The Call of the Bride

Book Description

The Eliezer Call

Book Description

The Eliezer Call is written to call the Bride of Christ to rise up and come to her Bridegroom, Christ the Lord. It is based on the story in Genesis 24 in which Abraham sends his servant Eliezer to choose and bring home a bride for his son Isaac. Abraham depicts the Father God, Eliezer, the Holy Spirit sent from the Father, Isaac depicts Christ and Rebekah, the bride who returns to marry Isaac.

The Call of the Bride

Book Description

The Call of the Bride

Book Description

"Deep is calling unto deep" (Psalms 42:7). God is trying by His Holy Spirit to reach our hearts. He is calling gently, lovingly to His people to come away with Him (Song 4:8-12). This bible school course was written to help you understand and have a revelation of the calling of God to be Jesus' pure, spotless, and prepared bride, having His image. This course contains a 230 page study book complete with 91 mp3 audio lessons.

Call of the Bride

Book Description

Study Manual

A Call to the Bride...Is That You?

Book Description

I've heard it said that until you can wash the feet of your Judas and sit at the table with them, you're not fully grasping the love of Christ, our bridegroom. With this in mind, I want to explore what the Bride of The Christ will look like and what the wedding garments will be. A Call to the Bride...Is That You? is a journey of examination of myself, with scriptures as a guide. I hope it will help you do some deep examination of yourself, so you will not end up like the guest that shows up to the wedding without wearing the proper wedding garments. This is truly a call to personal responsibility and preparation for what we all look forward to... "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the Joy prepared for you!"

The Call of Korea

Book Description

The Call Of The Harlot; The Cry Of The Bride

Book Description

What did Paul mean in Ephesians chapter 5 when he said, "Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for Her?" What does it mean when Jesus would, "present Her to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that She should be holy and without blemish?" In this book, Shawn takes the reader on a practical journey of what this looks like. He instructs on what it is to be intimate with God as His Bride over being His mistress. Going from wanting what is in His hand to what is in His heart. God is calling the Church out of Her harlotry into becoming a beautiful Bride that cries out for Her Bridegroom. A time is coming in which the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"Learn HOW toBecome more intimate with the LordDiscern the different ways the Lord speaks to His peopleRecognize the different ways the enemy attacks Jesus' BrideGo from dating and being a mistress to the Lord to being married to Him as His BrideBreak the cycle of religion and walk in relationship with God