The Eighteenth Century

Book Description

Great Truths of the Bible

Book Description

Have you ever felt God has something special planned for your life, but often find you fail to receive His greater blessings? Great Truths of the Bible contains 52 lessons covering 48 cardinal principles of the Christian faith which will prepare you to discover the magnificent power God has given you. Once you've completed this Bible study you will have equipped yourself with the very fundamentals of your faith. Great Truths of the Bible gives you the answers to truths regarding the Bible -- the inspired Word of God, God the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, holy angels, Satan and his angels, sin, salvation, repentance, faith, regeneration, justification, redemption, atonement and grace, as well as prayer, the Christian life, the Church -- the Body of Christ, the Antichrist and the false prophet and the second coming of Christ. It is when these truths become a living reality in your life that you truly learn how to change despair to hope, sadness to joy, fear to faith.

Eleven Basic Biblical Principles Every Christian Ought to Know

Book Description

This book is a succinct documentation from the Bible of eleven basic spiritual principles that govern the Christian's relationship with God and Satan/spiritual world. Scientifically speaking, the world is governed by a set of rules or principles and many careful and observant men and women in history who discovered some of these principles have made names for themselves and invented things that have reduced the ordinary man to awe and admiration. In the same vein, there are some biblical principles that govern the spiritual world or spiritual exercise and, undoubtedly, every hero of the Bible exhibited one or more or all the principles, mentioned in this book, in practical living.The Christian who wants to finish his/her race successfully must pay attention to these principles. The Bible is a mine of supernatural nuggets. It holds resources to make the Christian heavenly useful and earthly productive. It reveals that God ceded decision making power to the man in order not to have robots for children or worshipers. God, in his mercy and sovereignty, ruled that no supernatural power can enter man's world without the permission of a man. This principle cannot be abused, even by the lawless one, Satan. Whatever spiritual power that possesses man must, therefore, dialogue with the man. It is this initial dialogue that determines who takes over man. Even people who are addicted to drugs today, usually, had the very first day, when they battled and suppressed their conscience. Prayer is necessary because every free moral agent, who also chooses what power to relate to, is at liberty to present his/her petition to the power he/she recognizes. Fasting, on the other hand, provides the discipline the praying person needs to get the attention of the recognized power. Faith believes the ability of the recognized power to react positively to prayer or request. Righteousness - life after salvation - is the visible picture that is to be painted by the saved person and seen by those who are around him/her. The giving and receiving-principle serves as a check and balance. The decision maker must bear in mind that any decision made has eternal consequences - whatever is sown must be reaped. Tithe (ten percent of the believer's income) or any other sacrificial giving, is due to the Lord he/she serves. The principle of idolatry warns that the worshiper resembles what is worshiped; and the Christian believer is reminded that the jealous God, who hates idolatry, cannot co-habit with Satan and fallen angels or demons. Anyone who chooses to serve the living God must serve Him and Him alone. The pride heart is an enemy of God. No two Gods have ever existed and will ever exist. The proud person, therefore, has one guarantee - failure. God's people must desist from pride and turn to praise. God deserves the praises of His people. He must be praised because He is the creator and the sustainer of the known and unknown universe. May God be praised forever! Amen!