The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (English, Tamil and French Edition) (A Children's Book)

Book Description

When Peter, a humble waiter in Paris, volunteers to care for his friends’ pets, a cat and an exotic orange fish, things get complicated when the pets go missing. Now Peter must search for the missing pets before his friends get back from vacation. Will he find the animals in time? Decide for yourself as to what happens to the elusive pets while exploring Paris with Peter and learning a new language at the same time. This story is not just for those who love mysteries, but also to those who love to learn new languages too.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (English, Hindi and French Edition) (A Children’s Book)

Book Description

When Peter, a humble waiter in Paris, volunteers to care for his friends’ pets, a cat and an exotic orange fish, things get complicated when the pets go missing. Now Peter must search for the missing pets before his friends get back from vacation. Will he find the animals in time? Decide for yourself as to what happens to the elusive pets while exploring Paris with Peter and learning a new language at the same time. This story is not just for those who love mysteries, but also to those who love to learn new languages too.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (English, Hebrew and French Version)

Book Description

When Peter, a humble waiter in Paris, volunteers to care for his friends’ pets, a cat and an exotic orange fish, things get complicated when the pets go missing. Now Peter must search for the missing pets before his friends get back from vacation. Will he find the animals in time? Decide for yourself as to what happens to the elusive pets while exploring Paris with Peter and learning a new language at the same time. This story is not just for those who love mysteries but also for those who love to learn new languages too.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (English, Hindi and French Edition) (a Children's Book)

Book Description

When Peter, a humble waiter in Paris, volunteers to care for his friends' pets, a cat and an exotic orange fish, things get complicated when the pets go missing. Now Peter must search for the missing pets before his friends get back from vacation. Will he find the animals in time? Decide for yourself as to what happens to the elusive pets while exploring Paris with Peter and learning a new language at the same time. This story is not just for those who love mysteries, but also to those who love to learn new languages too.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (Spanish Edition)

Book Description

When Peter, a humble waiter in Paris, volunteers to care for his friends’ pets, a cat and an exotic orange fish, things get complicated when the pets go missing! Now, Peter must search across Paris using whatever detective skills a waiter may have to find the missing pets before his friends get back from vacation! Will he find the animals in time? Decide for yourself what happened to the elusive pets while exploring Paris with Peter and learning a new language at the same time! This story is not just for those who love mysteries but for those who love to learn new languages too.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (German Edition)

Book Description

Die Katze, der Fisch und der Kellner Peter ist ein bescheidener Kellner aus Paris und bietet an, auf die Haustiere seiner Freunde aufzupassen, eine Katze und einen exotischen, orangen Fisch. Doch als diese plötzlich verschwinden, wird es kompliziert! Jetzt muss Peter ganz Paris nach ihnen absuchen und vom Kellner zum Detektiv werden, um die verlorenen Haustiere wiederzufinden, bevor seine Freunde aus dem Urlaub zurückkommen! Wird er die Tiere rechtzeitig finden? Entscheide selbst, was den flüchtigen Tieren zugestoßen ist, während du mit Peter Paris entdeckst und gleichzeitig eine neue Sprache lernst. Diese Geschichte ist nicht nur für Mystery-Fans spannend, sondern auch für diejenigen, die gerne neue Sprachen lernen.

The Cat, the Fish and the Waiter (Italian Edition)

Book Description

Quando Peter, un umile cameriere a Parigi, offre di prendersi cura degli animali dei suoi amici, un gatto ed un pesce esotico arancione, le cose si fanno complicate quando gli animali non si trovano più! Ora Peter deve cercarli per tutta Parigi utilizzando tutte le capacità da investigatore che un cameriere possa avere per trovare gli animali scomparsi prima che i suoi amici tornino dalle vacanze! Li ritroverà in tempo? Decidete da soli che cosa è successo agli animali sfuggenti mentre esplorate Parigi con Peter ed imparate una nuova lingua! Questa storia non è solo per gli amanti dei misteri, ma anche per coloro a cui piace imparare nuove lingue.