The CGIAR at 31

Book Description

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) was established in 1971 to support the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in funding four international agricultural research centres in Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria and the Philippines. As the first global programme to receive grants from the World Banks net income, the CGIAR now consists of 16 autonomous international centres, with a membership of 62 countries, including 24 developing and transition economies. This report evaluates the work of CGIAR and makes several recommendations to address the future challenges it faces in promoting agricultural research.

The CGIAR at 31

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CGIAR at Thirty-one

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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The CGIAR at 31

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