Directory of Islamic Financial Institutions (RLE: Banking & Finance)

Book Description

When originally published this was the first reference book to address itself to Islamic banking and finance and it offers comprehensive information on all major institutions which have commercial or banking interests in this field. It includes analysis of the principles behind interest-free banking and indicates its relationship with financial institutions in both Islamic countries and Western ones. It also lists the laws governing interest-free banking in countries where it is extensively in operation and provides essential information for all international financial institutions. The Directory lists all banks and financial institutions by country, giving details of their specific role and areas of operation.

Mastering Unix Shell Scripting

Book Description

UNIX expert Randal K. Michael guides you through every detail of writing shell scripts to automate specific tasks. Each chapter begins with a typical, everyday UNIX challenge, then shows you how to take basic syntax and turn it into a shell scripting solution. Covering Bash, Bourne, and Korn shell scripting, this updated edition provides complete shell scripts plus detailed descriptions of each part. UNIX programmers and system administrators can tailor these to build tools that monitor for specific system events and situations, building solid UNIX shell scripting skills to solve real-world system administration problems.

Banking and Finance Collections

Book Description

A wide range of special librarians from banking, finance, and government provide descriptive accounts of their respective collections in this comprehensive volume. They provide an introduction to some of the major library and archival resources available to bankers, financiers, and investors, as well as offer access to the historian and scholar doing research in some aspect of business. The collections represented include the Federal Reserve System, the Joint Bank-Fund Library of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Standard & Poor’s, the Wells Fargo Corporation, the Lippincott Library of the Wharton School, and more.

2400 Business Books

Book Description