The Chinese Metaphysics Compendium

Book Description

Embrace A Privileged Wisdom With over 1000 pages, The Chinese Metaphysics Compendium is by far, the most pivotal guide to everything you need and want to know about Chinese Metaphysics. In fact, it is a compilation of all the essential formulas and applications that govern the study of Chinese Metaphysics known and practiced today. Definitely an indispensable go-to reference to students and master practitioners alike.

Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium Second Edition

Book Description

An Improved Must-Have Reference for Everything Qi Men Joey Yap's Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium is the most comprehensive reference book to the Qi Men Dun Jia in the Chinese Metaphysics world. This book contains all the detailed references to the components, methodologies and attributes pertaining to the Qi Men Dun Jia system. Joey Yap has extracted, transliterated and tabulated the essential information from the ancient classics of Qi Men Dun Jia and presented them in simple English. Designed for the purpose of facilitating studies and further research, this book aims to bridge the gap for students and further research, this book aims to bridge the gap for students who want to learn, and the teachers who want to teach Qi Men Dun Jia. It is also designed to enable the genuine enthusiasts who want to dig deeper into the knowledge, but don't have the time to do extensive research and prefer to find all the sources of information in ONE single volume.

The Date Selection Compendium - The 60 Jia Zi Attributes

Book Description

The Importance of Having a Good Date This is the first book of its kind to unify all the information from various important classical Date Selection tomes, the most important being Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu (The Book of Unifying Times and Discerning Dimensions). The highlight of this vast and comprehensive compendium includes the Monthly Purple White Stars, Qi Men Three Noble Stars, The Annual Positive and Negative Stars for every Jia Zi - all of which yield many hours of pleasurable study and reference for masters, teachers and students alike.

Qi Men Dun Jia: Evidential Occurrences

Book Description

Qi Men Dun Jia Evidential Occurrences Evidential Occurrences is one of the most mysterious and fascinating subjects of Qi Men Dun Jia. For the first time, you will be able to access the knowledge of the secretive Fa Qi Men school of Qi Men Dun Jia through this comprehensive guide on the subject. Exercise your creative thinking and judgement while interpreting the cryptic signs of Qi Men Evidential Occurrences.

BaZi - The Destiny Code (Book 1)

Book Description

BaZi - The Destiny Code Understand the DNA Coding of Your Destiny Just like DNA to a physical body, BaZi dictates the Destiny Code - that are the talents, the hidden abilities, the character, strengths, weaknesses, challenges in life, and achievements - of an individual. In this introductory book on BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny, Joey Yap ventures deep into the essence of Personality Analysis to foster a more accurate and informed understanding, beyond the conventional Chinese Astrology reading.

Feng Shui

Book Description

This book demonstrates clearly and logically how natural forces in our environment affect our well-being, and uses famous buildings and places as practical examples of how feng shui has a very real relevance to our daily lives. The second part of the book takes us into an understanding of the 'Four Pillars of Destiny', an important feng shui tool that provides an explanation of personal events in our lives.

BaZi - The Destiny Code Revealed (Book 2)

Book Description

A Deeper Journey into The Four Pillars Of Destiny This follow-up title to the best-selling BaZi book, The Destiny Code, takes reader deeper into the study of BaZi and explores the elemental relationships of Clash, Combination, Harm, Punishment and Destruction. The Destiny Code Revealed shows you, step-by-step, how to deepen your journey into your own personal Destiny Chart, and unlocks new information and insights into your own Destiny.

Plum Blossom Divination Reference Book

Book Description

The Plum Blossom method, or known in Chinese as the 'Mei Hua Yi Shu' is a subsystem of Yi Jing Divination. It's a more methodical and rational form of divination precisely because the method is rooted on the sound principles of the five elements and the original Gua attributes, which forms the basis of Chinese Metaphysics and Feng Shui. Now, Joey Yap presents the ultimate Plum Blossom Divination Reference Book, which is an exhaustive and complete reference for Yi Jing Plum Blossom practitioners and students. The highlights of this thoroughly-researched reference text are: Every single one of the 64 Hexagrams along with the 384 Yaos in complete and thorough detail, with all its possible permutations; Each Yao text is provided, followed by other relevant considerations pertaining to the Hexagram; Each Hexagram has the possibility of six changing Yao lines, and the derivation of all six possibilities is compiled in orderly sequence within the pages of this book; A detailed Introduction on how to use the book and how to make the most of the Gua explanations you derive; General and concise explanations of each Hexagram to further help you understand the meaning of the Hexagrams; An overall indication of the attributes of each Hexagram, which allow you to determine the usefulness of that particular Hexagram for a particular situation in your life; A description of all the relevant and particular considerations for each Hexagram; The Original Gua shown and highlighted with its Mutual Gua for every one of the Hexagrams for easy comparison and analysis; Ohe Original Gua shown and highlighted with its Transformed Gua; A clear reference for the qualities of each Gua in relation to time, indicating the usability of each Gua depending on the Season and Day on which it is derived. Highly-recommended for practitioners and students, this book eliminates the need to sift through numerous books, texts, and sources, simplifying your work. It is the only book you will need to guide you in your Plum Blossom research, studies and practice!

The Art of Date Selection : Personal Date Selection

Book Description

Timing is Everything At the core of Date Selection practise resides the idea of 'doing the right thing, at the right time'. With Personal Date Selection, you can learn how to infuse positive energies present at a specific time into any activity you're embarking to have greater chances of success. From signing business contracts, to moving into a new house, or to making a marriage proposal - a good auspicious date is nothing but essential to the make-or-break of these important endeavours.

Walking the Dragons

Book Description

A Travelogue from a Feng Shui Perspective With the release of this insightful travel account, Joey Yap establishes a platform to share with reader the one-of-a-kind experience of his annual China Excursion Series. With a generous insight into the mysterious and captivating world of ancient China, where the practice of Feng Shui was as integral to daily life as the use of technology is today. A step back into time, from a Feng Shui perspective.