The History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from The History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1 From the commencement of our Government there have been two antagonistic principles contending for the mastery - Slavery and Freedom. In the very heart of our democracy, the element of the most haughty and intolerant aristocracy has been nurtured, by the institution of human bondage. The most repulsive features of the old European feudalism have thus been transplanted into our Republic. The slaveholders, accustomed to despotic power over the wretched serfs, whom they have driven, by the lash, to till their soil, have assumed a sort of baronial arrogance over all men who do not own slaves, and have claimed to be the only gentle men, and the legitimate rulers of this land. But freedom has outstripped slavery in this race. And, consequently, the slaveholders, unreconciled to the loss of supremacy, strive to destroy the temple of liberty, wish ing to raise themselves into lords and potentates, over the ruin of their country. The conflict in which our nation is now involved, is simply a desperate struggle, on the part of the slaveholders, to retain, by force of arms, that domination in the government of this Republic, which they had so long held, and which, by the natural operation of the ballot-box, they were slowly but surely losing. We have here, simply the repetition of that great conflict, which, for ages, has agitated our globe - the conflict between aristocratic usurpation and popular rights. The battle has assumed the most momentous attitude, since it arrays, on either side, all the intel lectual and material energies developed by the nineteenth century. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

The Civil War in America, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from The Civil War in America, Vol. 1 IT has been the author's purpose to write an accurate and interest ing history of the Civil War within moderate limits. In prepara tion for this work, he has visited all the principal. Battlefields, so as to see for himself the ground upon which the war was fought. This has brought him into contact with the people of the South and made him somewhat familiar with their character and habits, as well as their country and their occupations. It has enabled him to see with considerable accuracy the background Of the events with which he was concerned. Thus his preparation has not been altogether a labour with books. It has been One of Observation as well. And he has sought to transfer to his pages some of the im pressions he has thus received. From books his materials have been the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. For a copy Of which, comprising a hundred and thirty volumes with numerous maps and charts, the author is indebted to the Hon. Joseph J. Gill, sometime a Member of Congress from Ohio. For this and other kindness a heartfelt acknowledgment is here made in the hope that it will also perpetuate the remembrance of a friendship which continued unbroken for many years. The author has also given attention to other narratives of actual participants. While the works of many others have been consulted. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1 It would have been unbecoming in me to argue upon contro verted questions, national, political, or military, upon which, after careful investigation and mature deliberation, the author has expressed himself decidedly. Least of all have I considered it within my province to say a word as to his estimates of individuals and their relations to the government. He has himself said that his history was written for European readers, who desire to know only his impressions and conclusions. But the book will be largely read in this country by people more capable of judging its facts and its philosophy. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

History of the American Civil War, Vol. 1 of 3 (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from History of the American Civil War, Vol. 1 of 3 In the course of American National Life three distinct Periods may be perceived. The first was characterized by an earnest acceptance of the Idea of Political Unity; the second manifested itself by the Decomposition of the Nation that had arisen from that Idea into two geographical and Opposing Political Powers - the North and the South, or the Free and the Slave; the third exhibits the Conflict of those Powers for Supremacy. Since the production of Geographical Parties is due to Climate, the possibility of avoiding such Influences is considered, and the necessity of their Study by the Statesman insisted on. Statement of the Topics treated of in the six Sections of this Volume. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

The Story of the Civil War, Vol. 1

Book Description

Excerpt from The Story of the Civil War, Vol. 1: A Concise Account of the War in the United States of America, Between 1861 and 1865 The task attempted in the following work is in certain respects a novel one. It is to write of the subjects treated from the stand-point of each of the contending parties. In my judgment the war should not be so depicted as to imply that the North and the South differed and quarreled about the same things. That was not the fact. The questions presented to the men of the North were not the same as those with which their Southern contemporaries had to deal. This might be very fully illustrated by referring to the relation which the institution of slavery bore to the people of the North, as compared with its relation to the people of the South; but into this subject the scope of our narrative will not allow us to go. I will illustrate what I mean by calling attention to the fact that the State held a totally different place in the political thought of the South from what it occupied in that of the North. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

The Civil War in America (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from The Civil War in America Impossibility of satisfying everybody is by no means accepted by anybody who is disappointed. What is the use Of tell. Ing a man he can't have a place because a hundred others are asking for it, if that man thinks he is the only one who has a right to get it? About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

The History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1

Book Description

Excerpt from The History of the Civil War in America, Vol. 1: Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the Rebellion, of the Various Naval and Military Engagements, of the Heroic Deeds Performed by Armies and Individuals The conflict in which our nation is now involved, is simply a desperate struggle, on the part of the slaveholders, to retain, by force of arms, that domination in the government of this Republic, which they had so long held, and which, by the' natural operation of the ballot-box, they were slowly but surely losing. We have here, simply the repetition of that great conflict, which, for ages, has agitated our globe - the conflict between aristocratic usurpation and popular rights. The battle has assumed the most momentous attitude, since it arrays, on either side, all the intel lectual and material energies developed by the nineteenth century. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

History of the United States of America, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from History of the United States of America, Vol. 1 I have devoted much space to the life of the people, - their habits, modes of life, occupations, general progress, and the like, especially in the earlier period when they differed most widely from ourselves. But in treating the national period I have, however, without neglecting the industrial and social features, given greater space to political and constitutional development, as in this the life of a people who govern them selves is epitomized. In my treatment Of wars and disputes with foreign powers, I am aware that, with all my effort to view a subject from a neutral, judicial standpoint, an unconscious bias may be discerned; but should the work find any foreign readers, I beg them to remember that I have written absolutely sine ira. In treating the Civil War and the great events that led to it, I have taken the utmost care to be fair to both sides; though as a native and resident of the North I no doubt partake of the prejudice of my section, if such prejudice can still be said to exist. I have refrained from using the terms rebel and traitor to designate those who rose against the government in the sixties, because Of my profound re spect for their sincerity. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

The Civil War, Vol. 1: The American Iliad as Told by Those Who Lived It (Classic Reprint)

Book Description

Excerpt from The Civil War, Vol. 1: The American Iliad as Told by Those Who Lived It The American Iliad is not intended to be just another story of the Civil War. Instead, it aims to present this heroic period as a panorama, letting the events pass before the reader's eyes much as they passed before the eyes of the men and women who lived at that time. The Civil War beyond most wars went deep into every aspect of life and was much more than a series of battles. It affected every living being, both north and south of the Mason and Dixon Line and produced many strange human experiences, some of which we have woven into this narrative as an integral part of the picture. We did not write this book. Dozens of people wrote it, people who witnessed a stirring contemporary scene and tell about it in their own words. They may have been commanding generals or soldiers in the ranks, newspaper reporters, statesmen or housewives. If they observed well, wrote honestly, entertainingly and - this is where we lay our emphasis - with dramatic suspense, we have drawn on their contributions in the compilation of this volume. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

A History of the Civil War in the United States, Vol. 1

Book Description

Excerpt from A History of the Civil War in the United States, Vol. 1: With a Preliminary View of Its Causes, and Biographical Sketches of Its Heroes II. The Advocacy of Slavery, both as already existing in the Southern States, and as proposed in the new terri tories of the Federal Union. III. The Doctrine of State Sovereignty and Supremacy, in Opposition to the policy of Federal Centralization and Power. In discussing the various causes which led to the Southern Rebellion, we will treat of them as comprised under these three general topics, and in the order of their historical sequence. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.