The Community of the Word

Book Description

Do North American evangelicals have a clear and strong doctrine of the church? Can we generate one? In this volume, editors Mark Husbands and Daniel J. Treier bring together thirteen scholars and teachers to explore the history of evangelical ecclesiology and the continuing discussion regarding the nature of the church, the question of sacraments, the relation of church to society, and the church's moral character and missional witness. Contributors include William J. Abraham, Gary D. Badcock, Craig A. Carter, Ellen T. Charry, William A. Dyrness, Darrell L. Guder, D. G. Hart, Willie James Jennings, Dennis L. Okholm, James K. A. Smith, Allen Verhey, John Webster and Jonathan R. Wilson.


Book Description

This title was first published in 2002. How does one go about "doing Christian theology"? Yong explores this question by proposing a pneumatological-trinitarian hermeneutic. Its thesis is that interpretation and theological method is an ongoing tri-logue of Spirit-Word-Community: of interpretive subjects as imaginative, obligated and relational agents; of the horizons of the interpreter, the biblical and ecclesial traditions, and the world; and of founding, historical, and ongoing communities of faith and inquiry. Ecumenical perspectives on the topics of pneumatology (the doctrine of the Spirit), metaphysics (foundational pneumatology), epistemology (the pneumatological imagination), and trinitarian theology converge in this book to move forward the present discussion of theological method.

Engaging God's Word--Daniel

Book Description

Is God beyond our galaxy, wrapped up in the Cosmic Control Center of the Universe? Or is He approachable, personal, and intimately involved in the details of our lives? In this 12-lesson in-depth study of Daniel, you will learn that God is both independent and intimate, and you will engage with what such profound truths mean in your life. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind. You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!

Paul and the Faithfulness of God

Book Description

This highly anticipated two-book fourth volume in N. T. Wright's magisterial series, Christian Origins and the Question of God, is destined to become the standard reference point on the subject for all serious students of the Bible and theology. The mature summation of a lifetime's study, this landmark book pays a rich tribute to the breadth and depth of the apostle's vision, and offers an unparalleled wealth of detailed insights into his life, times, and enduring impact.

The Word at the Crossings

Book Description

Eric Law believes that we are called by God to actively seek encounters with people who are different from us because at the crossings of our differences of race, culture, gender, sexual orientations, ability, economic class, and theology, lies the opportunity to widen our understanding of the gospel. But how do we open our hearts and our minds to such pluralism and live as God intends us to live? How can we be transformed by our differences as we seek to align ourselves with God? Eric Law invites readers to follow him on a journey of discovery, a path to connect with Christ's way, truth, and life. He encourages us to stop denying the conflicts that arise out of the differences within us and between us and to name these conflicts, allowing differing perspectives to affirm, enrich, or challenge one another. He proposes practical disciplines, models, and techniques to help us communicate openly, honestly, and without judgment with ourselves, with others, and with nature. Law shares his personal stories and experiences and calls us to explore our own stories, frameworks, and God-concepts that we may grow in and live the Good News. For those called to serve in God's church, The Word at the Crossings includes appendices with specific exercises and techniques for Christian educators and pastors, including a sermon preparation model.

Engaging God's Word--Romans

Book Description

Masterfully written, the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans clearly presents the many facets of God's grace available to all, because all have sinned. In this 30-lesson in-depth study, you will engage with transforming truths about who God is, what He has done, and why He loves us. You will discover the secret to living in the Holy Spirit's power. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind. You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!

Engaging God's Word

Book Description

The books of Ruth and Esther show ordinary women in extraordinarily difficult situations. In spite of extreme hardship and probable disaster, they continue to trust God - even when He seems distant. This in-depth, six-lesson study shows God caring for His people, bringing good from hardship. Ruth and Esther's courage and faith will inspire you to hope-no matter what you're facing. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind. You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!

Engaging God's Word

Book Description

Hebrews was written to encourage 1st-century Christians facing difficult times, and it is just as applicable in the 21st century. Engaging with this 18-lesson in-depth study will give you confidence, not only in what you believe, but in whom you believe, enabling you to persevere through any of life's circumstances.Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind.You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!

Engaging God's Word--Revelation

Book Description

The opening words of Revelation announce the book's title and author: The revelation of Jesus Christ. In this 18-lesson in-depth Bible study, you will engage with the unveiling of Jesus as the Lamb of God, Bridegroom, King, and Judge. You will see how God rules history and will bring it to a triumphal climax in Christ. Engage Bible Studies connect you with the enduring truth of God's Word. Come out of the clutter and clanging of our culture and discover the peace of meeting the God of the Bible in the pages of His Word. Engage Bible Studies take you verse by verse into the richness of the Scriptures in ways that impact your heart and illumine your mind. You won't find dry doctrinal debates. You will find simple tools that cultivate your understanding and engage your heart. Tools for transformation. You also will learn how to apply God's Word in your everyday life. You are beginning an incredible journey!

The Community of the Word

Book Description

Do North American evangelicals have a clear and strong doctrine of the church? Can we generate one? In this volume, editors Mark Husbands and Daniel J. Treier bring together thirteen scholars and teachers to explore the history of evangelical ecclesiology and the continuing discussion regarding the nature of the church, the question of sacraments, the relation of church to society, and the church's moral character and missional witness.