The Bible of Aryan Invasions

Book Description

This book was published by Sudrastan Books, Jabalpur, 1999 and has since been banned in 2006 by the Government of India. It has disappeared from the internet. This is an attempt to make this excellent study available to the impartial scholars.

Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate

Book Description

This book on the developing arguments concerning the Aryan Invasion Theory consists of adapted versions of papers the author has read:the first at the World Association of Vedic Studies (WAVES)conference on the Indus-Saraswati civilization in Atlanta 1996,the third at the 1996 Annual South Asia conference in Madison,Wisconsin and in a lecture at the Linguistics Department in Madison;the fifth contains material used in author?s paper read at the second WAVES conference in Los Angeles 1998;the second and fourth were read at lectures for the Belgo-Indian Association,Brussels,and at the Etnografisch Museum,Antewerp.

Aryan Invasion of India

Book Description


The Aryan Invasion Theory

Book Description

This works examines critically the evidence presented by the invasionist scholars, and points out its contradictions as well as its acrobatics.Author presents positive evidence in support of his own thesis that India is the original homeland of the Aryans.His most original contribution is the evidence he has marshalled from the Puraas which alone provide the proper perspective for interpreting correctly the

The Bible

Book Description

1972 Foreword by Conor MacDari, Jr. Contents: a Survey; the Creation; the Creation of Adam & Eve & the Garden of Eden; the Children of Adam & Eve; the Genealogy of the Children of Cain; the Genealogy of the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah; the Ancie.

The Indo-Aryan Controversy

Book Description

The articles in this survey of the Indo-Aryan controversy address questions such as: are the Indo-Aryans insiders or outsiders?

The Development of Aryan Invasion Theory in India

Book Description

This book delves deep into the Social Construction of Theory, comparative epistemology and intellectual history to stress the interrelationship between diverse cultures during the colonial period and bring forth convincing evidence of how the 19th century was shaped. It approaches an interesting relation between the linguistic studies of 19th century’s scientific world and subsequent widespread acceptance of the empirically weak theory of the Aryan invasion. To show entangled history in a globalized world, the book draws on the Aryan Invasion Theory to highlight how different socio-religious parties commonly shape a new theory. It also explores how research is affected by the so-called social construction of theory and comparative epistemology, and deals with scholarly advancement and its relation with contemporary socio-political demands. The most significant conclusion of the book is that academic studies are prone to comparative epistemology, even under the strict scrutiny of the so-called scientific methods.

Aryan Invasion Myth

Book Description

Theory to establish that the political situation and terrorism in post-1947 India is attributed to Aryan invasion and prevailing caste system.

Aryan Bible

Book Description

Join the world wide movement to rediscover the ancient Pagan religion of strength, courage, self reliance, and honor. Aryanism is the belief that we descended from an mythological ancient race of white people with blue eyes. They were all beautiful, lived to be a thousand years and had amazing mental abilities of telepathy and telekenesis. We lost these amazing abilities by inter-breeding with heathen races. Aryanism will regain these abilities through careful selective breeding. Aryans are masters of genetics. We are the only race to create thousands of domesticated breeds of dogs, cats, cattle, horses, swine, fowl, and plants to include food crops, trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses. We will become a super intelligent interstellar people within 200 years.