The Challenge of Labour Migration Flows Between West Africa and the Maghreb

Book Description

Discusses labour migration policy challenges in ECOWAS with an emphasis on recent patterns and trends in inter-regional labour migration between West Africa and the Maghreb, as well as on existing challenges related both to the vulnerable situation of regular and irregular migrant workers in North African transit and/or destination countries and to the prevention of abusive practices.

Irregular Migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union

Book Description

This study tries to achieve a more empirically and quantitatively founded understanding of the nature, scale and recent evolution of irregular West African migration to the Maghreb and Europe. It also evaluates how policies to manage trans-Saharan and trans-Mediterranean migration have affected current migration patterns.--Publisher's description.

Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: National background papers Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)

Book Description

This study, which analyzes the key labor market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories) finds that employment in AMCs is a major challenge for the region - and for Europe - in the next 10 to 15 years. Immediate action is needed because the status quo risks causing permanent damage to the development prospects of those countries. The AMCs' public policies are currently ill equipped to face the challenge. Labor migration remains a key feature of the labor markets in these countries - yet cannot by itself solve the labor market challenges there. The study makes a number of recommendations including: upgrading the statistics available and conducting further in-depth analysis; upgrading education and training systems; mainstreaming the policy goal of job creation and higher productivity; promoting active labor market policies; creating incentives to hire new graduates and women; creating incentives to transform informal into formal employment; and establishing social protection systems guaranteeing universal coverage, with the emphasis on worker rather than job protection. It also recommends that the EU upgrade its existing framework for AMC migration not only as a unilateral strategy, but as a cooperative framework for true co-development.--Publisher's description.

Eaters Of The Dry Season

Book Description

The Inevitability of Change -- Bibliography -- Index

Proletarian and Gendered Mass Migrations

Book Description

Proletarian and Gendered Mass Migrations connects the 19th- and 20th-century labor migrations and migration systems in global transcultural perspective. It emphasizes macro-regional internal continuities or discontinuities and interactions between and within macro-regions. The essays look at migrant workers experiences in constraining frames and the options they seize or constraints they circumvent. It traces the development from 19th-century proletarian migrations to industries and plantations across the globe to 20th- and 21st-century domestics and caregiver migrations. It integrates male and female migration and shows how women have always been present in mass migrations. Studies on historical development over time are supplemented by case studies on present migrations in Asia and from Asia. A systems approach is combined with human agency perspectives. Contributors include Rochelle Ball, Shelly Chan, Dennis D. Cordell, Michael Douglass, Christiane Harzig, Dirk Hoerder, Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen, Hassène Kassar, Kamel Kateb, Amarjit Kaur, Kiranjit Kaur, Gijs Kessler, Akram Khater, Elizabeth A. Kuznesof, Vera Mackie, Adam McKeown, Tomoko Nakamatsu, Ooi Keat Gin, Aswatini Raharto, Marlou Schrover, and Patcharawalai Wongboonsin.

Labour Migration, Human Trafficking and Multinational Corporations

Book Description

Although much literature on human trafficking focuses on sex trafficking, a great deal of human trafficking results from migrant workers, compelled - by economic deprivation in their home countries - to seek better life opportunities abroad, especially in agriculture, construction and domestic work. Such labour migration is sometimes legal and well managed, but sometimes not so – with migrant workers frequently threatened or coerced into entering debt bondage arrangements and ending up working in forced labour situations producing goods for illicit markets. This book fills a substantial gap in the existing literature given that labour trafficking is a much more subtle form of exploitation than sex trafficking. It discusses how far large multinational corporations are involved, whether intentionally or unintentionally, in human trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation. They explore how far corporations are driven to seek cheap labour by the need to remain commercially competitive and examine how the problem often lies with corporations’ subcontractors, who are not as well controlled as they might be. The essays in the volume also outline and assess measures being taken by governments and international agencies to eradicate the problem.

From Intraregional West African Migration Toward an Exodus to Europe. A Case Study on Ghana

Book Description

West Africa’s patterns of migration in pre-colonial and early post-colonial times were predominantly internal and regional; from landlocked Sahelian countries to relatively prosperous mines, plantations and coastal cities. This was very significant in ensuring quality brain and skills circulation in the region. Out-migration to Europe, despite the numerous benefits that come along with it, remains a huge problem for the region and very worrisome to policy makers. As the previous significant brain and skills circulation that existed in the region has shifted to Europe, it paralysed its human and socioeconomic development efforts. On the other hand it is a huge and an unbearable burden on the social welfare system and job market of Europe. Considering the problematic and worrisome nature of unskilled, semi-skilled and professional youth migration, this study is set to search for its determinants. The findings are intended for a better and more informed policy formulation. Assuming that at the beginning of the 21st Century, West Africa’s migratory trends to Europe have changed from predominantly regular to alarmingly irregular and clandestine, this research also investigates the motivations behind this trend. The focus of this study is the migration flow from West Africa to Europe, using Ghana as a case study.

The Future of Migration to Europe

Book Description

Even as the 2013-2017 “migration crisis” is increasingly in the past, EU countries still struggle to come up with alternative solutions to foster safe, orderly, and regular migration pathways, Europeans continue to look in the rear-view mirror.This Report is an attempt to reverse the perspective, by taking a glimpse into the future of migration to Europe. What are the structural trends underlying migration flows to Europe, and how are they going to change over the next two decades? How does migration interact with specific policy fields, such as development, border management, and integration? And what are the policies and best practicies to manage migration in a more coherent and evidence-based way?