The Call from Eternity

Book Description

Another dead body ... another missed phone call from Eternity. What could it mean? If God really does exist, why would He call someone when they are dying? This is the question that gnaws on Toni’s thoughts all summer long. At least these deaths, though sad, are adding new relationships to her lonely life. Toni has felt insecure from growing up in a broken home, but now she is beginning to open up and experience closeness like she never has before. She and her sister begin to see more of each other, she grows closer to relatives she hardly knew and she’s met Charlie. He is sweet and able to draw her out of her bottled-up emotions to show her how much he cares. Toni begins to think maybe there is healing in all of this. Maybe God is really calling her?

The Call of Eternity

Book Description

In the epic sequel to The Lost Valor of Love, worlds collide, and gods and mortals cross paths, kingdoms fall, and ancient, long-buried hatreds stir. In the heavens, the storm god Teshub discovers two of the most powerful gods of the pantheon have fallen to a world torn apart by rivalry, war, famine, and plagues. Soon, he learns, he too must fall. In the north, a crown prince ascends the throne, his queen taken by his enemy as compensation for the crimes of his father. But the new king is prepared to risk everything to reclaim his queen, and plans for war begin. In the east, a near-immortal senses the awakening of a powerful artifact after an eternity of silence. It can only mean one thing: gods once more walk among men, and with their return--the key to his immortality. And from far without, the Creator eyes his dying creation, its fragile boundaries unraveling. From across an enormous board, he picks up a token--an exact replica of a living woman. He smiles at it with fondness and sets it down on a new space. Folding his hands together, he steps back, and waits. The Call of Eternity is the second book in the Transcendence series.

The Lost Valor of Love

Book Description

Growing up during the centuries-long conflict between the empires of Egypt and Hatti, the young princess Istara is taken hostage by the King of Hatti to secure the loyalty of her father, the King of Kadesh to the empire. Soon her new life in Hatti's glittering capital becomes all she knows. Bound in blood before the gods to Hatti's unwilling crown prince, Istara, now Hatti's queen-in-waiting, learns she will never be loved. But the drums of war beat again, and when the scheming plans of Hatti's king threaten the existence of all civilization, the gods give Istara a choice: to leave behind everything she knows to save mankind, or remain where she is, powerless, a token on the game board of kings. On the brink of one of the most brutal battles in history, she chooses to risk her life to deliver a message to the only man able to prevent the prophecy from becoming a reality--her mortal enemy, the Pharaoh Ramesses II. Wounded, cold and hungry, she wanders in the battle's horrific aftermath, and aids a powerful commander, who she learns protected her once, and has been bound to her ever since by a prophetic dream of his future. Despite his resistance, and Istara once more becoming a pawn of kings, they must confront an eternal love so powerful, not even kings, the gods, or death can keep them apart.

Recapturing Eternity

Book Description

Recapturing Eternity is about the disillusioning and painful journey that many saints are presently experiencing in their search for God. It was written for the misfits who have dared to ask the hard questions. It's for my fellow trouble makers, who wonder if the Western church's current trajectory is spiraling in the wrong direction. This book is for untold thousands of saints who feel their hearts rebelling against it. Recapturing Eternity is for those with a nagging suspicion that our current church model has run its course. It's for those who are tormented with the thought that Sunday after Sunday we may be simply pouring new wine into old wine skins. This book is about recapturing an eternal perspective. The work examines how eternity should impact our views on aspects of modernity, worship, the mission of the church, Christian warfare, the lusts of the world, and our identity as pilgrims. This book is for those willing to see. It is for those looking to find God as He actually is

Live Your Calling

Book Description

An action-plan for self-fulfillment that helps people find their true calling in life This practical and inspirational guide helps Christian men and women of all ages identify and use their God-given gifts to find purpose, direction, and joy in their life and work. Based on their years of counseling and experience, Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck offer action-oriented tools and a proven methodology to help readers develop the decision-making skills they need to discover and live the life that God intended, maximizing the synergies between ministry, work, and spiritual gifts. Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck (Pasadena, CA) are nationally recognized experts in career counseling, work satisfaction, and productivity. Their Web site,, is the most visited Christian career site on the Internet.

Time and Eternity

Book Description

Throughout the centuries, people from diverse cultures, circumstances and points of view have wrestled with the concept of time. In the 5th Century St. Augustine said, What is time? If no one asks me, I know; but if any person should require me to tell him, I cannot. Time magazine said as the last century closed, While scientists have harnessed the power of the atom, cracked the genetic code and probed the very edges of the universe, they still don't understand time much better than St. Augustine did. Here the author leads a though-provoking discussion that begins in time, ends in eternity, and focuses continually on the Eternal One who is the source of both.

The Call

Book Description

The Call is from God to Man. His voice is calling out through Eternity to Man and waiting for him to listen to the Silent Voice Within him. Our Father loves us and desires that we obey His radiations of Love, Compassion, Truth, Grace, and Forgiveness.

Eternity's End

Book Description

Since the War of a Thousand Suns, Kyber pirates prey on ships that venture too far off into the interstellar Flux. The pirates use a legendary ship as bait, though the Centrist Worlds' authorities deny her existence. Renwald Legroeder escapes the pirates and tells of sighting the ship--but the government wants no one to see it. Framed for treason, Renwald flees and returns to the pirates to find the truth behind the ship.