sociology and cultural studies as well as within the new interdisciplinary sphere of sound studies itself. This second edition reflects on the changes to the field since the first edition and offers a vast amount of new content, a user-friendly organization which highlights key themes and concepts, and a methodologies section which addresses practical questions for students setting out on auditory explorations. All essays are accessible to non-experts and encompass scholarship from leading figures in the field, discussing issues relating to sound and listening from the broadest set of interdisciplinary perspectives. Inspiring students and researchers attentive to sound in their work, newly-commissioned and classical excerpts bring urban research and ethnography alive with sensory case studies that open up a world beyond the visual. This book is core reading for all courses that cover the role of sound in culture, within sound studies, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, history, media studies and urban geography.

Assessment and Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting

Book Description

This book takes a comprehensive look at the basic principles underlying central auditory processing disorders (CAPD) and the screening, assessment, and management of these disorders in school-age children. It focuses on the practical application of scientific theory in an easy to read, clinically applicable format. It also includes step-by-step assessment tips, normative data, methods of test interpretation, development and implementation of management plans, and integration of central auditory information. Learning and communication profiles are also included to provide a comprehensive picture of CAPD assessment and management.

Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science (2-volume set)

Book Description

With chapters from audiology professionals from around the world, Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science-presented in two volumes—provides an abundance of valuable information on the latest technological and procedural advances in this ever-improving field. Volume 1 primarily focuses on revised clinical protocols and provides information on new research to help guide decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment of hearing-related issues. Topics include new clinical applications such as auditory steady-state response, wideband acoustic immittance, otoacoustic emissions, frequency following response, noise exposure, genomics and hearing loss, and more. Volume 2 includes sections with material related to hearing devices, hearing in special populations, such as the children and the elderly, as well chapters on the fast-growing subfields of otoprotection and regeneration, including pharmacologic otoprotection, stem cells, and nanotechnology. Topics include early auditory development in children after cochlear implantation, music therapy, the effect of music on hearing health, and auditory enhancement.

The Auditory System and Human Sound-Localization Behavior

Book Description

The Auditory System and Human Sound-Localization Behavior provides a comprehensive account of the full action-perception cycle underlying spatial hearing. It highlights the interesting properties of the auditory system, such as its organization in azimuth and elevation coordinates. Readers will appreciate that sound localization is inherently a neuro-computational process (it needs to process on implicit and independent acoustic cues). The localization problem of which sound location gave rise to a particular sensory acoustic input cannot be uniquely solved, and therefore requires some clever strategies to cope with everyday situations. The reader is guided through the full interdisciplinary repertoire of the natural sciences: not only neurobiology, but also physics and mathematics, and current theories on sensorimotor integration (e.g. Bayesian approaches to deal with uncertain information) and neural encoding.

The Psychology of Clothing

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Psychological Monographs

Book Description

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Applied and Engineering Physics, Three-Volume Set

Book Description

This resource provides a single, concise reference containing terms and expressions used in the study, practice, and application of physical sciences. The reader will be able to identify quickly critical information about professional jargon, important people, and events. The encyclopedia gives self-contained definitions with essentials regarding the meaning of technical terms and their usage, as well as about important people within various fields of physics and engineering, with highlights of technical and practical aspects related to cross-functional integration. It will be indispensable for anyone working on applications in biomedicine, materials science, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, geology, astronomy, and energy. It also includes handy tables and chronological timelines organized by subject area and giving an overview on the historical development of ideas and discovery.

International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors - 3 Volume Set

Book Description

The first encyclopedia in the field, the International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors provides a comprehensive and authoritative compendium of current knowledge on ergonomics and human factors. It gives specific information on concepts and tools unique to ergonomics. About 500 entries, published in three volumes and on CD-ROM, are pre