The Building of Vṛndāvana

Book Description

Examining Vṛndāvana's history, architecture, art, ritual, theology, and literature in the early modern period, this book explores how these various disciplines were used to create the town as the most prominent place of pilgrimage for devotees of Kṛṣṇa.

The Mayapur Vrindavan Festivals

Book Description

This book is full of memories of more than seventy devotees who attended the Mayapur - Vrndavana Festivals. Each chapter makes you feel as if you were personally present at the festival, dancing and chanting, or hearing Srila Prabhupada speak. Even if you couldn’t be there, or if nowadays you cannot attend the Mayapur - Vrndavana Festivals, you can relax at home or wherever you are and relish these first hand memories of Prabhupada. The Mayapur-Vrndavana Festivals book will also help you prepare mentally, culturally and spiritually for a pilgrimage to holy places.

Krishna’s Playground

Book Description

This is a book about a deeply beloved place—many call it the spiritual capital of India. Located at a dramatic bend in the River Yamuna, a hundred miles from the center of Delhi, Vrindavan is the spot where the god Krishna is believed to have spent his childhood and youth. For Hindus it has always stood for youth writ large—a realm of love and beauty that enables one to retreat from the weight and harshness of the world. Now, though, the world is gobbling up Vrindavan. Delhi’s megalopolitan sprawl inches closer day by day—half the town is a vast real-estate development—and the waters of the Yamuna are too polluted to drink or even bathe in. Temples now style themselves as theme parks, and the world’s tallest religious building is under construction in Krishna’s pastoral paradise. What happens when the Anthropocene Age makes everything virtual? What happens when heaven gets plowed under? Like our age as a whole, Vrindavan throbs with feisty energy, but is it the religious canary in our collective coal mine?


Book Description

Put Yourself Out

Book Description

Easy Journey to Other Planets

Book Description

Forget NASA's elaborate arrangements and huge, dangerous metal machines. Learn the easy way to journey through the solar system. Using subtle, spiritual energy you can travel to other planets and see the wonders of God's creation. Or you can choose to travel beyond the material creation to your eternal home with Krishna. Easy Journey to Other Planets gives a bird's-eye view of the vast cosmos and spiritual world, so you can intelligently choose your travel destination.

The Beggar (Part IV)

Book Description

In this book (The Beggar (Part IV)) Bhakti Tirtha Swami lovingly shares his heart with us. He addresses the fears, struggles, and pains of facing imminent death. His honesty and faith will enlighten the minds and melt the hearts of the readers. With humility, gratitude, and joy he teaches us a way to welcome the loving hand of God.

Ananda Vrndavana Campu

Book Description

Classical Sanskrit poetry on Krishna (Hindu deity).

Reflections On Sacred Teachings (Volume 2)

Book Description

Madhurya-Kadambini (Cloud Bank of Nectar), by the renowned Gaudiya Vaisnava acarya Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, is a short work, and it is a commentary on an even shorter work – just two verses that appear in Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu.