The Chronicles of Heaven's War, Book I

Book Description

Where to begin a tale filled with closely guarded secrets of demons, gods and men that has for the Ages been hidden from all searching troubling and damning that the very faith of mortals will be shaken to its core... Greatest of Ancients, the wisest of sages, beckons with a teasing riddle... "To reach the beginning, you must start in the middle. And to attain the finish, you must comprehend all things. Time goes ever forward, but knowledge learns always from the past." ...the middle - a time when the existence of all life hinges upon one thread, one decision, one men of clay selfishly pursue wealth, glory, and pleasures while others far beyond the stars fight to return to an unending life of bliss and self-indulgence. Here begins our Quest...a long and twisting road to Destiny drawing us into a distant and sordid past, then flinging us wildly toward an uncertain future, opening a door to a mystical world... Dare you take this dangerous journey of discovery to uncover the truth of all matters and meet the people who have given everything for us to gain what the future holds...?

The Chronicles of Heaven's War

Book Description

"A Blood Moon rises! For too long we have hidden from reality, fearing the loss of our past should we attempt to find our future. No more! Our day of infamy has arrived. A spark has ignited our universe and set it ablaze. From those ashes has grown a force that will crush the League of Brothers and drive it from our Realm! The decision has been made! Today we go to War! Phoenix rises!"Tears flowed down the new king's face as she thought of her sister, Darla, hoping beyond hope the woman might still live. This time her opponent had gone too far. There was no longer any place for negotiation. Their day of infamy had arrived. Mihai Astron, king over the Children's Empire, had raised her fist, declaring absolute and total war with no hope of treaty or armistice. From the flames and ashes of this coming holocaust would rise only one power to rule over Heaven, Earth, and Hell - one power to rule the universe, either to its ending hour or coming glory.The Third Fleet was shattered, Admiral Euroaquilo's heroic rescue attempt of the Shikkeron sounding his demise and the fleet's ruin as a fighting force. But they had won, beaten the enemy back, saved the Shikkeron and its precious living cargo from capture, or had they? What of the imperial frigate, Shikkeron? Gone it was, ship and crew, swallowed up in the cosmic dust of space.Mihai shrugged. It mattered little now. She had raised her fist to the god of war, declaring the time of the world's ending. Already her battle fleets hovered above MueoPoros, those invasion forces protected by Navy and Marine sky ships swarming the planet's surface, engaging a ruthless enemy with no intention of surrender. In her mind's eye, she could already see the great slaughter and the ruin of body and machine, smell the blood and gore of battle, the burning cordite and charred flesh. Had she not witnessed it so many times before, but always as the soldier faithfully obeying another's commands?This time Mihai had raised the banner of war, declared the unholy hour of death and destruction. Now others led the charge into the slaughter, into the meat-grinder of damnation...

War In Heaven

Book Description

In War in Heaven Williams gives a contemporary setting to the traditional story of the Search for the Holy Grail. Examining the distinction between magic and religion, this eerily disturbing book graphically portrays a metaphysical journey through the shadowy crevices of the human mind. “Reading Charles Williams is an unforgettable experience.”—SATURDAY REVIEW “ of the most gifted and influential Christian writers England has produced this century.”—TIME “Charles Williams’s firm conviction that the spiritual world is not simply a reality parallel with that of the material one, but is rather its source and its abiding infrastructure, is explicit in both the manner and matter of all he wrote. Hence the unique contribution offered by his novels to the materialistic age in which these characters live and behave and their plots unfold.”—OWEN BARFIELD “Charles Williams took the form of the thriller and used it to create an extraordinary genre that has sometimes been called ‘spiritual shockers.’ His books are immensely worth reading, even if you consider yourself unspiritual and immune to shock.”—HUMPHREY CARPENTER “...satire, romance, thriller, morality, and glimpses of eternity all rolled into one.”—THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Chronicles of Heaven's War

Book Description

As if groggily rising from some drunken stupor, the whole universe was waking to reality, shaking off its former illusions of complacency and indifference. The realization of who the oldest child had really become was beginning to sink in. To publicly attempt the destruction of an innocent mind for no reason other than selfish desire had pushed their limits of tolerance beyond the breaking point. No honest person could find an excuse for Asotos' actions. There was no longer any defense for the man's violence committed against his brothers and sisters.A new energy filled the hearts of Lowenah's children. War was coming. And if Asotos was not defeated, everyone surviving would be enslaved for as long as the universe remained. Freedom would disappear forever. Preventing such a thing from happening rested on their shoulders. The fate of all future history and all past life lay in their hands.The tempest was only beginning to boil up. Few could see what it would engulf before exhausting itself upon a ruined land. And a ruined land it was to be...millions of lives snuffed out with countless cities buried in smoldering rubble. Yet it was going to happen, causing those involved to release a collective sigh, for the day had come at last. Most had never lifted a hand in anger against another, and now they were prepared to kill or be killed. Billions were gathering to this coming day of slaughter, one that was to make the Great War appear as though but a small skirmish.Their waiting in suspense was over. Now duty begged them on to whatever destiny awaited them. A blood moon was rising - an omen of a savage, sanguine struggle leading to the obliteration of either the Children's Empire or the League of Brothers.So unfolds Book III of "The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Blood Moon Rising", as the epic tale of mankind's history is further revealed...that which has been hid in secrecy for millennia now coming to light. Follow those who stand as our silent sentinels as they engage in all-out warfare to eradicate evil from their Realm as well as ours, fighting to pave the way for lasting peace, where love and freedom will reign supreme.

The Chronicles of Heaven's War

Book Description

"Scanning the maddening scene around her, Trisha sighed under her breath, 'So it has come to pass... Hell is delivered to Heaven's heights. Look and see! I am Death, Destruction my lover! Today I set the universe ablaze. Phoenix will burn, and the gods will bow low to the Children of Damnation!'"Phoenix... Across the globe, legends of old tell of a majestic, beautiful bird known from antiquity, its age measured in centuries and beyond...a symbol of peace and justice, dying in flames only to be reborn anew from its charred remains. And so it is with this most ancient of civilizations that existed in what seemed eternal peace, breached by rebellion, its innocence smoldering midst the ashes of destruction of all held dear. Children from two realms band together, knowing that the past must perish like the Phoenix, and they the ones to make it burn as they struggle together against the most evil of foes - the oldest one among all of Lowenah's children - and his hordes of followers. If they find success, the Phoenix will rise again, stronger and more resolute...determined to destroy all that is evil and build anew an existence where love, freedom and peace reign, not only for them, but for those who rest in the Field of the Minds and those yet to be born."The Chronicles of Heaven's War" saga continues to unfold with this, Book II, "Burning Phoenix"... Come with Trisha as she leads courageous men and women of the Children's Empire into a 'cauldron of Hell', not knowing the outcome, but all determined to stand to the last person for love, freedom, and all things good...and honor Lowenah, the One whose heart is tied in to their success or failure...along with all that exists. Ride with them as they charge the line, fierce and unyielding, unwavering in their quest to destroy all who are evil and return peace, their hope that Phoenix will rise once more...

Heaven's War

Book Description

1938: As the world moves toward global war, a secret angelic battle is waged in the heavenly realms to determine mankind's fate. The infamous Aleister Crowley plans to manipulate those angelic struggles and thus shape the world according to his will. Only "The Inklings" -- fantasy authors J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams -- oppose him. They must decipher a landscape of sacred geometry to intercept Crowley at the threshold of heaven. And, for one of the Inklings, the pursuit will reach outside time itself.

The Sabrael Confession

Book Description

Angel Sabrael was sent to earth as one on a secret force to protect the newborn Christ. They soon discover though that the fallen are searching for a gateway to get to the demons.

The War in Heaven

Book Description

Satan and his minions have declared war on the most beautiful planet in the universe his purpose is to depose Michael the archangel and become second only to God in command of all creation. Standing in Satan's way are a scattered and disorganized host of angels, a group of inexperienced saints, a small band of humans, and some angelic rebels in Hell. Armed with faith full power, Abaddon the Destroyer creates a formidable army to challenge the evil targeting Earth. Author of best selling Heaven and Hell, Kenneth Zeigler again draws from his research to create a realistic tale where science, the supernatural, and life and death teeter on the edge of eternal joy or damnation.

Chronicles of the First Times

Book Description

Heaven - the most perfect of all places. But even here, perfect beauty can be marred by the pride of one...As the angels wake up, newly created, they become aware of who they are, and Who they will serve - the LORD God. They soon find themselves under three archangels - Bo and Nerel are welcomed into the ranks of Michael's Division of War; the scribes Kryos and Joseph serve under Gabriel's Division of Mediation; and Trydel and Audel are invited into the Division of Light under Lucifer, the Treasurer and Leader of worship.As the angels get acquainted and make friends, subtle changes occur in Lucifer's division. Trydel and Audel grow increasingly uncomfortable in Lucifer's meetings, while Nerel overhears the archangel's helpers speak of revolt. Before they can sound the alarm, Lucifer's trumpet sounds - but not for worship this time. War has come to Heaven!Follow the unfolding drama as angels now draw their swords for the first time, fighting friends and seeing them change before their eyes. Grief, horror and confusion abounds. In the Courtyard Lucifer faces the fury of Michael. And in the Scribes' House, Joseph furiously records while the war rages...Getting past Michael and into the Throne Room is hard enough. But what will Lucifer do when he faces the LORD Himself? What will his followers do? Is there even the smallest chance that they could seize the Throne?This is a story worth knowing. Dictated and re-told from eyewitness accounts of over fifty faithful angels and their God, it serves as a testimony to all of what once happened and affects us still.

War in Heaven

Book Description

Williams gives a contemporary setting to the traditional story of the Search for the Holy Grail. Examining the distinction between magic and religion, War in Heaven is an eerily disturbing book, one that graphically portrays a metaphysical journey filled with marvels and black magic, God and the Devil. "The telephone was ringing wildly," begins War in Heaven, "but without result, since there was no-one in the room but the corpse." From this abrupt - and darkly humorous - start, Williams takes us on a 20th-century version of the Grail quest, with an Archdeacon, a Duke, and an editor playing the old Arthurian roles. Throughout, Williams reminds us that these legends were above all about divine, not just human, romance.