The Business Owner Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

Are you a business owner in the UK, US, ANZ or another English speaking region? Are you looking for ways to drive CHANGE, and improve the PERFORMANCE and RESULTS of your team and overall company? If so, The ‘Business Owner Guide to Getting the Best From Your Team’ is a must read for you. In this short yet practical ‘how to’ guide, you’ll learn about Enterprise LEADER, a ‘low-cost’, ready made team development program which business owners -- like you -- are using to improve team performance and financial and operational results (i.e. more sales, more customers, more profits, more cash, better service, better quality, better results… faster, quicker, easier and with less resources). If you lead a team of people in your own company, the ideas, tools and strategies outlined in this book will help you get your team(s) tuned in to your business, performing at a higher level, and achieving greater results than you ever thought possible. Download and read today!

The Business Manager’s Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

If you are a manager in business, and you lead a team of people, you’re immediately under pressure to deliver results. Whether you lead a small team of five, or an entire department of 100 or more, the buck stops with you when it comes to results. Good or bad, you are judged on the results you deliver and goals you achieve. But in reality, it’s not just you who delivers results, it’s your entire team, and it’s your job as a manager (and leader) to get the very best from your team each day. This is often easier said than done, and for many managers, improving team performance is a constant headache and source of frustration. Even managers of successful teams are under pressure to achieve more and are on the ‘look out’ for ways to give them the edge. In ‘The Business Manager’s Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team’, you’ll discover a new ‘coaching based approach’ which you can personally use to improve the performance of your team and the results it delivers. You’ll be introduced to a proven step-by-step methodology which other managers (worldwide) are using right now to get the best from their teams, and drive their business units forward. Whatever your industry sector, team size or level of experience as a manager, the ideas in this book will work for you.

The Small Business Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

As the owner or director of a small business, you know how important your people and teams are to your company’s success. Having motivated, engaged, driven teams, who are focused on your customers, in-tune with your goals, and firing on all cylinders is key to your company’s success. Whatever size of business you are, your people are everything -- and positively or negatively, the people you employ have a direct impact on your business results. But getting everybody in your team -- whether that is 5, 10, 100 people or more -- performing each day at their highest level is not easy. It requires strong leadership (from you and your fellow directors) as well as a proactive and thoughtful approach to team development. Whilst your larger competitors have access to big budget team development resources you could only dream about, your ‘small biz’ pockets are not so deep and your investment needs to be more carefully considered. So what can you do as a leader in a small business, to actively develop your team(s) making sure every employee comes to work each day and performs their work at a superior level, and delivers stronger business results for you? Enter Enterprise LEADER.. a ‘low-cost’, ready made team development program which is proven to help small businesses -- like yours -- improve team performance and financial and operational results (i.e. more sales, more customers, more profits, more cash, better service, better quality, better results… faster, quicker, easier and with less resources). In this short and easy to digest guide, you’ll discover how -- as a leader in a small business -- you and your fellow directors can use Enterprise LEADER to develop your own people and teams, so that your workforce truly becomes a key part of your competitive advantage. You’ll discover how you can compete with the ‘big boys’ by bringing the world class people development tools of Enterprise LEADER to your own company... on a tiny budget. Download this guide today, and learn how you can use Enterprise LEADER to develop your own teams and make your own small business ‘stand out’ for its passion and excellence... even against the ‘corporate big boys’ with deeper pockets and richer resources.

The CEO Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

If you are a CEO or managing director of a business you know more than anybody how important it is to have ‘every’ member of your team firing on all cylinders. Your people really are your business. From your CEO’s vantage point, you clearly see the direct link between the performance of your team(s) and the financial and operational results your business achieves. Good, bad or indifferent, the results you deliver as a CEO are in the hands of the people who work for you. The results they achieve are also a direct reflection on your ability as a leader. One of your most important jobs as a CEO or Managing Director is to make sure -- at all times -- that you are getting the best from your people. But how? Where do you start to get your team(s) to operate at a higher level? In ‘The CEO Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team’ you’ll discover an easy to use program (called Enterprise LEADER) which you, or your fellow executives/managers (or an outside coach/consultant) can use to improve team performance. You’ll discover the step-by-step methodology and set of tools which CEOs around the world are using right now to get their teams tuned in to their businesses, performing at a higher level, and achieving greater business results than they ever thought possible. Whether you are the managing director of a small 10 man marketing agency, or the CEO of a 1,000+ person manufacturing company, the ideas in this book will help you transform the performance and results of your own people and teams.

The Entrepreneur Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

As an entrepreneur, you know more than anybody how important people are to the growth of your business. Your people are the magic key which allows you to achieve your entrepreneurial goals. You simply cannot do it alone. Whether your goal is to organically grow your business, sell your business, or acquire more companies… you need your team and you need every member of it firing on all cylinders. But like many entrepreneurs, you may be frustrated at times that your team (or at least some people in it) do not think the same way as you… they do not share your passion, drive and enthusiasm. They do not fully buy into your goals and vision and are holding you back from achieving more. Perhaps you just feel you could achieve more as an entrepreneur and company if you could get your team performing at a higher level… more in tune with your business, more focused on your customers, more responsive, innovative and passionate. But what can you do to drive this change? Enter Enterprise LEADER.. a ‘low-cost’, ready made team development program which is proven to help entrepreneurs -- like you -- improve team performance and financial and operational results (i.e. more sales, more customers, more profits, more cash, better service, better quality, better results… faster, quicker, easier and with less resources). In this short guide, you’ll learn more about Enterprise LEADER Team Development Program, a program which has its DNA firmly based in the world of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. You’ll discover how you can use Enterprise LEADER to develop your own people and teams, so that your workforce truly becomes a key part of your competitive advantage. Download this guide today, and discover how to unlock the potential of every member of your team.

The Business Owner's Guide to Empowered Leadership

Book Description

Welcome to the beginning of the journey... the transformation of your company from lackluster to dazzling. By the end of this book, you will have a Proven System to take your company anywhere. Whatever legacy you want to create - it's yours. Do you want to grow your business to pass it to the next generation? Do you want it to reach billion-dollar status or expand exponentially? Do you finally want a work/life balance to really enjoy your life to the fullest? Do you want to increase your company's value so you can sell it for top dollar? You have the answers. It's your legacy. Think about it... If you are going to spend a year or more in this business, you might as well make it into a business that energizes and inspires you. You just need to decide what you want and we'll show you how to build it. In fact, we will make sure your business is "dazzling" to you, your team and as well your customers. By dazzling, we mean alluring, astounding, amazing and impressive. Just like a diamond, when you look at your business from every angle it will be brilliant and shine! "Dazzle" includes financial success, employee engagement, customer loyalty, expansion and a healthy balance in everyone's life. You can do what you have always done and hope that by some miracle, things would change in your favor or you can take the bull by the horns and steer it where you want it to go and be exhilarated with your results. Just so you know, we're also passionate about employee engagement. Not only are you going to have the whole process step-by-step for taking your company from lackluster to dazzling, you're going to receive the three keys to engagement, so that your team has your back and you're not dragging the whole boat by yourself over your shoulder.

The Corporate Executive Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

As a manager or executive in a large corporation (especially in 'Corporate America'), do you ever feel frustrated that you are not getting the best from your team? Do you ever feel your team could achieve more, reach higher goals, deliver greater results, if only you could get the people you lead to perform at a higher level? Perhaps you’ve been thinking about getting some help to develop your team, possibly embarking on a team building day, working with a coach, or even going on a leadership course yourself. You just want to do something to raise the performance of the people under your charge. In a large corporate that should be easy for you to make happen… right? You have access to endless training and development resources and a dedicated HR and training department. Well not always. Sometimes, companies are just so big, the hoops to jump through are too complex, and it just becomes too difficult for individual managers to seek help the ‘official way’. Thousands of managers and executives around the world who work in large national or multinational corporations share these same frustrations. They know they need help to develop their teams, but find it too difficult to access the right internal resources. That’s why business professionals -- like you -- who lead teams of five, ten, 50 people or more, are seeking alternatives to tightly controlled, hard to access, internal resources. Enter Enterprise LEADER, a ‘low cost and easy to use’ team development program, which corporate managers and executives use to develop their own team(s), drive change, and improve performance and business results. In this short guide, you’ll learn more about Enterprise LEADER and find out how you can ‘take ownership’ of the development of your team today and start achieving the results you know your team is capable of. You’ll discover the tools and methodologies corporate managers around the world are using right now to get their teams tuned in to their business, performing at a higher level, and achieving greater results than they ever thought possible. Download ‘The Corporate Executive Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team’ today.


Book Description

"Great teams are comprised of ordinary people that are empowered and inspired. They are empowered to solve hard problems in ways their customers love yet work for their business. They are inspired with ideas and techniques for quickly evaluating those ideas to discover solutions that work: they are valuable, usable, feasible and viable. This book is about the idea and reality of "achieving extraordinary results from ordinary people". Empowered is the companion to Inspired. It addresses the other half of the problem of building tech products?how to get the absolute best work from your product teams. However, the book's message applies much more broadly than just to product teams. Inspired was aimed at product managers. Empowered is aimed at all levels of technology-powered organizations: founders and CEO's, leaders of product, technology and design, and the countless product managers, product designers and engineers that comprise the teams. This book will not just inspire companies to empower their employees but will teach them how. This book will help readers achieve the benefits of truly empowered teams"--

The COO Guide To Getting The Best From Your Team

Book Description

Are you a COO or Director of Operations in the UK, US, Canada, ANZ or another English speaking region? Are you looking for ways to drive CHANGE, and improve the PERFORMANCE and RESULTS of your team and overall company? If so, ‘The COO Guide to Getting the Best From Your Team’ is a must read for you. In this short yet practical ‘how to’ guide, you’ll learn about Enterprise LEADER, a ‘low-cost’, ready made team development program which COOs -- like you -- are using to improve team performance and financial and operational results (i.e. more sales, more customers, more profits, more cash, better service, better quality, better results… faster, quicker, easier and with less resources). If you lead a team of people in your own company, the ideas, tools and strategies outlined in this book will help you get your team(s) tuned in to your business, performing at a higher level, and achieving greater results than you ever thought possible. Download and read today!

The Startup Owner's Manual

Book Description

More than 100,000 entrepreneurs rely on this book. The National Science Foundation pays hundreds of startup teams each year to follow the process outlined in the book, and it's taught at Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia and more than 100 other leading universities worldwide. Why? The Startup Owner's Manual guides you, step-by-step, as you put the Customer Development process to work. This method was created by renowned Silicon Valley startup expert Steve Blank, co-creator with Eric Ries of the "Lean Startup" movement and tested and refined by him for more than a decade. This 608-page how-to guide includes over 100 charts, graphs, and diagrams, plus 77 valuable checklists that guide you as you drive your company toward profitability. It will help you: Avoid the 9 deadly sins that destroy startups' chances for success Use the Customer Development method to bring your business idea to life Incorporate the Business Model Canvas as the organizing principle for startup hypotheses Identify your customers and determine how to "get, keep and grow" customers profitably Compute how you'll drive your startup to repeatable, scalable profits. The Startup Owners Manual was originally published by K&S Ranch Publishing Inc. and is now available from Wiley. The cover, design, and content are the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.