The Belgravia Sanction

Book Description

In a remote Scottish cottage, two men and two women die from gunshot wounds. Police believe one killed the other three before committing suicide. One of the four worked undercover for the Lambeth Group, and his team leader is missing. To find out what happened, a second team will follow the bread crumbs. Led by Zoe Tampsin, they expose a terrorist group operating in plain sight. An attack is imminent. It will destroy the special relationship between the UK and the USA. Zoe and her team prepare to stop them. Unaware of a deep-seated traitor, determined to stop her at any cost.

The Hunt for Enigma's Mother

Book Description

In North Carolina, a home invasion goes horribly wrong, and triggers a series of disastrous knock-on events, beginning with the abduction of a five-year-old girl. Six years later, one of the kidnappers is identified on a routine facial recognition scan at Glasgow Central train station. Relevant authorities are notified, and they race to be the first to capture the fugitive. Zoe Tampsin’s Lambeth Group prepare to make an arrest. Unaware of ruthless forces competing to prevent exposure of a criminal cold case capable of destroying the alliance between Europe and the USA. The stakes are high. The consequences are unthinkable. The options are vanishing.

Die Every Day

Book Description

A woman is murdered in a Glasgow city hotel room. Police have everything they need to charge a suspect. Caught at the scene, he confessed, and he’s filled with guilt and remorse. With undeniable evidence; the police expect him to plead guilty. Rumours suggest the man will plead not guilty, and tell his story. If he faces trial, the truth will cause international outrage, and the government will fall. Faceless mandarins in corridors of power are determined he will remain silent. Lambeth Group agent, Zoe Tampsin, is ordered to make him plead guilty. What she discovers will crush her soul, and place her next in line to be murdered. Who is pulling the strings? What secrets are they hiding?

Deadly Secrets

Book Description

Gavin’s life will be turned upside down when he joins a company to work on a product designed to revolutionise the food industry. His initial gut instinct is to walk away, then he discovers one of the company directors is the former love of his teenage life. The financial implications are global and incredible. Powerful individuals and countries are prepared to kill as they compete to seize control of the company. Corruption at high levels, a deadly flaw in the product, and the stakes jump higher and higher. Against overwhelming odds, Gavin must rescue his former love from the hands of an evil cult as they prepare her for a living nightmare.

Toxic Minds

Book Description

Alexa Sommer had it all - stellar career, beautiful home, successful children, and a devoted husband. Then came meltdown and divorce. Her children's love turned to hate. She is forced out of the job she loved. Desperately, she tries to rebuild her life around a new job, but her work is controversial. Her enemies want her work stopped, and a few of them prepare to take their protest to the ultimate level. A handful of Alexa's new colleagues have a compelling reason to want her sacked. Only one colleague can help her. Gavin Shawlens has nothing to lose - his train has already crashed, and his career is finished. He is all Alexa has on her side as a perfect storm of dreadful nightmares bear down on her. 'Come on Alexa, don't give in - fight back.'

Tabula Rasa

Book Description

A hundred years ago, a wealthy family of visionaries prophesied the devastation that global warming would bring to world food supplies in the 21st century. They decided to prepare for the worst, and embark on an ambitious plan of revolution. Lambeth Group agents, Zoe Tampsin and Gavin Shawlens, prepare to investigate the unusual death of a government defence scientist. Someone is determined to stop their investigation before they get started. Zoe uncovers two unfamiliar words, Tabula Rasa. Posing as a couple, Gavin and Zoe enter the secret and dangerous world of philanthropist billionaire, Lord Zacchary Silsden. What Gavin uncovers, shocks him to the bottom of his soul. What Zoe discovers about Gavin—words can’t describe. Zoe is faced with an impossible choice, but one thing is certain, she will not hesitate to do her duty, no matter the cost.

Extreme Prejudice

Book Description

A foreign embassy official warns the UK government of a bomb attack on London. Zoe Tampsin’s Lambeth Group team is launched into a race against time to find the terrorists. As Zoe unpicks the details, she suspects the informant didn’t tell her the whole story. With time running out, her team chase a promising lead only to have it wrenched from their grasp. Either the bombers were incredibly lucky, or they received a tip-off. One of her team infiltrates the bombers. She discovers the attack has started, and her colleague Gavin Shawlens is missing, presumed killed by the terrorists. While searching for Gavin, a massive disaster unfolds. Can Zoe stop colossal loss of life in a small community and prevent the collapse of a key pillar of society?

Tears of Fire

Book Description

Two serial killers have been getting away with murder for years. For them, it’s a well-paid hobby while they bide their time. It’s about to stop when everything slots into place for them to leap to the next level. Payback for the people who made them orphans. Lambeth Group investigator, Gavin Shawlens, has started on their trail. But all is not as it seems, and he is pushed way out of his depth when the killers turn on his family. Gavin’s Lambeth Group partner, Zoe Tampsin, is cut off from him, and fighting her own battle to stay alive. They need to connect, but Zoe will face an impossible choice. Stop the killers before they pull off the most audacious murder that will shock the world, and change it forever. Or, rescue Gavin’s family from the jaws of evil.

Everything to Lose

Book Description

A research team claim their new product will boost the performance of every athlete in the world. The claims cause alarm, and the Lambeth Group send Gavin Shawlens to investigate. The product is stolen, top athletes disappear, and the research team are unaware that their product arose from the ashes of evil Second World War research. Gavin must stop the product launch before more people die horribly. When Gavin disappears, Zoe Tampsin, his associate from the Lambeth Group, must find him before he becomes the next victim to die. As if Zoe doesn’t have enough on her plate. Past events in Gavin’s life catch up with him. A powerful US general has decided that Gavin Shawlens must die to prevent exposure of a 60-year-old secret capable of world-changing and power-shifting events.

The Black Fox

Book Description

Zoe Tampsin is resourceful, smart, and special forces-trained, but she has an impossible mission. She must protect scientist, Gavin Shawlens, from assassination by the CIA, and discover a secret trapped in Gavin’s mind that the CIA want destroyed. As the pressure to find Shawlens escalates, the CIA send Zoe’s former mentor to track her down, and her fate seems sealed when he surrounds Zoe and Gavin with a ring of steel. With each hour that passes, the ring is tightened, and the window for discovering Gavin’s secret will shut. Zoe is faced with a decision that goes against all her survival instincts. If she’s wrong, they die. If she’s right, she will discover the secret, and become the next target for assassination.