The Christian Faith Uninformed by the Culture

Book Description

Religious apostasy is now rife in the land. Do not be misled. No human has a corner on the word of God. Do not look to man for truth: look to God. Dr. Richard Murphy is a native New Yorker. His ministry as a Christian compels him to be present in dialogue at this time. Reading and rereading the Bible, as well as Bible study in church, church seminars, the use of reference books and commentaries, church membership, singing in the choir, summer church camp, and church committee work have qualified him to write this commentary even though it is many years later than was his expectation. He received Jesus Christ as Lord in junior high school. As a practicing physician in New York City he learned first hand about the plight of young and old who are culturally driven and thereby lacking in fellowship with Jesus Christ. Dr. Karen Murphy, growing up in the South and having a childhood dream of being a missionary, began piano lessons at the age of four. With music always being a part of her life, her understanding increased as God guided her into this field. In mid-life after her children became teenagers, she returned to graduate school earning two more degrees in piano. With her doctorate, she joined the music faculty in 2008 at Mississippi State University. Karen's future plans include writing, from a Biblical perspective, a practical step-by-step health plan with satisfying recipes and simple exercise ideas.

The Christian Faith Enabled by the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Religious apostasy is now rife in the land. Do not be misled. No human has a corner on the word of God. Do not look to man for truth: look to God. Dr. Richard Murphy is a native New Yorker. His ministry as a Christian compels him to be present in dialogue at this time. Reading and rereading the Bible, as well as Bible study in church, church seminars, the use of reference books and commentaries, church membership, singing in the choir, summer church camp, and church committee work have qualified him to write this commentary even though it is many years later than was his expectation. He received Jesus Christ as Lord in junior high school. As a practicing physician in New York City he learned first hand about the plight of young and old who are culturally driven and thereby lacking in fellowship with Jesus Christ. Dr. Karen Murphy, growing up in the South and having a childhood dream of being a missionary, began piano lessons at the age of four. With music always being a part of her life, her understanding increased as God guided her into this field. In mid-life after her children became teenagers, she returned to graduate school earning two more degrees in piano. With her doctorate, she joined the music faculty in 2008 at Mississippi State University. Karen's future plans include writing, from a Biblical perspective, a practical step-by-step health plan with satisfying recipes and simple exercise ideas.

Gospel Without Borders

Book Description

To what degree does culture facilitate or distort the Christian faith, the gospel of Jesus, and the life of the church? In America, the distortion is enormous. Gospel Without Borders carefully examines the complex intersection of culture and faith in America, providing insights that allow for better understanding and a more genuine experience of biblical and historic Christianity. Gospel Without Borders analyzes the formative and interactive roles that human nature and cultural history play in contemporary expressions of Christianity in America. It outlines their profound but little appreciated influence upon the shape and scope of Christian faith within society-at-large, the church, and the lives of individuals. The study illuminates the dimensions of a largely unheralded gospel message characterized by unimpeded faith that fully accords with the kingdom Jesus stridently proclaimed. It outlines the dimensions of faith freed from the disappointing forms of "culturalized" Christianity that always prove insufficient on a personal level and woefully inadequate to the demands of contemporary life within our globalizing world. Today's world can only be effectively impacted through a "gospel without borders"--a compelling gospel most Americans have yet to hear, and too many Christians--of every cultural and denominational background--have yet to fully embrace.

Eyes Wide Open

Book Description

This revised and expanded edition explores more deeply how Christians can most profitably and critically hear, read, and view pop culture.

The Culturally Savvy Christian

Book Description

In The Culturally Savvy Christian—his incisive critique of contemporary culture and religion—Dick Staub concludes that though it is influential, American popular culture is generally superficial (diversionary, mindless, and celebrity-driven) spiritually delusional (moralistic, therapeutic, and deistic) and soulless (sustained not by art, craft, and ideas, but by the mad pursuit of profit—propped up by marketing and technology). Similarly American Christianity has devolved into its own mindless, diversionary, and celebrity-driven superficiality. Because humans are created in God's image with spiritual, intellectual, creative, moral, and relational capacities, we long for more, yet the true seeker faces the lose-lose alternatives of a soul-numbing culture and a vacuous Christianity-lite. The renaissance we need in both faith and culture will originate in a deep spiritual renewal that restores God's image in us and creates a new breed of culturally savvy, thoughtful creatives who rekindle the spiritual, intellectual, and creative legacy of Christians as enrichers of culture.

The Cultural Christian

Book Description

"I want to begin by saying that I am a believer. I love Jesus but his people use to make me question their faith. As a former skeptic, I used to question my own so understand that when I say I question other's faiths and beliefs, I do so out of love and curiosity. I am fortunate because I was given the grace to know Jesus before I exited this world. I am also fortunate for the fact that Jesus allows me to invade his personal space. But currently, I am considering the state of the world as it stands (declines however you may see that), and I wonder if the saints are praying. I wonder if we have not only retreated to our wicked ways but have refused to repent and so humbling ourselves is something we don't or won't do. I wonder if our sermons make sense. I wonder if people still preach the gospel in love or are we still seated with itching ears. I wonder if we are going to try and understand the depth of the cataclysm, we are the face in these perilous times or are we going to pretend they don't exist. Are we going to keep lying to God, ourselves, and our congregations to keep saving faces they can see through? We have created, cultivated, and maintained a culture of dismissiveness that not only is biblically incorrect but spiritually unsafe. We have given a dangerous amount of value to social media and gaining followers so much so because it serves our lies and facades so well. We can be and seem to be anything/anyone we want to portray. We can preach transparency and hide our sins. We can preach marriage and hide infidelity. We have accidentally misled other believers on purpose and instead of contending for the faith and being adequate representatives, we are misrepresenting who Jesus is, what He died for and why we even gather in His name. It is time refocus us, recenter our culture, and respond as believers to change our core value systems."

Toxic Faith - Liberal Cure

Book Description

Toxic Faith: Liberal Cure is an answer to those who claim that liberalism is immoral and is somehow destroying the values of this country. It also seeks to provide a careful and rational response, in a specifically Judeo-Christian context, to many of the most vocalized and divisive current issues: patriotism, war, abortion, homosexuality, poverty, and the environment. Reviews "Liberal" is not a four-letter word. We are living in a time where "moral values" receive much play in the popular press. Rarely, if ever, however, do the discussions about "moral values" (meaning primarily Judeo-Christian values in our culture) include any serious discussion of what the Jewish and Christian Scriptures actually say about the primary conflicted issues of this day. The authors address if and how Judeo-Christian moral values may be related to liberal values within the context of selected social issues. This book is an answer to those who claim that liberalism is immoral and is somehow destroying the values of this country. It also seeks to provide a careful and rational response, in a specifically Judeo-Christian context, to many of the most vocalized and divisive current issues: patriotism, war, abortion, homosexuality, poverty, and the environment. Using quiet, confident scholarship and reason, the authors seek to restore and energize a more informed Christian faith. It is designed to be read by everyone who is alarmed about the political encroachments of the religious right: liberals who are Christians, liberals who arent Christians, secularists, and moderates who are concerned about religious freedom and the separation of church and state. "a reasoned, serious analysis of some of societys most contentious issues. Again, conservatives may not buy (the) arguments in the end, but at least (theyre) speaking in a language conservatives will understand." -Alston B. Ramsey, National Review Online, February 15, 2006 "Having trouble coming up with responses to the religious right on critical issues of the day? This book is a scholarly, yet down-to-earth discussion of topics such as patriotism, war, poverty, abortion, homosexuality and the environment. Each chapter includes talking points that can raise your comfort level in responding to the uninformed or biased rhetoric of the right." MiniMe, Illinois "This book offers valid perspectives on crucial issues that are dividing our country. I love that each chapter concludes with suggestions for positive action and discussion points. Very worthwhile!" J. Powers "In our sound byte-addicted world of attack-journalism, I'm amazed that a book can find its way into publication that thoughtfully addresses the most difficult moral issues of our time without name-calling and political posturing. Don't let the title fool you - this is not an outlet for liberals to counter-attack the extreme-right. This book addresses the most contentious issues of our time from a background of faith that helps the reader look at their own beliefs and gain empathy for others' beliefs." R. Andersen, Washington, DC "This book is the only one that directly and concisely addresses some of the most difficult religious issues that are discussed in the public arena these days. It includes obvious choices such as abortion and homosexuality, but it also gives thoughtful consideration to poverty, the environment and the war. In language that is understandable by almost everyone, the authors present significant research from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures and the historical record that set straight many of the misconceptions of the religious right. It also provides very helpful talking points and suggestions for personal actions related to the topics." Canuck "Freedom of religion me

Place, Culture, and Identity

Book Description

Alan R.H. Baker, of the Geography Department of the University of Cambridge, has played a leading role in the development of historical geography. This book, which features twelve specially commissioned essays, recognizes his highly influential and innovative contributions. The contributors address the following topics: methodology and ideology in historical geography; historical geographies of state regulation and political discourse; the social and cultural use of public and private space; and the interpretation of images of place in relation to cultural and national identity.

The Challenge of Authenticity

Book Description

Authenticity - the external self in conformity with the inner self, to be sincere to oneself, is a state of genteel well being, and therefore of true happiness. It is the state of being whole, and in a sense, of experiencing holiness. It is the ideal of being a Christian in any cultural context, a challenge to all Christians everywhere. The response to the Word of God demands the readiness to be at its service. But this service is not simply allowing oneself to be an instrument, but also of actively being the agent, putting the word into action in the world. This means creatively activating the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Word, within the culture, in the world, in individuals and in peoples at any time and place. It means the challenge to break through the limiting structures of body and mind in order to get to people's hearts, whatever may be their stations in life. These structures may differ from place to place and from time to time because every time or place has its peculiar challenges. For the Christian faith, the challenge is to activate the best within the indigenous culture of its practitioners, parishioners and sympathisers. The point of departure is that the best elements of a typical indigenous African culture are openness, sincerity of spirit, spontaneity, in a word, authenticity. These are far different from the superficial emotionalism, which some uninformed scholars and commentators have made these out to be. The reflections in the book suggest how the challenges to faith commitment in general, and in African socio-cultural context in particular, could be converted into opportunities to make faith-commitment a truly self-fulfilling vocation that will in turn create authentic discipleship.

Transforming Congregational Culture

Book Description

Argues in behalf of transforming main-line congregations into "missional communities," which will give hope to declining churches in the twenty-first century.