The Black Witch. L'erede

Book Description

Elloren Gardner assomiglia in modo impressionante a sua nonna, la quale respinse le forze nemiche durante l’ultima Guerra del Regno. Mentre la sua gente crede che seguirà le sue orme diventando la prossima Strega Nera annunciata dalla profezia, Elloren, priva di poteri magici, deve farsi strada in una società che premia la magia sopra ogni altra cosa. Quando le viene concessa l’opportunità di perseguire il suo sogno di diventare una farmacista, decide di raggiungere i suoi fratelli all’Università di Verpax. Ben presto si rende conto che la scuola potrebbe essere il luogo più infido di tutti per la nipote della Strega Nera. Mentre il male incombe e la pressione della sua eredità aumenta, l’unica speranza di sopravvivenza potrebbe risiedere all’interno di un gruppo segreto di ribelli... Troverà il coraggio di fidarsi di coloro che le hanno sempre insegnato a temere? Una magia potente, un’eredità letale e un mondo sull’orlo della guerra. Preparatevi a rimanere incantati da The Black Witch – L’erede, primo volume della serie The Black Witch Chronicles.

The black witch. L'erede

Book Description

The Black Witch

Book Description

Elloren Gardner is the granddaughter of the last prophesied Black Witch. But while she is the absolute spitting image of her famous grandmother, Elloren is utterly devoid of power in a society that prizes magical ability above all

The Black Witch

Book Description

Despite Annabel Horton's frantic search through time, her beloved husband, Michele is still missing. It's during the horror of Jack the Ripper in London, 1888, that he's finally discovered, hopelessly trapped in the bowels of White Chapel England in the Black Witch's cage. Annabel and her family attempt to rescue Michele but it's a trap concocted by the Black Witch and the Devil. Now the devil has Annabel all to himself. Ensnared in a web of death, the only person that can save Annabel and her family is the Black Witch. But will she give up her taste of freedom to help Annabel and her loved ones escape the devil's grasp?

Black Witch, Black Witch

Book Description

The Black Witch

Book Description

After surviving Ibbi-Sin's assault on Ur and being inducted into the mysteries of Innana, Elanna and Moonglow lead a centaur army to Babylon to join with the Immortals in leading an assault on the Sumerian capitol, Ur. En route, the princess is attacked by a black panther, believed to be her nemesis, the Black Witch of Ur in disguise.When the allies finally arrive at Ur, they find the city already being besieged by Elamite soldiers led by Elanna's hated uncle, Eliazar, and a far greater danger is about to be unleashed upon them all.

I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem

Book Description

Blending the fictional with the factual, this highly praised novel ranges from the warm shores of seventeenth-century Barbados to the harsh realities of the slave trade, and the cold customs of Puritanical New England. It tells the story of Tituba, the only Black victim of the Salem witch trials and in doing so recalls a life of extraordinary experiences and mystical powers. Foreword by Angela Davis. Winner of France's prestigious Grand Prix Literaire de la Femme.

Cindy Lost and the Black Witch

Book Description

Cindy Lost was an ordinary girl with an ordinary mother. That is, until she set the cat's tail on fire by waving a stick at him. After that everything became weird. Gnomes coming out of her mother's glass cabinet, being just one example, and large Black birds asking to be let into the house being another. Her introduction into a world of enchantment and all things magical was tempered by the knowledge that something evil was lurking there. Finding out that her mother was not as she seemed to be, and was suspected of being the infamous Black Witch, Cindy set out to unmask the real culprit, and prove her mother's innocence.

Wandfasted (The Black Witch Chronicles)

Book Description

Magic, romance and adventure collide in Wandfasted, the irresistible ebook prequel to The Black Witch by Laurie Forest.

The Black Witch's Promise

Book Description

This book is about a mother (Amy Goodbar) convicted of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts during the witch hunts of 1692 and her promise of good fortune to her future generation of children and bad happenings to the relatives of her accusers. Now, 300 years later, a family moves to Salem not knowing anything of Amy Goodbar and the house they call Witch House. Now it is up to the Roberts family to discover what Witch House is all about. Once you start to read this book, you will not be able to put it down.