Christian Theologies of Salvation

Book Description

This text introduces the reader to the great variety of distinctive interpretations within the Christian tradition regarding theologies of salvation, distinctive interpretations expressed by a wide range of Christian theologians.

So Great Salvation

Book Description

What is the Gospel? Confusion about the Gospel is a serious problem of tremendous magnitude. It's not just semantics. It's the eternal difference between heaven and hell. But there is Good News. Follow along in this scholarly yet readable work as Dr. Ryrie carefully explains what the Bible has to say about salvation, discussing man's hopeless state before meeting Jesus, God's grace in saving us, and our call to obedience as we walk with Him. In So Great Salvation, Dr. Ryrie also addresses many questions raised by those who hold to the lordship salvation position. Does Jesus have to be the Lord of every area of our lives before we are saved? What about backslidden Christians? What is 'easy-believeism?' Join Dr. Ryrie as he studies the important topic of salvation. Discover how God's grace is all we need to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Doctrine of Salvation

Book Description

Is anything more important than understanding eternal salvation? When it comes down to it, all human beings can be divided into two categories: the saved and the unsaved. Every person longs to find the path to eternal life. Many different paths are tried. But what does the Word of God have to say about it? In The Doctrine of Salvation, Charles Horne explains the basics of this important biblical doctrine. Why is there a need for salvation? What is its basis? What are its results? How can you be assured of it? And how does salvation culminate in eternal life? Using clear and precise language, Dr. Horne lays out the biblical evidence. “The doctrine of salvation is central to the message of Scripture,” he writes. “From Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 we witness the unfolding drama of redemption.” May this book open your eyes to the greatest story ever told!

The Language of Salvation

Book Description

"A study that explains thirteen different biblical terms which together convey the richness of a single concept: salvation. The book addresses human sin, considers various ideas and convictions of people inside and outside the church, and explores how each of these facets of Christian salvation helps with sharing the gospel"--

Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World

Book Description

Religious pluralism is the greatest challenge facing Christianity in today's Western culture. The belief that Christ is the only way to God is being challenged, and increasingly Christianity is seen as just one among many valid paths to God. In Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, four perspectives are presented by their major proponents: Normative Pluralism: All ethical religions lead to God (John Hick) Inclusivism: Salvation is universally available, but is established by and leads to Christ (Clark Pinnock) Salvation in Christ: Agnosticism regarding those who haven't heard the gospel (Alister McGrath) Salvation in Christ Alone: Salvation depends on explicit personal faith in Jesus Christ alone (R. Douglas Geivett and W. Gary Phillips) This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to critique and respond to the critiques of the other contributors. The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.

Who Can Be Saved?

Book Description

Throughout history millions have lived and died without hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite vigorous missionary efforts, large populations of the world today have never been evangelized. And now religious pluralism has set up shop on Main Street. The question "Who can be saved?" forces itself on the minds of Christians like never before. Is there a wideness in God's mercy? Does God reveal himself in a way that invites all people to respond positively in saving faith? Does one have to be an Arminian to believe so? Or is there a way for Calvinists to see how God might reveal and save apart from the explicit "gospel" and yet exclusively through Jesus Christ? And if so, what does this say about the role of religions within the sovereign providence of God? These are big questions requiring thoughtful care. In this intriguing study, Terrance L. Tiessen reassesses the questions of salvation and the role of religions and offers a proposal that is biblically rooted, theologically articulated and missiologically sensitive. This is a book that will set new terms for the discussion of these important issues.

Salvation by Allegiance Alone

Book Description

We are saved by faith when we trust that Jesus died for our sins. This is the gospel, or so we are taught. But what is faith? And does this accurately summarize the gospel? Because faith is frequently misunderstood and the climax of the gospel misidentified, the gospel's full power remains untapped. While offering a fresh proposal for what faith means within a biblical theology of salvation, Matthew Bates presses the church toward a new precision: we are saved solely by allegiance to Jesus the king. Instead of faith alone, Christians must speak about salvation by allegiance alone. The book includes discussion questions for students, pastors, and church groups and a foreword by Scot McKnight.

Salvation Accomplished by the Son

Book Description

After writing and teaching on the subject for nearly thirty years, this beloved professor of theology presents a major volume on the atoning work of Christ.


Book Description

Despite our professions of belief, our baptisms, and our membership in the church, many of us secretly wonder, Am I truly saved? We worry that our love for Jesus isn't fervent enough (or isn't as fervent as someone else's). We worry that our faith isn't strong enough. We struggle through the continuing presence of sin in our lives. All this steals the joy of our salvation and can lead us into a life characterized by legalism, perfectionism, and works righteousness--the very life Jesus freed us from at the cross! But Greg Gilbert has a message for the anxious believer--be assured. Assured that your salvation experience was real. Assured that your sins--past, present, and future--are forgiven. Assured that everyone stumbles. Assured that Jesus is not your judge but your advocate. With deep compassion, Gilbert comforts readers, encouraging them to release their guilt, shame, and anxiety to rejoice in and follow hard after the One who set them free.

Salvation Belongs to Our God

Book Description

Christopher Wright uses this verse as a lens through which he surveys the Bible’s teaching on 'salvation’. Every phrase in the verse resonates with significant themes in the Old and New Testaments, all of which combine to show that the Bible tells the story of God’s salvation very broadly indeed, in relation to the character and purposes of God, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the redemption of all creation, the joy of Christian experience and the responsibility of Christian mission. This clear, deep and warm-hearted exposition enriches our grasp of the Bible’s multi-faceted teaching about salvation.