R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Collisions

Book Description

Commencing with a self-contained overview of atomic collision theory, this monograph presents recent developments of R-matrix theory and its applications to a wide-range of atomic molecular and optical processes. These developments include the electron and photon collisions with atoms, ions and molecules which are required in the analysis of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, multiphoton processes required in the analysis of superintense laser interactions with atoms and molecules and positron collisions with atoms and molecules required in antimatter studies of scientific and technologial importance. Basic mathematical results and general and widely used R-matrix computer programs are summarized in the appendices.

Polarization and Correlation Phenomena in Atomic Collisions

Book Description

"The book provides a concise description of the density matrix and statistical tensor formalism and presents a general approach to the description of angular correlation and polarization phenomena. It illustrate an application of the angular momentum technique to a broad variety of atomic processes.".

Fundamental Processes in Energetic Atomic Collisions

Book Description

In recent years, the impact of new experimental techniques (e.g., nuclear physics methods, availability of high-intensity light sources) as well as an increasing demand for atomic collision data in other fields of physics (e.g., plasma physics, astrophysics, laser physics, surface physics, etc.) have stimulated a renewed, strong interest in atomic collision research. Due to the explosive development of the various fields, scientists often even have dif ficulty in keeping up with their own area of research; as a result, the overlap between different fields tends to remain rather limited. Instead of having access to the full knowledge accumulated in other fields, one uses only the small fraction which at the moment seems to be of immediate importance to one's own area of interest. Clearly, many fruitful and stimulating ideas are lost in this way, causing progress to be made much more slowly than it could be. Atomic col lision physics is no exception to this rule. Although it is of basic interest to many other areas, it is mostly regarded merely as a (nonetheless important) tool by which to gain additional information.

Atomic Collisions and Spectra

Book Description

Atomic Collisions and Spectra provides an overview of the state of knowledge on atomic collision physics. The book grew out of lecture notes for a succession of courses at the University of Chicago in 1967-1979, which reported the new material as it was taking a definite form. It has been enriched since 1980, as the subject matured and continued to expand. The book is organized into four parts. Part A deals briefly with rather elementary items of general information. Part B then takes up in considerable detail those aspects of single-electron scattering whose mastery is essential for treating multielectron processes. Part C deals with multielectron processes with a residual—if often realistic—restriction, namely, that the multielectron interactions remain confined within a core region from which only a single electron escapes into alternative channels of a long-range field. Part D surveys studies of double (or multiple) escape of electrons from a core. The book is intended for multiple use as a graduate school text, a tool for independent study, or a reference for particular topics.

Fundamental Processes in Atomic Collision Physics

Book Description

The Proceedings of the Advanced study Institute on Fundamental Processes in Atomic Collision Physics (Santa Flavia, Italy, September 10-21, 1984) are dedicated to the memory of Sir Harrie r-1assey, whose scientific achievements and life are reviewed herein by Sir David Bates. At the first School on the above topic (Maratea, September 1983, Volume 103 in this series), Harrie Massey presented the introductory lectures, summarized the entire lecture program, and presented an outlook on future developments in atomic collision physics. In an after-dinner speech, Massey recalled personal reminiscences and historical events with regard to atomic collision physics, to which he had contributed by initiating pioneering work and by stimulating and surveying this branch of physics over a period of almost six decades. Participants in the Maratea School will always remember Harrie Massey as a charming and wonderful person who was most pleased to discuss with everyone--students, postdoctorals, and senior scientists--any topic in atomic collision physics. Harrie Massey was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the 1984 Santa Flavia School. Before his death he expressed his interest in attending this second School devoted to the presentation of recent developments and highlights in atomic collision physics. It is the desire of all authors to honor Harrie Massey with their contributions in these Proceedings.

Theory of Slow Atomic Collisions

Book Description

The theory of atom-molecule collisions is one of the basic fields in chemi cal physics. Its most challenging part - the dynamics of chemical reactions - is as yet unresolved, but is developing very quickly. It is here a great help to have an analysis of those parts of collision theory which are already complete, a good example being the theory of atomic collisions in process es specific to chemical physics. It has long been observed that many notions of this theory can also be applied successfully to reactive and unreactive molecular collisions. More over, atomic collisions often represent a touchstone in testing approaches proposed for the solution of more complicated problems. Research on the theory of slow atomic collisions carried out at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Physics has been based on just these ideas. A general viewpoint concerning the setting up and representation of the theory came out of these studies, and appeared to be useful in studying complicated systems as well. It underlies the representation of the theory of slow atomic colli sions in this book.

Coherence and Correlation in Atomic Collisions

Book Description

H. KLEINPOPPEN AND J. F. WILLIAMS It has only very recently become possible to study angular correlations and coherence effects in different areas of atomic collision processes: These investigations have provided us with an analysis of experimental data in terms of scattering amplitudes and their phases, of target parameters such as orientation, alignment, and state multipoles, and also of coherence parameters (e. g. , the degree of coherence of excita tion). In this way the analysis of electron-photon, ion-photon, atom-photon, or electron-ion coincidences from electron-atom, ion-atom, or atom-atom collisional excitation has led to a breakthrough such that the above quantities represent most crucial and sensitive tests for theories of atomic collision processes. Similarly, the powerful (e, 2e) experiments (electron-electron coincidences from impact ionization of atoms) have attracted much attention where improved experimental studies and detailed theoretical description provide a wealth of information on either the col lisional ionization process or the atomic structure of the target atom. Interference effects, many-electron correlations, and energy and angular momen tum exchange between electrons in a Coulomb field playa decisive role in the under standing of postcollision interactions. New results on coherence effects and orienta tion and alignment in collisional processes of ions with surfaces and crystal lattices show links to relevant interference phenomena in atomic collisions. In small-angle elastic electron-atom scattering the effect of angular coherence can be studied in a crossed beam experiment.

Atom - Molecule Collision Theory

Book Description

The broad field of molecular collisions is one of considerable current interest, one in which there is a great deal of research activity, both experi mental and theoretical. This is probably because elastic, inelastic, and reactive intermolecular collisions are of central importance in many of the fundamental processes of chemistry and physics. One small area of this field, namely atom-molecule collisions, is now beginning to be "understood" from first principles. Although the more general subject of the collisions of polyatomic molecules is of great im portance and intrinsic interest, it is still too complex from the viewpoint of theoretical understanding. However, for atoms and simple molecules the essential theory is well developed, and computational methods are sufficiently advanced that calculations can now be favorably compared with experimental results. This "coming together" of the subject (and, incidentally, of physicists and chemists !), though still in an early stage, signals that the time is ripe for an appraisal and review of the theoretical basis of atom-molecule collisions. It is especially important for the experimentalist in the field to have a working knowledge of the theory and computational methods required to describe the experimentally observable behavior of the system. By now many of the alternative theoretical approaches and computational procedures have been tested and intercompared. More-or-Iess optimal methods for dealing with each aspect are emerging. In many cases working equations, even schematic algorithms, have been developed, with assumptions and caveats delineated.