The Believer’S Journey

Book Description

Winding through the uncertainties of life and weaving in among the weaknesses that plague you daily is a shining path. Your first step on this path is your first step away from the things you hate most about yourself, and your first step into the divine transformation your heart has been longing for. The Believers Journey sets forth profound and revelatory truths that can teach you how to have your own walk with God instead of having to walk with Him vicariously through others. Part I: Grasp what it means to be born again. Unlock essential truths about the identity of every believer in Christ. Part II: Witness the journey of the Apostle Paul, who took these truths the distance. Explore the great apostles map into the heart of God. Part III: Detect how to partner with the Holy Spirit to grow a deep and unlimited relationship with God. By the time you are finished reading, reflecting, and incorporating these truths, your depth in the Spirit may never be the same. Let The Believers Journey: Gods Path of Transformation steer you along this sacred path.

Among the Believers

Book Description

The Nobel Prize-winning author gives us – on the basis of his own intensive seventeen month journey across the Asian continent – an unprecedented revelation of the Islamic world. • “A brilliant report…. A book of scathing inquiry and judgment, whose tragic power is being continually reinforced by current events” (Newsweek). With all the narrative power and intellectual authority that have distinguished his earlier books and won him international acclaim (“There can hardly be a writer alive who surpasses him” – Irving Howe, The New York Times Book Review), Naipaul explores the life, the culture, the ferment inside the nations of Islam – in a book that combines the fascinations of the great works of travel literature with the insights of a uniquely sharp, original, and idiosyncratic political mind. He takes us into four countries in the throes of “Islamization” – countries that, in their ardor to build new societies based entirely on the fundamental laws of Islam, have violently rejected the “materialism” of the technologically advanced nations that have long supported them. He brings us close to the people of Islam – how they live and work, the role of faith in their lives, how they see their place in the modern world.

A Believer's Journey

Book Description

A Believer's Journey is a series of journeys that any believer in Christ Jesus might experience. Every event is true. Every event has been led by God to share with those who have had supernatural experiences. Every day, each of us who has chosen to live a life of Christ experience visions, dreams, and spiritual events led by the Holy Spirit. Angels protect us and keep us safe even when an event may happen that we have no knowledge of. A Believer's Journey is just one in a series of phenomena led by God to share as encouragement to trust Him and believe His word. Through the Word of God, we are made whole. As a believer, we have power through Jesus Christ. May each experience bless you, the reader, to stay in faith and grow in power through Jesus Christ.


Book Description

Begin is a journey through the Scriptures designed to help someone simply understand the structure and context of the Bible. Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge compiled this critical resource which brings to light often difficult concepts through easy-to-understand commentary. Readers will enjoy a quick and concise presentation of the following core concepts with a brief summary of events and history in-between Genesis 1- 11 (The Foundation), Exodus 20:1-17 (The 10 Commandments), John (The Gospel), Romans (An Epistle from Paul to the Christians), and Revelation 21-22 (The Fulfillment in Heaven). New believers, seekers, and even skeptics can use Begin as a first step to building a consistent study of God’s Word. It is not intended to replace the Bible but to serve as a supplemental resource. Pastors and teachers will find this book helpful when leading congregants and students into a greater understanding and focus on the infallible message of God.

From Here to There

Book Description

When you look in the mirror, what do you see: a person who truly believes he/she is on the right path, or one struggling daily to find a sense of identity? More importantly, how do you see God as you seek the purpose for your life: as your back pocket Lord, or as your personal guide? For some, they may feel they are on the right path but have drifted away from discerning and understanding God’s will for them. This inspired pastor and author Dennis Lee to establish a meaningful resource for readers wanting to grow in their relationship with God, in his new Christian discipleship book; From Here to There: A Journey to Spiritual Transformation, part of his Spiritual Formation series. As an “A through Z roadmap on discipleship,” Dennis offers readers a biblically-sound guide to familiarize readers to biblical principles of what it’s like to be a follower of Jesus Christ, being found in His likeness. Each chapter clarifies this developing relationship with God, established when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord, and furthered through changing how you approach living this life in Christ. Pastor Lee takes the reader along this narrow road described by Jesus, looking at a Christian’s true identity when pursuing God’s presence and becoming aligned with His will. To make sure his readers’ stay upon this path, Lee looks at Satan’s potholes that damages a person’s spiritual transformation, as well as God’s speed bumps to help believers slow down and not miss God’s promises for their lives. It’s a journey to the ultimate destination of Heaven with God, and this guide will help you make the necessary changes and take the required steps to stay upon God’s path.

Beginning the Journey

Book Description

The Journey

Book Description

PrefaceThe Journey is a Christian perspective on life's journey from earth to glory. In The Journey, Reverend Brenner describes the Christian life in three aspects--past, present, and future or beginning, continuing, and finishing the journey of faith.He shows that the Christian life is analogous to the history of Israel in the Old Testament. Broadly speaking, Israel's history could be summed up in three stages--deliverance from Egypt, the wilderness sojourn, and possessing Canaan, the promised land.The author shows how the Christian's life similarly may be viewed in three stages--redemption from sin's bondage, living for Christ in a sinful world, and reaching our goal, which is heaven, the hope of all believers.His main emphasis is on the second stage, appropriately entitled the pilgrimage, which is obviously the present time of our journey--of living our Christian life now in this present evil world.Reflecting again on Israel's history, he shows how happy they were to escape Egypt but how discouraged and defeated they became during their wilderness journey because of hardships and trials and failed to reach their goal.So the author reminds readers who are on this journey of faith that it's not how you start but how you finish--and finish depending on what you do and how you do after your start and going forward. "So run, that ye may obtain," as 1 Corinthians 9:27 says.So many other words of admonition are given to remind the Christian that he must remain dedicated and determined throughout his journey to reach the goal. Again, listen to the apostle Paul in Philippians 3:12-14: "I follow after; this one thing I do, reaching forth, I press toward the mark for the prize." He is focused.Making the journey is a collaborative effort between the believers and God, our faith and his faithfulness.The author's aim for this book is to encourage you as you continue on in your journey toward heaven.

Bridges on the Journey

Book Description

Bridges on the Journey introduces you to your life in Christ. You'll form habits and attitudes that can create intimacy with God and spiritual growth. Get started on the right path and establish a lifetime relationship with Jesus as you learn the practice of spiritual disciplines. This is the first book in A Woman's Journey of Discipleship series. A Woman's Journey of Discipleship is more than a Bible study series; it is a process through which women learn how to walk daily with the Lord and pass on to others that same discipling vision Jesus gave His disciples. Other titles in the series include book 2, Crossroads on the Journey, and book 3, Friends on the Journey.

A Believer's Journey

Book Description

The Disciple-Making Church

Book Description

Scripture places high priority on the disciplemaking capacity of the church, This book shows how to accomplish it. Foreword by Howard Ball.