The Chronos Project

Book Description

In the year 2099, genetic engineering has reshaped the face of humanity while time travel allows the human race a glimpse into its past. Four superhumans must race against time to save the earth from one man's evil plans.

Project Chronos

Book Description

For years Charles Peterson, CEO of Chronos, has been patiently waiting for his scientists to perfect the superhuman process. Unfortunately now that they have achieved success, more problems are surfacing than answers. Anxious to give Normals what every Super takes for granted, he summons help from a few reluctant participants to capture Supers and gather their blood to replicate their impressive abilities. Eric Pongo, an agent with the Super Being Unit government force tasked with keeping Supers in check, has figured out what Peterson is up to and is attempting to rally the few good Supers to help stop the CEOs plan before they are all caught. Meanwhile, Ami Marikone of the first Supers to go publicis pleading with the government and the SBU to bring peace to the Super and Normal communities. But as Super chaos unfolds and a battle begins endangering lives, now only time will tell if the government will side with the SBU and if all Supers will have to be sequestered on an island from which no Super has ever returned. In this science fiction tale, a group of superhumans must fight to stay alive and free from those determined to steal their powers as the truth is slowly unveiled.


Book Description

"The science of informatics in the broadest sense has been several thousands of years in the making. With the recent emergence of large storage devices and high-speed processing of data, it has become possible to organize vast amounts of data as digital products with ontologic tags and concepts for smart queries. Coupling this computational capability with earth science data defines the emerging field of geoinformatics. Since the science of geology was established several centuries ago, observations led to conclusions that were integrative in concept and clearly had profound implications for the birth of geology. As disciplinary information about Earth becomes more voluminous, the use of geoinformatics will lead to integrative, science-based discoveries of new knowledge about planetary systems. Twenty one research papers, co-authored by 96 researchers from both earth and computer sciences, provide the first-ever organized presentation of the science of informatics as it relates to geology. Readers will readily recognize the vast intellectual content represented by these papers as they seek to address the core research goals of geoinformatics."--Publisher's website.

The Chronos Resurgence

Book Description

"The Chronos Resurgence: Echoes of Time" by James "JimDandy" Dennis is a thrilling voyage into a future world in the year 2360. At the heart of this captivating narrative lies the discovery of the Chronos Resurgence, a mysterious device capable of reshaping the very fabric of the universe. As the protagonist, Ethan, stumbles upon this enigmatic artifact, he embarks on a journey of unrivaled curiosity and relentless experimentation that will change his life and the world he knows. In a technologically advanced utopia known as Prime Meridian, Ethan's once routine existence transforms into a fantastical adventure, blurring the lines between science fiction and reality. With the Chronos Resurgence's boundless potential at his fingertips, Ethan's every discovery and experiment sends him hurtling into uncharted territory, where each revelation unravels new mysteries and unforeseen consequences. Amid this gripping exploration, Ethan encounters a captivating cast of characters, each contributing unique perspectives and goals to the unfolding narrative. None more intriguing than Zin Xia, whose enigmatic objectives entwine with Ethan's quest, adding an element of suspense and intrigue. As the story unfolds, "The Chronos Resurgence: Echoes of Time" explores themes of love, unity, and the profound mysteries of time itself. With a future on the brink of transformation, hope guides Ethan as he ventures boldly into an uncertain world, one risky discovery at a time. Dennis's work is an exhilarating blend of science fiction and adventure. It offers readers a heart-pounding journey through an unknown future where the boundaries of possibility are pushed to their limits.

Driving in Virtual Reality

Book Description

In the last decades, there has been a substantial increase in the development of complex active safety systems for automotive vehicles. These systems need to be tested for verification and validation to ensure that the system intervenes in the correct situations using the correct measures. There are multiple methods available to perform such testing. Software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop testing offer effective driverless testing. Other methods increase the fidelity by including human drivers, such as driving simulators and experiments performed at test tracks. This thesis examines vehicle-in-the-loop testing, an innovative method where the driver of a real vehicle wears a head-mounted display that displays virtual targets. This method combines the benefits of driving simulators with the benefits of using a real vehicle on a test track. Driving simulators offer repeatability, safety, and the possibility of complex interactions between actors. In contrast, the real vehicle provides the correct vehicle dynamics and motion feedback. There is a need to know how the technology behind the method might influence the results from vehicle-in-the-loop testing. Two techniques for vehicle-in-the-loop systems are studied. The first involves video-see through head-mounted displays, where the focus of the research is on the effects of visual latency on driving behavior. The results show that lateral driving behavior changes with added latency, but longitudinal behavior appears unaffected. The second system uses an opaque head-mounted display in an entirely virtual world. The research shows that this solution changes speed perception and results in a significant degradation in performance of tasks dependent on visual acuity. This research presents results that are relevant to consider when developing vehicle-in-the-loop platforms. The results are also applicable when choosing scenarios for this test method. Dagens fordon innehåller fler och fler säkerhetssystem. Vissa av dessa system ger varningar i potentiellt kritiska trafiksituationer. Det finns också mer komplexa system som tillfälligt kan ta kontroll över fordonet för att förhindra en olycka eller åtminstone mildra effekterna. Komplexiteten hos dessa system innebär att man måste genomföra omfattande tester. Både för att se att systemen reagerar vid rätt tidpunkt, men också för att se att valet av åtgärd är korrekt. Det finns många olika sätt att testa dessa system. Man börjar vanligtvis med simuleringar av programvara och hårdvara. Därefter kan systemet introduceras i ett fordon för att se vilka effekter systemet har när det interagerar med en riktig förare. Att utföra tester med förare ställer dock höga säkerhetskrav, och det är ofta svårt att samordna komplexa trafiksituationer på en testbana. Traditionellt har körsimulatorer varit ett naturligt alternativ eftersom de kan utföra komplexa scenarier i en säker miljö. Denna avhandling undersöker en testmetod där man utrustar föraren med en virtual reality-display. Genom att presentera omvärlden med hjälp av virtual reality, så kan man genomföra scenarion som tidigare varit omöjliga på en testbana. Det kan dock finnas inbyggda begränsningar i virtual reality tekniken som kan påverka körbeteendet. Det är därför viktigt att hitta och kvantifiera dessa effekter för att kunna lita på resultaten från testmetoden. Att känna till dessa effekter på körbeteendet dessutom kan hjälpa till att avgöra vilka typer av scenarier som är lämpade för denna testmetod. Det är också viktig information för att avgöra var man bör fokusera den tekniska utvecklingen av testutrustningen.

Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age

Book Description

Michael Le Grice, a pioneer of 'structural film' in the 1970s and whose first video and computer works were exhibited in the late 1960s, provides a collection of his most notable essays. The essays shed light on the work of other artists and film-makers and documents a period, especially the 70s, when artists' film was at the centre of polemical debate about the nature of avant-garde and the future of radical or experimental film. The book contributes to the contemporary debates about film, video, art and new technology.


Book Description

Robert Powell, a founding Board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, has studied the UFO subject for 17 years. His work is encapsulated in UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know) which provides a scientific rationale for the reality of non-terrestrial craft that are intelligently controlled. Powell begins his book by familiarizing the reader with the history of UFOs and he identifies the more enigmatic and interesting UFO sightings. He examines the characteristics of these sightings that argue against a prosaic explanation: extreme acceleration, electromagnetic interference, bending light, no obvious propulsion mechanisms, and a lack of interaction with the atmosphere. Powell discusses the recent events that have caused our government to change the term from UFO to UAP. Included is information never before released indicating the government possesses not just two videos but five videos from 2015 of UFOs operating in the vicinity of the USS Roosevelt nuclear aircraft carrier. Powell’s later chapters in the book discuss the extraterrestrial hypothesis considering the thousands of exoplanets that have been discovered in the last twenty years. Powell challenges the reader to consider all the implications that must be considered if intelligent life discovers us first. He looks at how we as individuals and as a society react to UFOs. He documents actions taken by our military that include instances when we have fired on UFOs. Powell argues that it is time for a change in the study of UFOs. The phenomenon has been with us for 75 years and we have learned very little as the decades have passed. The author makes the case for what needs to be done going forward. The solution he proposes will require a paradigm shift in our thinking and his book provides the information needed to understand that paradigm shift.


Book Description

After Jonah talked to Peter about his experiment based on a theory, he decided that a person could actually do it. He dedicated himself to performing his experiment each and every day for years. Jonah believed it but honestly didn't know if it would actually work until one day he met the person from his dreams, the exact same-looking person, to be exact; he had his déja vu moment. Little did Jonah know the repercussions of actually utilizing déja vu with his future self that he called TIMECOM.

Open Heritage

Book Description

Developing cultural heritage in a more sustainable way. New approaches and examples from practice. "Open Heritage" is a response to the urgent need for a more open definition of cultural heritage, of the parties involved in protecting and maintaining it, and of the relevant planning processes in order to ensure the sustainable reuse of cultural heritage in times of climate change, social inequality and social plurality. This book introduces in a clear and systematic manner the results of the EU-funded OpenHeritage project, which examined best practices in different European countries. It focuses on the idea of inclusive heritage management based on community-driven processes. It is designed to act as a guide for anyone involved in planning, researching, and deciding on the further development and use of cultural heritage. Systematic presentation of the results of the EU-funded project OpenHeritage A collection of different approaches to assessing the social impact of bottom-up cultural heritage reuse projects Presentation of numerous methods derived from OpenHeritage case studies and other European initiatives

The Geologic Time Scale 2012

Book Description

The Geologic Time Scale 2012, winner of a 2012 PROSE Award Honorable Mention for Best Multi-volume Reference in Science from the Association of American Publishers, is the framework for deciphering the history of our planet Earth. The authors have been at the forefront of chronostratigraphic research and initiatives to create an international geologic time scale for many years, and the charts in this book present the most up-to-date, international standard, as ratified by the International Commission on Stratigraphy and the International Union of Geological Sciences. This 2012 geologic time scale is an enhanced, improved and expanded version of the GTS2004, including chapters on planetary scales, the Cryogenian-Ediacaran periods/systems, a prehistory scale of human development, a survey of sequence stratigraphy, and an extensive compilation of stable-isotope chemostratigraphy. This book is an essential reference for all geoscientists, including researchers, students, and petroleum and mining professionals. The presentation is non-technical and illustrated with numerous colour charts, maps and photographs. The book also includes a detachable wall chart of the complete time scale for use as a handy reference in the office, laboratory or field. The most detailed international geologic time scale available that contextualizes information in one single reference for quick desktop access Gives insights in the construction, strengths, and limitations of the geological time scale that greatly enhances its function and its utility Aids understanding by combining with the mathematical and statistical methods to scaled composites of global succession of events Meets the needs of a range of users at various points in the workflow (researchers extracting linear time from rock records, students recognizing the geologic stage by their content)