Individual Tree Delineation and Species Identification in Deciduous and Mixed Canadian Forests Using High Spatial Resolution Airborne LiDAR and Image Data

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Analysis of individual trees in forests is of great value for the monitoring and sustainable management of forests. For the past decade, remote sensing has been a useful tool for individual tree analysis. However, accuracies of individual tree analysis remain insufficient because of the inadequate spatial resolution of most remote sensing data and unsophisticated methods. The improvement of individual tree analysis becomes feasible because of recent advances in LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and airborne image sensing technologies. However, it is challenging to fully exploit and utilize small-footprint LiDAR data and high spatial resolution imagery for detailed tree analysis. This dissertation presents a number of effective methods on individual tree crown delineation and species classification to improve individual tree analysis with advanced remote sensing data. The individual tree crown delineation is composed of a five-step framework, which is unique in its automated determination of dominant crown sizes in a given forest scene and its determination of the number of trees in a segment based on LiDAR profiles. This framework correctly delineated 74% and 72% of the tree crowns in two plots with mixed-wood and deciduous trees, respectively. The study on individual tree species classification is focused on developing novel LiDAR and image features to characterize tree structures. First of all, coniferous and deciduous trees are classified. Features are extracted from LiDAR data to characterize crown shapes and vertical profiles of individual trees, followed by the C4.5 decision tree classification algorithm. Furthermore, groups of new LiDAR features are developed to characterize the internal structures of a tree. Important features are selected via a genetic algorithm and utilized in the multi-species classification based on linear discriminant analysis. An overall accuracy of 77 .5% is obtained for an investigation on 1, 122 sample trees in natural forests. In addition, statistical features based on gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and structural texture-features derived from the local binary pattern (LBP) method are proved to be useful to improve the species classification using high spatial resolution aerial image. The research demonstrates that LiDAR data and high spatial resolution images can be used to effectively characterize tree structures and improve the accuracy and efficiency of individual tree species identification.

Automated Approaches for Extracting Individual Tree Level Forest Information Using High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Data

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Detailed forest information is increasingly desired not only for forest management purposes but also for maintaining and enhancing sustainable forest ecosystems. Although precise measurements of forests can be gathered by field measurements, they are labor intensive and time consuming especially when obtaining enough measurements over large and heterogeneous forest areas. Therefore we need automated and accurate methods which can supplement field measurements. High spatial resolution remotely sensed data can be applied for this objective because developing technologies keep increasing spatial resolution and make it possible to handle large amounts of remotely sensed digital data by powerful computers at reasonable prices. Although high spatial resolution remotely sensed data holds the potential to be a valuable source of information for forest characteristics, a number of challenges still exist in extracting the desired information from this data. Therefore, it is critical to develop and improve automated methods to extract forest information. In this dissertation, I develop and improve the automated methods of extracting individual tree level forest biophysical parameters using high spatial resolution remotely sensed data. While there are many new remote sensing technologies, such as digital aerial photographs, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), radar, and multispectral (or hyperspectral) data, I mainly focus on small footprint LiDAR and aerial images (by digital frame camera) in this study, because these sensors can provide very high spatial resolution data, which are necessary to extract individual tree level biophysical characteristics. This study consists of three parts, which are basic procedures to exploit high spatial remotely sensed data to extract individual tree level forest biophysical parameters. All three studies are conducted in a mixed-conifer forest at Angelo Coast Range Reserve on the South Fork of the Eel River in Mendocino County, California, USA. First, I develop a robust method to reconstruct Digital Terrain Model (DTM) by classifying raw LiDAR points into ground and non-ground points with the Progressive Terrain Fragmentation (PTF) method. PTF applies iterative steps for searching terrain points by approximating terrain surfaces using the TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) model constructed from the ground return points. Instead of using absolute slope or offset distance, the proposed method utilizes orthogonal distance to and relative angle between a triangular plane and a node. For that reason, PTF was able to classify raw LiDAR points into ground and non-ground points on a heterogeneous steep forested area with a small number of parameters. The results show the robust performance of the proposed method even under complex terrain conditions. Second, I develop an automated method to detect individual tree tops and delineate individual tree-crown boundaries using airborne LiDAR data. Because of heterogeneous site conditions, I divide the study site into two height classes (high and low trees). For high trees (>= 25 m), I detect tree tops by using a progressive window-size local maximum filter and I conduct an additional verification procedure to reduce false tree top detection by using the shape of canopy profiles between trees. Then, I delineate tree-crown boundaries by marker-controlled watershed segmentation. For low trees (

Detection of Tree Crowns in Very High Spatial Resolution Images

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The requirements for advanced knowledge on forest resources have led researchers to develop efficient methods to provide detailed information about trees. Since 1999, orbital remote sensing has been providing very high resolution (VHR) image data. The new generation of satellite allows individual tree crowns to be visually identifiable. The increase in spatial resolution has also had a profound effect in image processing techniques and has motivated the development of new object-based procedures to extract information. Tree crown detection has become a major area of research in image analysis considering the complex nature of trees in an uncontrolled environment. This chapter is subdivided into two parts. Part I offers an overview of the state of the art in computer detection of individual tree crowns in VHR images. Part II presents a new hybrid approach developed by the authors that integrates geometrical-optical modeling (GOM), marked point processes (MPP), and template matching (TM) to individually detect tree crowns in VHR images. The method is presented for two different applications: isolated tree detection in an urban environment and automatic tree counting in orchards with an average performance rate of 82% for tree detection and above 90% for tree counting in orchards.

Unsupervised Individual Tree Crown Detection in High-resolution Satellite Imagery

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Rapidly and accurately detecting individual tree crowns in satellite imagery is a critical need for monitoring and characterizing forest resources. We present a two-stage semiautomated approach for detecting individual tree crowns using high spatial resolution (0.6 m) satellite imagery. First, active contours are used to recognize tree canopy areas in a normalized difference vegetation index image. Given the image areas corresponding to tree canopies, we then identify individual tree crowns as local extrema points in the Laplacian of Gaussian scale-space pyramid. The approach simultaneously detects tree crown centers and estimates tree crown sizes, parameters critical to multiple ecosystem models. As a demonstration, we used a ground validated, 0.6 m resolution QuickBird image of a sparse forest site. The two-stage approach produced a tree count estimate with an accuracy of 78% for a naturally regenerating forest with irregularly spaced trees, a success rate equivalent to or better than existing approaches. In addition, our approach detects tree canopy areas and individual tree crowns in an unsupervised manner and helps identify overlapping crowns. Furthermore, the method also demonstrates significant potential for further improvement.

Automated Interpretation of High Spatial Resolution Digital Imagery for Forestry

Book Description

Presents papers from a forum on computer-assisted methods of forest interpretation and parameter extraction from high resolution digital imagery. Data sources of interest include airborne digital frame cameras, multi-spectral imagers, imaging spectrometers, digitized aerial photography, videography, and next-generation high resolution satellite imagery. The focus was on forestry requirements, current capabilities, and future activities. Papers are arranged under the following broad session topics: single tree isolation, regeneration & forest health, species classification, stand structure/crown closure & gaps, computer-assisted interpretation systems, and other applications.