The Bondage and Liberation of the Will (Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought)

Book Description

"This first English translation of an important work of John Calvin is a welcome supplement to his teachings in his Institutes." -E. Earle Ellis, Southwestern Journal of Theology This volume provides Calvin's fullest treatment of the relationship between the grace of God and the free will of humans. It offers insight into Calvin's interpretations of the church fathers, especially Augustine, on the topics of grace and free will and contains Calvin's answer to Pighius's objection that preaching is unnecessary if salvation is by grace alone. This important work, edited by renowned scholar A. N. S. Lane, contains material not found elsewhere in Calvin's writings and will be required reading for students of Calvin and the Protestant Reformation.

The Bondage and Liberation of the Will

Book Description

"This first English translation of an important work of John Calvin is a welcome supplement to his teachings in his Institutes."--E. Earle Ellis, Southwestern Journal of Theology This volume provides Calvin's fullest treatment of the relationship between the grace of God and the free will of humans. It offers insight into Calvin's interpretations of the church fathers, especially Augustine, on the topics of grace and free will and contains Calvin's answer to Pighius's objection that preaching is unnecessary if salvation is by grace alone. This important work, edited by renowned scholar A. N. S. Lane, contains material not found elsewhere in Calvin's writings and will be required reading for students of Calvin and the Protestant Reformation.

Freedom of the Will

Book Description

Love: Bondage or Liberation?

Book Description

Much has been written about the function of falling in love in the course of therapy itself. This book has a much broader aim. The author, a Jungian analyst and psychotherapy trainer, uses her teaching and clinical experience to illuminate the whole range of this near universal human experience. How, and why, does falling in love affect us so profoundly? How can it enhance who we are, or must it ultimately fade without lasting value? The author argues that the many valuable studies by psychoanalysts, relational psychologists, anthropologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers have all made valuable contributions, and uses these to highlight and explore the many values and dangers inherent in passionate love. However, she claims that a more holistic approach is required to show how these various accounts can be seen as complementary rather than competing, and can be accommodated within an overarching view of the integration of the human being in its heights and depths.

Calvin's Calvinism

Book Description

Calvin’s Calvinism A Translation of 1. The Eternal Predestination of God 2. The Secret Providence of God By John Calvin and translated by Henry Cole, D.D. This unique book constitutes the only original writings of John Calvin devoted “expressly, exclusively, and purposely” to the capital “Calvinistic” doctrines of The Eternal Predestination of God, and The Secret Providence of God. They are Calvin’s own testimony and real mind concerning the doctrines of God’s electing, predestinating and sovereign grace, constitute his own exposition and expression of faith, and beautifully display the spirit in which he held and taught these great Biblical truths. These important treatises were published in 1552 and 1558 respectively and lay locked in the original language of Calvin’s day until translated by Henry Cole, D. D., 300 years later in 1856 under the present title of Calvin’s Calvinism. The first treatise on Eternal Predestination consists of 131 pages; the second on Secret Providence covers 127 pages, the later embracing arguments (Calumnies) against Calvin and his refutation of each particular point. Illuminating “Dedicatory Prefaces” and prefaces by the translator add significance to the main content of this important volume.

John Calvin Student of Church Fathers

Book Description

A fine study of John Calvin and his relationships with the fathers and medieval scholars, by one of the leading present-day experts in Calvin studies. Specific themes explored include, for example, Calvin's knowledge of the Greek fathers, his use and sources of Bernard of Clairvaux, his use of the fathers in Bondage and Liberation of the Will, and the sources for his Genesis commentary.

Luther and Erasmus

Book Description

This volume includes the texts of Erasmus's 1524 diatribe against Luther, De Libero Arbitrio, and Luther's violent counterattack, De Servo Arbitrio. E. Gordon Rupp and Philip Watson offer commentary on these texts as well. Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works--each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century--contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries.

The Liberation of Life

Book Description

This book is about the liberation of the concept of life from the bondage fashioned by the interpreters of life ever since biology began, and about the liberation of the life of humans and non-humans alike from the bondage of social structures and behaviour, which now threatens the fullness of life's possibilities if not survival itself. It falls into a tradition of writings about human problems from a perspective informed by biology. It rejects the mechanistic model of life dominant in the Western world and develops an alternative 'ecological model' which is applicable to the life of the cell and the life of the human community. For the first time it brings together in one work the insights of modern biology with those of a modern holistic philosophy and a liberal theology in a way which challenges conventional approaches to science, agriculture, sociology, politics, economics, development and liberation movements.

Willing to Believe

Book Description

What is the role of the will in believing the good news of the gospel? Why is there so much controversy over free will throughout church history? R. C. Sproul finds that Christians have often been influenced by pagan views of the human will that deny the effects of Adam's fall. In Willing to Believe, Sproul traces the free-will controversy from its formal beginning in the fifth century, with the writings of Augustine and Pelagius, to the present. Readers will gain understanding into the nuances separating the views of Protestants and Catholics, Calvinists and Arminians, and Reformed and Dispensationalists. This book, like Sproul's Faith Alone, is a major work on an essential evangelical tenet.