The Battle of the Landings - ANZAC - Evening, April 25th 1915

Book Description

Description: An annotated sketch of the scene in the evening of the initial landings at Anzac Cove on the western side of the Gallipoli peninsula, looking eastwards. Numerous ships are in the water near the coastline, with splashes in the water showing the effects of Turkish artillery fire.

The Battle of the Landings - ANZAC - Night, April 25th 1915

Book Description

Description: Crew members of HMS Manica stand on the deck of the ship trying to view developments on the shore at Anzac Cove on the western side of the Gallipoli peninsula. One man stands on metal stairs with his arm pointing to the land. Beyond them further ships are visible, with the coastline in the background.

The Battle of the Landings - ANZAC - 6.30pm Looking East, April 25th 1915

Book Description

Description: A heavily annotated sketch of the scene in the evening of the initial landings at Anzac Cove on the western side of the Gallipoli peninsula, looking eastwards. A few ships, including the Royal Navy warship HMS Bacchante, are visible in the water alongside the coastline. An aircraft is visible in the sky above.

The Landing at ANZAC 1915

Book Description

The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 challenges many of the cherished myths of the most celebrated battle in Australian and New Zealand history – myths that have endured for almost a century. Told from both the ANZAC and Turkish perspectives, this meticulously researched account questions several of the claims of Charles Bean’s magisterial and much-quoted Australian official history and presents a fresh examination of the evidence from a range of participants. The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 reaches a carefully argued conclusion in which Roberts draws together the threads of his analysis delivering some startling findings. But the author’s interest extends beyond the simple debunking of hallowed myths, and he produces a number of lessons from the armies of today. This is a book that pulls the Gallipoli campaign into the modern era and provides a compelling argument for its continuing relevance. In short, today’s armies must never forget the lessons of Gallipoli.

The Battle of Anzac Ridge

Book Description

This book arugues convincingly that a signficant victory was won by the Australians and New Zealanders on the first day of the Gallipoli Campaign. Its subject is not the Anzac Cove landings but the battle - later that day - between the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and III Ottoman Corps. That battle, rather than the landing, should be the focus of our attention when we remember 25 April 1915. Many of our cherished myths are challenged. In their place is a host of new insights about the Gallipoli plan, the intelligence gathered beforehand, the quality of the troops, the importance of the Ottoman artillery and the casualties suffered on both sides.

25 April 1915

Book Description

Reconstruction and analysis of the events leading to the Gallipoli landing. Discusses the experiences of the men involved as well as the the planning and operational aspects using previously unstudied documents, as well as private papers as sources. Includes references, additional sources and an index. The author is a writer and historian whose previous publications include a collection of the writings of C E W Bean and 'Haig's Command: A reassessment'.

The Landing in the Dawn

Book Description

The Gallipoli Landing of 25 April 1915 is arguably Australia's best known battle. It is commemorated each year with a national holiday, services, parades and great media attention. 2015, the centenary of the Gallipoli Campaign, was marked by great publicity and the release of many books, articles, films, documentaries and television series. Despite this attention, the Landing is still a poorly understood battle, with the historiography colored by a century of misinformation, assumption, folklore and legend. The Landing in the Dawn: Dissecting a Legend - The Landing at Anzac, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, re-examines and reconstructs the Anzac Landing by applying a new approach to an old topic - it uses the aggregate experience of a single, first-wave battalion over a single day, primarily through the investigation of veteran's letters and diaries, to create a body of evidence with which to construct a history of the battle. This approach might be expected to shed light on these men's experiences only, but their accounts surprisingly divulge sufficient detail to allow an unprecedented reconstruction and re-examination of the battle. Thus it effectively places much of the battlefield under a microscope. The use of veterans' accounts to re-tell the story of the Landing is not new. Anecdotes have for many years been layered over the known history, established in C.E.W. Bean, Official History of Australia in the War: The Story of ANZAC, Volume I, as the standard existing narrative. Here, detail extracted from an unprecedented range of primary and secondary sources, is used to reconstruct the history of the day, elevating participants' accounts from anecdote to eye-witness testimony. This shift in the way evidence is used to reinterpret the day, rather than simply painting it into the existing canvas, changes the way the battle is perceived. Even though more than 100 years have passed since the Landing, and well over 1,000 books have been written about the campaign, much can be learned by returning to the "primary source, the soldier." The Landing has not been previously studied at this level of detail. This work complements Bean's by providing new evidence and digging deeper than Bean had the opportunity to do. It potentially rewrites the history of the Landing. This is not an exclusive Australian story - for example, one third of the battalion examined were born in the British Isles. This volume, the most current and comprehensive study since Bean's, has been rightly described as a major contribution that will change the way the legendary amphibious operation is viewed.


Book Description

36 Days

Book Description

When Australian troops stormed ashore in the pre-dawn darkness of April 25th 1915, it was the culmination of one of the most complex and daunting operations in the history of warfare - the seaborne assault of a heavily fortified shore, defended by a well-prepared and forewarned enemy. The risks were enormous, and the death toll on the beach at Anzac Cove could have been murderous - as it was with the British landings further south. Yet the Anzacs had been allowed to organise their own assault, and their ingenuity, intelligence gathering and willingness to do the unorthodox allowed them to seize a foothold and fulfil the task they had been set by their commanders. All too often the scale of that task and the successful way the Anzacs approached it have been overshadowed by events later in the campaign. Hugh Dolan, a senior intelligence officer in the Australian military, has minutely re-examined the assault itself, giving us a day-by-day account of the build up to the landing that shows a very different side to the Gallipoli story. Using a host of previously unpublished material and research, he has produced a riveting work of narrative history that sheds a fresh light on the original Anzacs.

The Ottoman Defence Against the ANZAC Landing - 25 April 1915

Book Description

The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 represents a defining moment, not only for Australia and New Zealand, but also for Turkey. However a detailed account of the landing from the Turkish perspective has yet to be published in English despite the 100 years that has elapsed since the first ANZACs scrambled ashore. Descriptions of the Ottoman forces such as the composition of units, the men who commanded them, their weapons, capabilities and reactions to the ANZAC invasion have generally remained undocumented or described in piecemeal fashion based on secondary sources. The lack of a Turkish perspective has made it almost impossible to construct a balanced account of the events of that fateful April day. The Ottoman Defence against the Anzac Landing: 25 April 1915 seeks to redress this imbalance, portraying the Ottoman experience based on previously unpublished Ottoman and Turkish sources. This meticulously researched volume describes the Ottoman Army in fascinating detail from its order of battle, unit structure and composition, training and doctrine to the weapons used against the ANZACs. Using Ottoman military documents, regimental war diaries, personal accounts and memoirs, author Mesut Uyar describes the unfolding campaign, unravelling its complexity and resolving many of the questions that have dogged accounts for a century. This valuable chronicle will enhance readers’ understanding of the Ottoman war machine, its strengths and weaknesses and why it proved so successful in containing the Allied invasion. Detailed maps and photographs published for the first time add clarity and portray many of the men the ANZACs referred to with grudging respect as ‘Johnny Turk’.