The Complete Collected Works of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (Hardcover Edition)

Book Description

Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) was a lifelong resident of Belfast, ME and a clockmaker, by trade. From the late 1840s until the time of his transition, he wrote down his own particular philosophical, psychological and metaphysical views on life, death, health, religion and the mind. His early studies of hypnosis, then called mesmerism, led him later on to develop his unique method of healing for both mental and physical affirmities. Proud of his New England heritage, passionate in his love of liberty and equality for all, outspoken in his admonitions against what he considered aristocracy and priestcraft, empathetic toward the sick and suffering, he recorded his experiences, experiments and case studies of his own life journey's explorations into humanity and spirituality, in order to leave behind, for us, what he found, for himself, to be universally applicable truths, for the benefit of all mankind. For this reason, he wrote this book. (Hardcover Edition) (700 pages)

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

Book Description

The ultimate reference source for historically accurate information of this nineteenth-century clockmaker turned metaphysical teacher and healer. Including the Missing Works of P. P. Quimby; based on new and independent research by the editor, the present volume surpasses all previously published "complete" compilations of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's writings in size, scope and historical accuracy. Within these pages you will find: All of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's previously published writings in their original uncut and unedited form; Thirty-seven never-before-published articles or pieces written by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby; Commentary by his designated copyists: George A. Quimby, Sarah E. Ware, and Emma G. Ware; Photographs and transcriptions of the Letters Patent issued to Phineas Parkhurst Quimby--two of these Letters Patent are signed by President Andrew Jackson; Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's writings arranged in alphabetical order to facilitate easy access; and much more.

Healing Without Medicine

Book Description

As a man thinketh, so is he—thus is the biblical King Solomon often quoted by proponents of New Thought, one of the most influential native religious movements in America. Albert Amao provides an engaging and serious history of this and related movements from the eighteenth century to the present. His discussion ranges from Phineas P. Quimby, the father of New Thought, and Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, to Myrtle Fillmore, cofounder of Unity Church of Christianity, William James, the father of American psychology, and leaders in the emerging field of Energy Psychology. Amao’s aim is to provide a rational explanation of the power of thought to heal the mind and body. All methods of mind/spiritual healing are self-healing, he says; we all have an inner capacity to heal ourselves. He examines cases of contemporary New Thought leaders who self-healed from “incurable” diseases free of medicine, and he describes the mechanism that triggered their healing. Their experiences have benefited millions of followers worldwide. The beauty of New Thought, says Amao, is that it empowers us to become conscious co-creators of our well-being and achieve success in other areas of life beyond recovering our health.

The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science

Book Description

This controversial biography of the founder of the Christian Science church was serialized in McClure's Magazine in 1907-8 and published as a book the next year. It disappeared almost overnight and has been difficult to find ever since. Although a Canadian mewspaperwoman named Georgine Milmine collected the material and was credited as the author, The Life Of Mary Baker G. Eddy was actually written by Willa Cather, an editor at McClure's at that time. In his introduction to this Bison Book edition, David Stouck reveals new evidence of Cather's authorship of The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy. He discusses her fidelity to facts and her concern with psychology and philosophy that would take creative form later on. Indeed, this biography contains "some of the finest portrait sketches and reflections on human nature that Willa Cather would ever write."

Ten Words That Will Change Your Life

Book Description

Ervin Seale shows that the Ten Commandments codify a single Great Law that Moses conferred on his people. A perfect introduction to the study of the Bible and its "hidden message."

New Thought

Book Description

This book introduces New Thought, a more-than-a-century-old movement dedicated to the healing of body, pocketbook and interpersonal relationships through persistent positive thinking and the acceptance of one's indwelling divinity. It will be an eye-opener for the millions of people who are drawn to New Thought but have not yet named it.

The Ernest Holmes Papers

Book Description

A one-of-a-kind collection of rare writings from one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders and thinkers. For the first time, the three hard-to-get volumes known as The Ernest Holmes Papers will be published in one volume. Transcripts of talks that Ernest Holmes gave over his career, The Ernest Holmes Papers contains Holmes’s wisdom on prayer, life, prosperity, and God. Used by thousands of spiritual students around the world in previous editions, this first-ever omnibus edition will contain a new introduction from Dr. Kenn Gordon, spiritual leader of the Centers for Spiritual Living. The three volumes that are being included in this one volume are The Philosophy of Ernest Holmes, Anatomy of Healing Prayer, and Ideas of Power.

Top Secret

Book Description

Examines popular new spiritual doctrines such as Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" to determine what they set out to teach and whether they are healthy and wise alternatives to spiritual enlightenment.

The Complete Writings

Book Description