The Broad Sector Approach to Investment Lending

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The persistent inequality between women and men constrains society to lower levels of productivity and economic growth. The evidence for taking corrective action is now more compelling than ever. This report draws on case studies and other evidence to show how public policy can and should support services and infrastructure where the social returns are the highest and the use by women the greatest. It reviews progress made to date on gender issues and explores why inequalities persist. The report also stimulates ideas for creative solutions by pointing out innovative and less-than-obvious strategies that have proved successful. In Morocco, for instance, a study shows that paving the public road to school increases a girl's probability of attending classes by 40 percent. Also available: Toward Gender Equality: The Role of Public Policy on CD-ROM (ISBN 0-8213-3471-9) Stock No. 13471.

Procurement and Disbursement Manual for Projects with Community Participation

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Draws on the experience of Bulgaria to study the problems encountered in financing government operations in the transition economies. This report describes Bulgaria's experience in addressing external shocks to its economy and large declines in the ratio of tax revenues to GDP. The book provides broad coverage of the problems many other governments face in transforming their systems of taxation in the transition to a market economy. Chapters discuss taxation and incentives, government and households, indirect taxation, and financing of social expenditures. Attention is also drawn to the implementation of a value-added tax and to policies on fuel taxes. The report facilitates an understanding of the differences between actual and optimal policies as governments seek to establish a framework for resolving their budgetary problems in the transition.

Structural Aspects of Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Urban Management Programme Paper No. 20. Reviews the specific actions that municipalities and city governments may take in contributing to urban poverty reduction. The paper highlights example of issues, options, and constraints that urban governments must address in fighting poverty. It focuses on municipalities and other city-level government entities as a critical institutional level of intervention. Other language editions available: French--Stock No. 13814 (ISBN 0-8213-3814-5); Spanish--Stock No. 13813 (ISBN 0-8213-3813-7).


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Based on a report by a World Bank task force, this book provides a candid assessment of the Bank's operations in Sub-Saharan Africa. The book examines how the Bank can strengthen its operational response to poverty and improve food security, recommends improvements and innovative approaches to poverty reduction, and discusses ways of strengthening and making further use of regional initiatives. Although the report identifies improvements in the work on poverty reduction that have taken place since 1995, it finds that much remains to be done: * On average, 45 to 50 percent of Sub-Saharan Africans live below the poverty line, a much higher proportion than any other region of the world except South Asia. * The commitment of governments to poverty reduction is usually weak; only about 12 African governments have such a commitment. * Economic growth rates are generally far too low to reduce poverty significantly; growth rates of 6.5 percent per year are required for countries in this region to reduce poverty at an acceptable rate. * The World Bank's lending has emphasized growth, focusing almost 58 percent of its assistance to the region on creating the mechanisms for growth through policy change and large-scale investments. * The World Bank's focus on poverty reduction in programming and lending must intensify in all its operational work. * All development partners should establish stronger collaboration in planning their assistance programs.

The Demand for Oil Products in Developing Countries

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World Bank Discussion Paper No. 354. Promoting a high savings rate is high on the World Bank's agenda for promoting national income growth. This study surveys broad saving trends worldwide, summarizes current knowledge about savings and consumption, identifies main unresolved issues, and outlines the major policy questions to be researched. The paper include case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, and Pakistan.

The East Asian Miracle and Information Technology

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World Bank Discussion Paper No. 326.Draws on the successful experiences of five East Asian economies--Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan (China), and Hong Kong--to show how they have exploited the opportunities made possible by the information technology revolution and built sustainable competitive advantages in many high-value-added industries and services. The study examines the role of government in unleashing private-sector response, promoting the information technology industry, diffusing technology, and focusing resources on strategic elements of the national information infrastructure. It also explores the role of the private sector in influencing the development and use of the new technologies.

Agricultural Reform in Russia

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World Bank Discussion Paper No. 327. Indicates areas of high priority for additional analytical work in Russia's agriculture sector after four years of reform. The study concludes that structural change in Russian agriculture is far from complete and that analysts should continue to clarify and document the factors affecting performance of the sector and shaping its evolution.

Historical Dictionary of the World Bank

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This second edition of the Historical Dictionary of the World Bank shows the substantial progress the Bank has made, this mainly through the dictionary section with concise entries on its component institutions, related organizations, its achievements in various fields, some of the major projects and member countries, and its various presidents. The introduction explains how the Bank works while the chronology traces the major events over nearly 70 years. Meanwhile, the list of acronyms reminds us just who the main players are. And the bibliography directs readers to useful internal documentation and outside studies.

Intensified Systems of Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics

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Environmentally Sustainable Development Studies and Monographs Series No. 19. Five years have passed since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Rio Earth Summit. Almost all the countries of the world attended the conference and committed themselves to the policies and programs laid out in Agenda 21, the action plan of the summit. The World Bank and other international agencies have sought to be active partners in implementing the agenda. This report is part of the Bank's current efforts to review the progress made over the past five years and to make plans for improved effectiveness for the future. The paper is divided into two parts. Part I looks at the broad picture, assessing some of the large challenges for the future and outlining thematic principles. Part II provides concise reviews of the majority of the chapters of Agenda 21 and relates them to the standpoint of Bank activities.

The Reality of Aid 2000

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NOW IN ITS SEVENTH ANNUAL EDITION, The Reality of Aid 2000 looks at how the performance of OECD donor countries on aid and development cooperation has matched up to the challenge of eliminating absolute poverty. The report charts some improvements at the level of donor policy and rhetoric. But its stark conclusion is that the potential of aid to combat poverty is constantly undermined by governments, both North and South, who fail to address the extreme inequalities of income and the structural, social and political injustices that entrench people in poverty. Part I of The Reality of Aid 2000 presents an overview of poverty in the current global context and an analysis of recent trends in aid - looking particularly at basic education. In Part II, chapters by experts from NGOs in OECD countries and the European Union show how donor aid administrations approach poverty - and highlight the weakness of political commitment in the North to the needs of the poor. Part III sets out Southern perspectives on development cooperation. Part IV provides 'at a glance' comparisons of donors' aid outlook and commitment to development cooperation in the 21st century, poverty eradication, gender and public support. Throughout the book, information is presented in easily interpreted diagrams and graphs. The Reality of Aid has established itself as a unique source of independent evaluation and comment on aid policies and development. It is indispensable for all in the field, whether in the official or voluntary sectors, providing a regular reality check on just how much the international community is doing to realise the achievable goal of eliminating poverty. 'Indispensable ... it gives you most of the hard facts you need to know about the major issues' Nett-' Internationalist 'The most comprehensive and rigorous independent analysis of the aid and development policies of the world's wealthiest nations ... Essential reading' Charity World 'The Reality of Aid remains an essential purchase by the libraries of development institutions and an invaluable reference for development practitioners' Development & Change 'A reliable 'watchdog' for anyone interested in this important aspect of international relations' ORBIT 'An accessible reference ... [it] encompasses many key issues and stimulates further research' Commonwealth & Comparative Politics Originally published in 1999