The Bible Speaks Today Series - New Testament Set

Book Description

This complete series of New Testament commentaries edited by John Stott is characterized by a threefold ideal: to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate biblical teaching to contemporary life and to be readable. Perfect for Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, seminary and college students and individual Bible readers.

The Message of James

Book Description

The apostle James addressed his readers directly and pointedly, using vivid images from ordinary life and attention-gripping statements. In this revised BST volume, J. Alec Motyer's rich exposition brings James's letter to life for today's readers, drawing out memorable themes such as the link between enduring trials and maturity, the implications of careless and evil words, the need for purity, and more.

The Message of Kings

Book Description

In this Bible speaks Today volume, John Olley shows how the two books of Kings retell the past as preached history, addressing the exilic situation of the original readers. Within this account of short-term success but ultimate failure, there are pointers of hope, of God's continuing purposes and promises. In rich and often surprising ways, the narrative in Kings is part of the history that has shaped, and will continue to shape, the faith and life of Christian believers.

The Message of Daniel

Book Description

From former pastor and professor Dale Ralph Davis, this replacement volume in the Bible Speaks Today Old Testament commentary series offers a reliable exposition of the visionary book of Daniel for pastors and lay commentary readers. Explaining the background to Daniel, he sifts through interpretive issues and then offers a faithful exposition of the book's message.

The Message of Mark

Book Description

In this BST volume, Donald English offers a wise, welcoming, and nontechnical guide to Mark, the smallest of the four Gospels. Along with exposition of each section of the text, English draws out principles and applications about the nature of true faith, the cost of discipleship, and how we should receive God's Word today.

The Bible Speaks Today Series - Old Testament Set

Book Description

This growing series of Old Testament commentaries edited by J. A. Motyer is characterized by a threefold ideal: to expound the biblical text with accuracy, to relate biblical teaching to contemporary life and to be readable. Perfect for Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, seminary and college students and individual Bible readers.

The Message of Ephesians

Book Description

A new and better society has been the constant dream of men and women. Responding to this dream, John Stott has been attracted back again and again by Paul's letter to the young church at Ephesus. It portrays a new society of Christ's making that stands out in bright relief against our colourless world of oppression, heartache, separation and division. Paul's letter, with its exultant vision of a renewed human community, has, says John Stott, 'stirred me deeply'. John Stott expounds Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ by uniting his church and breaking down all that separates us from God, one ethnic group from another, husband from wife, parent from child, master from slave. Paul's insights are for all who want to build the church into the new society God has planned it to be.

The Message of Judges

Book Description

The book of Judges reveals the deepest sins of humanity in the light of God's abundant grace. Behind leaders such as Deborah, Jephthah, and Samson stands the principal actor in this drama: God as Judge. In this BST commentary, Michael Wilcock illuminates the meaning that Judges still holds for us today, exploring the message that God never abandons his people—then or now.

The Message of the Song of Songs

Book Description

In unrivalled poetic language, the Song of Songs explores the whole range of emotions experienced by its two lovers as they work out their commitment to each other, consummated in marriage. The Song's powerful and unabashed affirmation of love, loyalty and earthy sexuality is urgently relevant today, when commercialised eroticism is in, and permanency in relationships is out. Tom Gledhill argues that beauty, intimacy and sexual consummation are to be celebrated, but not as ends in themselves. Rather, the point to another world, another dimension, only occasionally and dimly perceived. God has chose the love of a man and a woman as an image of his own love of his people.

The Message of Acts

Book Description

The Spirit moves the church into the world. What can the book of Acts tell us about how the church should operate today? John Stott describes the Spirit-motivated, world-changing mission of the early church and applies its experiences to the modern issues that churches face every day.