The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Literary Quotations

Book Description

If you're Wilde about Shaw but not Shaw about Wilde, this classic collection of humorous literary quotations is the book for you. Within its pages you will find hundreds of hand-picked quotes in dozens of handy categories. All the big names are here, from Henry James to Clive James (no relation); from Waugh, Evelyn to War, Poets; from Dickens to Dictionaries and Twain to Twitter. Delve here and discover T. S. Eliot's advice on becoming a great writer (it's a bit anal). Find out what the critics said about Virginia Woolf and what Virginia Woolf said about the critics. And check out what it was about Jane Austen that got Mark Twain so hot under the choler! When dirt is dished, fat is chewed, sides are split and chins are wagged, the result, dear reader, is this richly entertaining book.

The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Business Quotations

Book Description

This priceless collection of funny, irreverent, edifying, unedifying and piquant observations is jam-packed with hundreds of examples of business wit, wisdom and wisecracks. Used as directed, they're guaranteed to leave your rivals and colleagues green-eyed, grudging and positively seething with admiration - while being simultaneously entertained. This book is perfect for you if what you crave is a reputation for wittily phrased wisdom - or simply for stealing other people's jokes. Industry experts agree it would be a classic business blunder not to buy this book. Take our word for it, this collection really does do the business!

The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Political Quotations

Book Description

"Politics is no laughing matter - unless you've got Fred Metcalf's Dictionary of Humorous Political Quotations. From the wit that made Boris a contender to the best of George W. Bush, this book will have you in stitches. Bankers to bin Laden, bumper stickers to Biden, and even a few topics that don't begin with B, Metcalf has them all covered. Churchill's gravitas meets Jon Stewart's modern parody - if you have a political (or a funny) bone in your body, you need this book. I loved it!" Louise Mensch. With this brilliant anthology of mieux mots used in the theatre of politics over the centuries, Fred Metcalf has conjured an indispensable tool for both the seasoned public speaker and the armchair quotation-collector alike. Combining politics with a liberal dose of sex, drugs and Frank Zappa, Metcalf has produced a hearty panoply of memorable political rhetoric to cover any occasion - a remedy for those improvising amid impassioned response as well as those polishing their argument with the choicest of truisms.

The Dictionary of Conservative Quotations

Book Description

You'll need this thoughtful and entertaining assembly of conservative quotations if you're at all keen on politics. With more than 2,000 key quotes, this authoritative collection contains all the best conservatives and their sayings, whether they were standing up for what's right or standing up to the left, showing off their wit or showing that their foes were witless. It's got all the big names: everyone from Aquinas to Bagehot, Churchill to Cameron, Shakespeare to Thatcher. In The Dictionary of Conservative Quotations you'll find humour (Quayle) and inspiration (Burke), political punches (Hague) and ancient wisdom (Aristotle), all wrapped up into one slick, easy-to-use compendium. This book makes a vital reference source for anyone who cares for politics or the Conservatives and is a must-have for everyone with an interest in conservative thought.

The Dictionary of Liberal Quotations

Book Description

If you're a liberal or a democrat, and especially if you're a Liberal Democrat, this masterful and considered collection of thought-provoking quotations should belong to you. All the great Liberals are packed into this slick reference guide, from Gladstone to Ashdown, Kennedy (John F.) to Kennedy (Charles). Whether you're looking for John Stuart Mill or John Maynard Keynes, you'll be able to find every good quote there is on Liberals and Liberalism. Writers, thinkers, journalists, philosophers and even the politicians themselves contribute with nearly 2,000 utterances, musings, provocations, jibes and diatribes featured in The Dictionary of Liberal Quotations, making this guide a musthave for anyone interested in Liberals and Liberal thought.

The Dictionary of Labour Quotations

Book Description

Anyone who has an interest in Labour or the left needs a copy of this brilliant compendium of left-leaning quotations. The collection features all the best quotes from all the great thinkers, whether they were reactionary or revolutionary, campaigning or policy-making, thinking aloud or writing it all down. The likes of Marx, Miliband, Attlee and Aristotle stand side by side in this neat reference guide, where you'll find the best of Brown, Blair and Balls along with all that Rousseau, Robespierre and Russell had to say. The Dictionary of Labour Quotations brings together insights, remarks, retorts, wit and wisdom, making it essential reading for everyone with a passion for the Labour Party, socialism or the left side of politics.

Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Sporting Quotations

Book Description

Playing sport, watching it and commentating on it have all provoked endless mirth and some unforgettable rhetorical flourishes, the best and most enduring of which can be found here in the sparkling Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Sporting Quotations. Fred Metcalf has collected these laugh-out-loud funny contributions from the world of (mostly) athletic competition. Sardonic observations and unintended gaffes connected by a love (and sometimes hate) of anything from Cricket to Climbing and Fishing to Football make this book an essential companion for anyone with even a passing interest in the hobbies and games that we call 'sports'.

Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations

Book Description

This hilarious collection of humorous quotations, full of wisecracks and wit, snappy comments and inspired fantasy, has been specially compiled by the late broadcaster and raconteur Ned Sherrin, with a foreword by leading British satirist, Alistair Beaton. Now packed with even more quotes and covering more subjects than before, from Weddings to the Supernatural, Australia to Headlines. Find the best lines from your favourite jokesters and wordsmiths, add that extra something to a speech or presentation, or just enjoy a good laugh. 'A chair is a piece of furniture. I am not a chair because no one has ever sat on me.' Ann Widdecombe on the announcement that Parliamentary language will now be gender-neutral. 'No wonder Bob Geldof is such an expert on famine. He's been feeding off 'I don't like Mondays' for 30 years.' Russell Brand On deciding to run for governor of California: 'The most difficult decision I've ever made in my entire life, except for the one in 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax.' Arnold Schwarzenegger 'Wanting to know an author because you like his work is like wanting to know a duck because you like p--acirc--;t--eacute--;.' Margaret Atwood 'I am so sorry. We have to stop there. I have just come to the end of my personality.' Quentin Crisp, closing down an interview