The Blue Cross

Book Description

The Blue Cross (Father Brown) by G. K. Chesterton

The Blues

Book Description

A history of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield system, America's largest and oldest health insurer, from its beginnings to the 1990s. It draws on company archives and shows how its management has pursued the goal of health care coverage over seven decades of social and economic change.

The Blue Cross

Book Description

Short story “The Blue Cross” is Chesterton's first Father Brown mystery. It introduces the characters Flambeau and Valentin. It is unique among the Father Brown mysteries in that it does not follow the actions of the Father himself, but rather those of Valentin. Brown has been committing acts to draw the attention of the police (throwing soup, knocking over apples, smashing a window) and leaving an obvious trail for them to follow. Valentin takes this opportunity to emerge from hiding with the policemen and arrest Flambeau. Both Flambeau and Valentin bow to Father Brown's superior detective skills.

Father Brown

Book Description

G. K. Chesterton’s Father Brown may seem a pleasantly doddering Roman Catholic priest, but appearances deceive. With keen observation and an unerring sense of man’s frailties–gained during his years listening to confessions–Father Brown succeeds in bringing even the most elusive criminals to justice. This definitive collection of fifteen stories, selected by the American Chesterton Society, includes such classics as “The Blue Cross,” “The Secret Garden,” and “The Paradise of Thieves.” As P. D. James writes in her Introduction, “We read the Father Brown stories for a variety pleasures, including their ingenuity, their wit and intelligence, and for the brilliance of the writing. But they provide more. Chesterton was concerned with the greatest of all problems, the vagaries of the human heart.”

Favorite Father Brown Stories

Book Description

Beloved clerical sleuth in roster of remarkable cases: "The Blue Cross," "The Sins of Prince Saradine," "The Sign of the Broken Sword," "The Man in the Passage," "The Perishing of the Pendragons," more.

The Blue Cross (a Father Brown Story)

Book Description

Between the silver ribbon of morning and the green glittering ribbon of sea, the boat touched Harwich and let loose a swarm of folk like flies, among whom the man we must follow was by no means conspicuous-nor wished to be. There was nothing notable about him, except a slight contrast between the holiday gaiety of his clothes and the official gravity of his face.

The Absence of Mr. Glass

Book Description

The Hammer of God

Book Description

The little village of Bohun Beacon was perched on a hill so steep that the tall spire of its church seemed only like the peak of a small mountain. At the foot of the church stood a smithy, generally red with fires and always littered with hammers and scraps of iron;opposite to this, over a rude cross of cobbled paths, was "The Blue Boar," the only innof the place. It was upon this crossway, in the lifting of a leaden and silver daybreak,that two brothers met in the street and spoke; though one was beginning the day and theother finishing it. The Rev. and Hon. Wilfred Bohun was very devout, and was makinghis way to some austere exercises of prayer or contemplation at dawn. Colonel the Hon.Norman Bohun, his elder brother, was by no means devout, and was sitting in eveningdress on the bench outside "The Blue Boar," drinking what the philosophic observerwas free to regard either as his last glass on Tuesday or his first on Wednesday. Thecolonel was not particular.

The Blue Cross Story

Book Description

The Father Brown Reader

Book Description

Young readers can now delight in Chesterton's wit and storytelling in these adaptations of 4 popular Father Brown stories: "The Blue Cross," "The Strange Feet," "The Flying Stars," and "The Absence of Mr. Glass." In each story Chesterton includes a delightful twist and the clever sleuthing of Father Brown.