The Civilization of the Mobius Strip & Other Essays

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A collection of 19 wide ranging essays on education, reading, esoteric writing, the nation-state and modern nationalism, plus articles on Leo Strauss, David Hume, Xenophon, and the English language today. The author takes a lively and assertive approach to topics which are normally given an evasive treatment by the commentators. If you have ever wondered why our social sciences continue to lag behind the natural sciences this book is for you. The author casts a spot light on the glass bead game of academic sermonizing disguised as scholarship while at the same time providing a set of insights into the most significant fact of life today: we live inside nations and do not understand what they really are. Why the form of our body-politic should become invisible to us when we seek to examine it closely is disclosed in this book and helpful approaches are suggested to cure our blindness so we can explore the civilization of the Möbius Strip. A must for all students of politics, history, and philosophy.

Empire's Mobius Strip

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Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. What is at stake in Empire's Mobius Strip is a deeper understanding of the forces driving those who move by choice and those who are moved. Stephanie Malia Hom focuses on Libya, considered Italy's most valuable colony, both politically and economically. Often perceived as the least of the great powers, Italian imperialism has been framed as something of "colonialism lite." But Italian colonizers carried out genocide between 1929–33, targeting nomadic Bedouin and marching almost 100,000 of them across the desert, incarcerating them in camps where more than half who entered died, simply because the Italians considered their way of life suspect. There are uncanny echoes with the situation of the Roma and migrants today. Hom explores three sites, in novella-like essays, where Italy's colonial past touches down in the present: the island, the camp, and the village. Empire's Mobius Strip brings into relief Italy's shifting constellations of mobility and empire, giving them space to surface, submerge, stretch out across time, and fold back on themselves like a Mobius strip. It deftly shows that mobility forges lasting connections between colonial imperialism and neoliberal empire, establishing Italy as a key site for the study of imperial formations in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The Nightmare Considered

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These essays assess the nature of nuclear war literature from a variety of perspectives. Scholars, activists, novelists, poets, and teachers challenge nuclear ideologies and traditional readings of apocalyptic texts. Included: Holocaust literature of the 1950s, Michael Dorris and Louise Erdrich, poetry and nuclear war, Riddley Walker, Fiskadoro, haiku and Hiroshima, Kopit's End of the World, O'Brien's The Nuclear Age, and Vonnegut's cataclysmic novels.

Rise of the International

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International Relations and History were once academic fields sharing a common concern with the affairs of empires, states, and nations. Over the course of the twentieth century, however, they drifted apart. International Relations largely retained the focus on the affairs and relations of these principal international actors but took a methodological turn leading to higher levels of theoretical abstraction. History, on the other hand, retained the methods that define the discipline but shifted the focus, veering away from matters of state to the vast array of actors, events, activities, and issues that colour everyday life. In recent years, the drift has been arrested by scholars in each discipline who have turned towards the other discipline in their research. International Relations has undergone a 'historiographical turn' while History has taken an 'international turn'. Rise of the International brings together scholars of International Relations and History to capture the emergence and development of the thought, the relations, and the systems that have come to be called international in western discourse. The evidence offered by contributors to the volume suggests there has been no single, stable, unchanging concept or object of theoretical reflection or historical investigation that can be called 'the international', but a variety of historically contingent conceptualizations across different contexts.

The Promise and Premise of Creativity

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The Promise and Premise of Creativity considers literature in the larger context of globalization and "the clash of cultures." Refuting the view that the study of literature is "useless," Eoyang argues that it expands three distinct intellectual skills: creative imagination, vicarious sympathy, and capacious intuition. With the advent of the personal computer and the blurring of cultural and economic boundaries, it is the ability to imagine, to intuit, and to invent that will mark the educated student, and allow her to survive the rapid pace of change. As never before, the ability to empathize with other peoples, to understand cultures very different from one's own, is vital to success in a globalized world. In this, the very "uselessness" of literature may inure the mind to think creatively. Engaging with both the theory and practice of literature, its past and its potential future, Eoyang claims that our sense of the world at large, of the salient similarities and differences between cultures, would be critically diminished without comparative literature.

This Mobius Strip of Ifs

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Animal Encounters

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The fast-growing field of Animal Studies is a varied and much contested domain. Engagement with animals has encouraged both collaboration and conflict between researchers within the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Animal Encounters comprises a series of meetings not only between diverse beasts, but also between distinct disciplinary methods, theoretical approaches, and ethical positions. The essays here collected come together from literary and cultural studies, sociology and anthropology, ecocriticism and art history, philosophy and feminism, science and technology studies, history and posthumanism, to study that most familiar and most foreign of creatures, ‘the animal’. These encounters between leading practitioners in the field highlight the promise and potential of interspecies exchange and mutual provocation.


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In classrooms and lectures we learn not only about academic topics but also about ourselves, our peers and how people and ideas interact. Education - An Impossible Profession extends the ways in which we might think about these processes by offering a refreshing reconsideration of key educational experiences including those of:being judged and assessed, both formally and informallyadapting to different groups for different purposesstruggling to think under pressurelearning to recognise and adapt to the expectations of ot.

Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature

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Visual culture, performance and spectacle lay at the heart of all aspects of ancient Greek daily routine, such as court and assembly, cult and ritual, and art and culture. Seeing was considered the most secure means of obtaining knowledge, with many citing the etymological connection between ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ in ancient Greek as evidence for this. Seeing was also however often associated with mere appearances, false perception and deception. Gazing and visuality in the ancient Greek world have had a central place in the scholarship for some time now, enjoying an abundance of pertinent discussions and bibliography. If this book differs from the previous publications, it is in its emphasis on diverse genres: the concepts ‘gaze’, ‘vision’ and ‘visuality’ are considered across different Greek genres and media. The recipients of ancient Greek literature (both oral and written) were encouraged to perceive the narrated scenes as spectacles and to ‘follow the gaze’ of the characters in the narrative. By setting a broad time span, the evolution of visual culture in Greece is tracked, while also addressing broader topics such as theories of vision, the prominence of visuality in specific time periods, and the position of visuality in a hierarchisation of the senses.