The Biology of Paramecium

Book Description

This completely revised, updated, and expanded edition has been neces sitated by the many important newer discoveries that have been made since the publication of the first edition. That volume contained almost 2000 references from the 1600s to 1953. Since then and after an extensive search, I have accumulated some 3800 additional titles from the world's literature on Paramecium. After certain titles that largely represented abstracts and preliminary reports that were followed by full research papers were eliminated, approximately 4400 full titles from the 1600s to the present were selected for inclusion in this edition. Most of the titles in the Bibliography are the more recent ones beginning with 1953. I consider the Bibliography an important part of the book: A good title of a paper in a journal is a minature abstract of its contents. Thus, the reader who may be interested in obtaining additional information not found in the book may refer directly to the original source. A cursory examination of the Bibliography will reveal that parame cium research has extended into all branches of biology, including bio chemistry and biophysics. Like other areas of science, paramecium research has become highly specialized and fragmented. I have attempted to organize and present the basic information in one book. Because of space limitations, some items may have been dealt with briefly. It is in such instances that the Bibliography will be found to be invaluable.


Book Description

Why a Book on Paramecium? Biologists usually concentrate their efforts on a single problem and a single organism. There is a difficulty with this practice, however, for as work on a problem proceeds it often becomes more ad vantageous to study the problem in another organism. Some biologists avoid the difficulty by moving from one organism to the other as the problem de mands. However, this tactic also has a disadvantage, for a thorough knowledge of the life cycle and thorough mastery of ways to handle a given organism in the laboratory are obviously of great importance to the researcher, and one can never know several organisms as well as one can know a single one. Another way of doing research is to pick the organism, learn all one can about it from all points of view, and then assess the significance of the findings. Tracy Sonneborn practiced research in very much this way. He would have found virtually every chapter in this volume about Paramecium a fascinating summary of one of his areas of research. Indeed, the beginnings of most of the topics in this book are founded on his studies. With every new fact he learned about Paramecium, he carefully assessed the significance of his findings, not on ly for research on protozoa, but for biology in general. His work, and in a way this book too, are indicative of the success of his strategy.


Book Description

The techniques used to decipher the genetic makeup of species as well as epigenetic mechanisms are essential for explaining life forms and studying their DNA. As a eukaryotic model, Paramecium is well suited for genetic analysis. Taking a rather unconventional view of genetics, Paramecium: Genetics and Epigenetics explores how to use this protozoan as a basis for studying complex cells. The book discusses various aspects of Paramecium, including the cortex, the cytoplasm, nuclei, asexual fission, conjugation, autogamy,macronuclear regeneration, cytogamy, life cycle phases, and behavior. It examines the assorted mating types of the genus and how these mating types are determined. It also elucidates some techniques that identify genetically defined genes with the DNA from a library that comprises those genes and details the genetic, epigenetic, chemical, and molecular facets of several different traits. In addition, the authors chronicle the history and reemergence of investigating RNA and DNA in Paramecium. With many powerful tools now available, Paramecium research is entering a new frontier in molecular biology. A full account of Paramecium genetics, this book presents a wealth of time-consuming observations and remarkable phenomena that will lead to a better understanding of complex cells.

Evo-Devo: Non-model Species in Cell and Developmental Biology

Book Description

Evolutionary developmental biology or evo-devo is a field of biological research that compares the underlying mechanisms of developmental processes in different organisms to infer the ancestral condition of these processes and elucidate how they have evolved. It addresses questions about the developmental bases of evolutionary changes and evolution of developmental processes. The book’s content is divided into three parts, the first of which discusses the theoretical background of evo-devo. The second part highlights new and emerging model organisms in the evo-devo field, while the third and last part explores the evo-devo approach in a broad comparative context. To the best of our knowledge, no other book combines these three evo-devo aspects: theoretical considerations, a comprehensive list of emerging model species, and comparative analyses of developmental processes. Given its scope, the book will offer readers a new perspective on the natural diversity of processes at work in cells and during the development of various animal groups, and expand the horizons of seasoned and young researchers alike.

The Molecular Biology of Ciliated Protozoa

Book Description

The Molecular Biology of Ciliated Protozoa covers topics that are unique to ciliates, including major molecular progress, genetics, life history, and development of ciliates. Organized into 11 chapters, it focuses on the importance of ciliated protozoa as experimental organisms. The introductory chapter traces the ups and downs of ciliate biology, emphasizing the prominent role of the ciliates in early studies of cell structure, reproduction, and heredity. The book goes on to discuss ciliate genetics and conjugation, providing the basic biological framework for molecular studies of ciliate. Ch ...

Endosymbionts in Paramecium

Book Description

Endosymbiosis is a primary force in eukaryotic cell evolution. In order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in this mutualistic relationship, experiments to reproduce endosymbiosis are indispensable. The ciliate "Paramecium" is an ideal host for performing such studies. Topics presented in this volume are: the origins of algal and bacterial symbionts in "Paramecium", the diversity of endosymbiotic bacteria, such as "Holospora" bacteria and especially "Chlorella" species, as well as the infection and maintenance processes. The metabolic control, the regulation of circadian rhythms and photobiological aspects of the mutualistic association, as well as the killer effect of "Paramecium" and its causative agents are further points discussed.

A New Ecology

Book Description

A New Ecology presents an ecosystem theory based on the following ecosystem properties: physical openness, ontic openness, directionality, connectivity, a complex dynamic for growth and development, and a complex dynamic response to disturbances. Each of these properties is developed in detail to show that these basic and characteristic properties can be applied to explain a wide spectrum of ecological obsevations and convections. It is also shown that the properties have application for environmental management and for assessment of ecosystem health.* Demonstrates an ecosystem theory that can be applied to explain ecological observations and rules* Presents an ecosystem theory based upon a systems approach* Discusses an ecosystem theory that is based on a few basic properties that are characteristic for ecosystmes

The Biology of Reproduction

Book Description

A look into the phenomena of sex and reproduction in all organisms, taking an innovative, unified and comprehensive approach.

The Ciliated Protozoa

Book Description

distances between groups of ciliates were as vast as significant hurdles to obtain copyright permissions the genetic distances between plants and animals for the over 1,000 required illustrations, and I put – THE major eukaryotic kingdoms at that time! the publication schedule ahead of this element. I continued to collaborate with Mitch, and in There are a number of significant illustrated guides 1991 my first “molecular” Magisterial student, to genera and species that have recently been pub- Spencer Greenwood, published an article estab- lished. References are made to these throughout lishing 1990 or thereabouts as the beginning of the book as sources that readers can consult for this the “Age of Refinement” – the period when gene aspect of ciliate diversity. A future project that I am sequencing techniques would deepen our under- contemplating is an illustrated guide to all the valid standing of the major lines of evolution within ciliate genera.

Building the Most Complex Structure on Earth

Book Description

Building the Most Complex Structure on Earth provides readers with a basic biological education an easy and understandable introduction into a new epigenetic theory of development and evolution. This is a novel theory that describes the epigenetic mechanisms of the development and evolution of animals and explains the colossal evolution and diversification of animals from a new post-genetic perspective. Modern biology has demonstrated the existence of a common genetic toolkit in the animal kingdom, but neither the number of genes nor the evolution of new genes is responsible for the development and evolution of animals. The failure to understand how the same genetic toolkit is used to produce millions of widely different animal forms remains a perplexing conundrum in modern biology. The novel theory shows that the development and evolution of the animal kingdom are functions of epigenetic mechanisms, which are the competent users of the genetic toolkit. - Provides a comprehensive view of the epigenetic aspects of reproduction, development, and evolution. - Highly rigorous, but simple enough for readers with only a basic knowledge of biology.