Innovating South-South Cooperation

Book Description

This book presents novel approaches to further SouthSouth Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale. The evolving aid architecture and mounting development challenges demand an urgent and critical review of existing aid modalities, policy-making and forums for international cooperation. With the rise of emerging powers, we face an important question: ls the changing global order transforming the nature of development cooperation? Promoting equitable broad-based growth in order to alleviate poverty, calls for a new understanding of the principles of development assistance, good governance, transparency, ownership, and accountability. This book is published in English. - Les changements en matière d’aide internationale et les défis soulevés par les crises alimentaires, financières et énergétiques exigent un examen critique des conventions actuelles en matière d’assistance et d’élaboration de politiques et de forums décisionnels en coopération internationale. À la lumière de la montée de pouvoirs émergents, une analyse de la manière dont un ordre mondial en mutation transforme la nature de la coopération pour le développement s’impose. La promotion d’une croissance économique équitable et d’une réduction de la pauvreté exige une nouvelle compréhension de l’aide au développement et une gouvernance, transparence, propriété et imputabilité optimales. L’avenir de la Coopération Sud-Sud repose sur de nombreux facteurs, comme l’amélioration des moyens de communication et le partage des connaissances entre pays partenaires, l’adoption d’une approche analytique pour définir les biens publics régionaux et mondiaux, l’identification et l’évaluation des bonnes et des mauvaises pratiques et la fusion des priorités économiques et sociales. Au moyen d'études de cas, les auteurs proposent des approches novatrices pour promouvoir la Coopération Sud-Sud et établir des politiques de développement international efficaces. Ce livre est publié en anglais.

Innovating South-South Cooperation

Book Description

With the rise of emerging powers, we face an important question: ls the changing global order transforming the nature of development cooperation? Promoting equitable broad-based growth in order to alleviate poverty, calls for a new understanding of the principles of development assistance, good governance, transparency, ownership, and accountability. In the ever-changing arena of global development governance, South-South Cooperation (SSC) entails diverse forms of cooperation among developing countries. This book presents novel approaches to further South≠South Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale. The evolving aid architecture and mounting development challenges demand an urgent and critical review of existing aid modalities, policy-making and forums for international cooperation. Published in English.

The Challenges Of South-south Cooperation

Book Description

Working papers on the impact of economic cooperation esp. ECDC and TCDC trends on worldwide economic development - considers interregional and regional cooperation, means of promoting self reliance, trade development potential, and monetary agreements, payment agreements, the economic role of multinational enterprises and joint ventures; discusses agricultural planning, industrial planning, modern information policy and telecommunications policy, North South dialogue, technology transfer, etc. Organigrams, references, statistical tables.

The Challenges Of South-south Cooperation

Book Description

The process of economi c coopera t i on among devel oping countrie s ha s come a l ong way s i nce the ea rl y 1960s . A l ong s i de the movement f rom the e s tab l i s hment of reg i onal and subreg i on a l i n tegration and cooperati on g rou p i ngs to the e l aborati on of concepts and a pproaches for g l obal and i nterreg i onal coopera t i on ( such a s , for exampl e , the scheme for a gl oba l sys tem of trade preferences a mong deve l o p ing countries ) , there has b een a n exten s ion of the scope of coopera t i on , ori g ina l l y focused on trade , to other a rea s , i ncl u d ing moneta ry a n d f i nan c i a l ma tters , produ c t ion , ma rketing , and s o on . Today , the proce s s of economic cooperation among deve l o p ing countri es occu p i e s an i mportan t pl ace i n the economi c s t rategies a n d pol ic ies of devel o p i n g countrie s and , in recent years , wit h the marked deteri o ration in the wo rl d economi c s i tu a t io n and the wea ken i ng of i n ternat i onal cooperati on for deve l opmen t , it has acqu ired even grea ter importa nce and u rgency . I n deed , i n v iew of the pro s pects for the worl d economy for th e comi n g yea rs , i t h a s b ecome an i mpera t i ve i f the devel oping cou n t ries a re going to b e abl e to env i sage the transformation of their economies and the g rowth ra tes th ey need .

Development Challenges, South-South Solutions: July 2009 Issue

Book Description

Development Challenges, South-South Solutions is the monthly e-newsletter of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in UNDP ( It has been published every month since 2006. Its sister publication, Southern Innovator magazine, has been published since 2011.

South-South Cooperation

Book Description

This book critically analyses the ways in which Africa has shifted from the periphery of global trade, international relations and politics to the centre of the world stage because of its existing and potential economic prowess and purchasing power that the continent has to offer.

Routledge Handbook of South-South Relations

Book Description

South-South cooperation is becoming ever more important to states, policy-makers and academics. Many Northern states, international agencies and NGOs are promoting South-South partnerships as a means of ‘sharing the burden’ in funding and undertaking development, assistance and protection activities, often in response to increased political and financial pressures on their own aid budgets. However, the mainstreaming of Southern-led initiatives by UN agencies and Northern states is paradoxical in many ways, especially because the development of a South-South cooperation paradigm was originally conceptualised as a necessary way to overcome the exploitative nature of North-South relations in the era of decolonisation. This handbook critically explores diverse ways of defining ‘the South’ and of conceptualising and engaging with ‘South-South relations.’ Through 30 state-of-the-art reviews of key academic and policy debates, the handbook evaluates past, present and future opportunities and challenges of South-South cooperation, and lays out research agendas for the next 5-10 years. The book covers key models of cooperation (including internationalism, Pan-Arabism and Pan-Africanism), diverse modes of South-South connection, exchange and support (including South-South aid, transnational activism, and migration), and responses to displacement, violence and conflict (including Southern-led humanitarianism, peace-building and conflict resolution). In so doing, the handbook reflects on decolonial, postcolonial and anticolonial theories and methodologies, exploring urgent questions regarding the nature and implications of conducting research in and about the global South, and of applying a ‘Southern lens’ to a wide range of encounters, processes and dynamics across the global South and global North alike. This handbook will be of great interest to scholars and post-graduate students in anthropology, area studies, cultural studies, development studies, history, geography, international relations, politics, postcolonial studies and sociology.

Development Challenges, South-South Solutions: August 2013 Issue

Book Description

Development Challenges, South-South Solutions is the monthly e-newsletter of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in UNDP ( It has been published every month since 2006. Its sister publication, Southern Innovator magazine, has been published since 2011. Contact the Office to receive a copy of the new global magazine Southern Innovator. Issues 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are out now and are about innovators in mobile phones and information technology, youth and entrepreneurship, agribusiness and food security, cities and urbanization and waste and recycling. Why not consider sponsoring or advertising in an issue of Southern Innovator? Or work with us on an insert or supplement of interest to our readers? Follow @SouthSouth1.