The Conservative Press in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century America

Book Description

Selecting journals that speak for a very large number of topics addressed by the conservative press, this volume profiles selected conservative journals published since 1787. The conservative press has scarcely spoken with a single voice, whether the topics treated or even the time inhabited are the same or different. Yet, these journals testify to the persistent vigor and importance of conservatism. Together they provide a focused survey of the history of American conservative thought from the late 18th Century to the late 19th Century. Along with the companion volume covering the 20th Century conservative press, the book provides an important resource on conservative thought in America. Despite the disparities in conservative intellectual thought, the journals covered, even the more idiosyncratic and extreme, are connected by their core values of conservatism. The book is organized into sections reflecting these connections. The first section covers journals associated with Federal, Whig, or, in the Civil War era, Northern Democratic political interests. A later section includes journals sharing an attachment to Southern conservative values during the antebellum and Reconstruction periods. Two sections deal, respectively, with 19th Century Orthodox Protestant periodicals and 19th Century Catholic and Episcopal journals, and yet another section discusses journals united by a major focus on literary topics and cultural connections.

The Conservative Press in Twentieth-Century America

Book Description

Including representative journals for the 20th and late 19th centuries, this book profiles the most significant conservative journals of the past century. From the rise of industrial capitalism, when laissez-faire conservatives praised bountiful America, to the end of the Cold War, these journals have covered a variety of topics from differing, sometimes even contradictory, points of view. Yet they speak to the richness and comprehensiveness of the conservative press in America. Together they provide a focused history of conservative thought in 20th Century America. Along with the companion volume on the 18th and 19th Centuries, the book provides a valuable resource for students of the conservative press in America. Covering a variety of disparate journals, the volume arranges them both chronologically and in sections reflecting the themes covered. Politics, individualism, isolationism, anti-Communism, the New Right, neoconservatism, and public policy are featured in four of the sections, while journals examining the issues of religious conservatism appear in sections devoted to Orthodox Protestant and Catholic journals. Yet another section focuses on journals dealing with literary and cultural topics. The remaining sections examine libertarianism, traditionalist perspectives, and extreme right-wing publications. Each section is unified with an introductory essay exploring the connecting themes and issues.

Gladstone's Influence in America

Book Description

By the end of the nineteenth century, William Gladstone was arguably the most popular statesman in America since Lincoln. How did a British prime minister achieve such fame in an era of troubled Anglo-American relations? And what do press reactions to Gladstone’s policies and published writings reveal about American society? Tracing Gladstone’s growing fame in the United States, beginning with his first term as prime minister in 1868 until his death in 1898, this volume focuses on periodicals of the era to illuminate how Americans responded to modern influences in religion and politics. His forays into religious controversy highlight the extent to which faith influenced the American cult of Gladstone. Coverage of Gladstone’s involvement in issues such as church disestablishment, papal infallibility, Christian orthodoxy, atheism and agnosticism, faith and science, and liberal theology reveal deepening religious and cultural rifts in American society. Gladstone’s Influence in America offers the most comprehensive picture to date of the statesman’s reputation in the United States.

Builders of Ohio

Book Description

Van Tine and Pierces "Builders of Ohio is composed of twenty-four essays that use biography to explore Ohio's history. Collectively, they provide a historical overview of the state's development from George Croghan's search for fame and fortune on the seventeenth-century frontier through Dave Thomas's more recent creation of a fast-food empire. Each chapter also addresses important events and transformations in the state's history such as: European settlement; Native American resistance; the creation of territorial and state governments; the development of the state's educational and economic institutions; the disruption created by the Civil War; the struggle of African Americans and women to participate in Ohio's public life; efforts to ameliorate the pernicious effects of industrialization; the negotiation of the state's role in a nation increasingly dominated by the federal government; or the ramifications of de-industrialization and rise of a service economy.

Contentious Republicans

Book Description

Contentious Republicans explores the mid-nineteenth-century rise of mass electoral democracy in the southwestern region of Colombia, a country many assume has never had a meaningful democracy of any sort. James E. Sanders describes a surprisingly rich republicanism characterized by legal rights and popular participation, and he explains how this vibrant political culture was created largely by competing subaltern groups seeking to claim their rights as citizens and their place in the political sphere. Moving beyond the many studies of nineteenth-century nation building that focus on one segment of society, Contentious Republicans examines the political activism of three distinct social and racial groups: Afro-Colombians, Indians, and white peasant migrants. Beginning in the late 1840s, subaltern groups entered the political arena to forge alliances, both temporary and enduring, with the elite Liberal and Conservative Parties. In the process, each group formed its own political discourses and reframed republicanism to suit its distinct needs. These popular liberals and popular conservatives bargained for the parties’ support and deployed a broad repertoire of political actions, including voting, demonstrations, petitions, strikes, boycotts, and armed struggle. By the 1880s, though, many wealthy Colombians of both parties blamed popular political engagement for social disorder and economic failure, and they successfully restricted lower-class participation in politics. Sanders suggests that these reactionary developments contributed to the violence and unrest afflicting modern Colombia. Yet in illuminating the country’s legacy of participatory politics in the nineteenth century, he shows that the current situation is neither inevitable nor eternal.

Albert Taylor Bledsoe

Book Description

Albert Taylor Bledsoe (1809 -1877), a principle architect of the South's "Lost Cause" mythology, remains one of the Civil War generation's leading and most controversial intellectuals. In "Albert Taylor Bledsoe: Defender of the Old South and Architect of the Lost Cause" Terry A. Barnhart sheds new light on this provocative figure, his diverse interests, and his divisive ideas. This biography, e first ever published of its subject, skillfully weaves Bledsoe's multifarious and extraordinary life history into a narrative that illustrates the events that shaped his opinions and influenced his writings. Barnhart's account demonstrates how Bledsoe still speaks directly, and sometimes eloquently, to the core issues that divided the nation in the 1860s and continue to haunt it today.

Defending Privilege

Book Description

A critique of attempts by conservative eighteenth- and nineteenth-century authors to appropriate the rhetoric of victimhood and appeals to "rights" to safeguard the status of the powerful. As revolution and popular unrest roiled the final decades of the eighteenth century, authors, activists, and philosophers across the British Empire hailed the rise of the liberal subject, valorizing the humanity of the marginalized and the rights of members of groups long considered inferior or subhuman. Yet at the same time, a group of conservative authors mounted a reactionary attempt to cultivate sympathy for the privileged. In Defending Privilege, Nicole Mansfield Wright examines works by Tobias Smollett, Charlotte Smith, Walter Scott, and others to show how conservatives used the rhetoric of victimhood in attempts to convince ordinary readers to regard a privileged person's loss of legal agency as a catastrophe greater than the calamities and legally sanctioned exclusion suffered by the poor and the enslaved. In promoting their agenda, these authors resuscitated literary modes regarded at the time as derivative or passé—including romance, the gothic, and epistolarity—or invented subgenres that are neglected today due to widespread revilement of their politics (the proslavery novel). Although these authors are not typically considered alongside one another in scholarship, they are united by their firsthand experience of legal conflict: each felt that their privilege was degraded through lengthy disputes. In examining the work of these eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century authors, Wright traces a broader reactionary framework in the Anglophone literary legacy. Each novel seeks to reshape and manipulate public perceptions of who merits legal agency: the right to initiate a lawsuit, serve as a witness, seek counsel from a lawyer, and take other legal actions. As a result, Defending Privilege offers a counterhistory to scholarship on the novel's capacity to motivate the promulgation of human rights and champion social ascendance through the upwardly mobile realist character.

The Cacophony of Politics

Book Description

The Cacophony of Politics charts the trajectory of the Democratic Party as the party of opposition in the North during the Civil War. A comprehensive overview, this book reveals the myriad complications and contingencies of political life in the Northern states and explains the objectives of the nearly half of eligible Northern voters who cast a ballot against Abraham Lincoln in 1864. The party’s famous slogan "The Union as it was, the Constitution as it is" was meant to have broad appeal and promote solidarity among Northern Democrats by invoking their core ideological commitments to nationalism, law and order, tradition, and strict construction. But, as J. Matthew Gallman shows, the slogan was a poor reflection of the volatile, fluid, messy, and improvisational reality of political life for men and women, across the public and private spheres. Democrats experienced the war as a cascading series of dilemmas, for which their slogan did not always offer guidance or resolution. Offering a definitive account of the Democratic Party in the North, The Cacophony of Politics shows the limits of ideology and the ways the Civil War—and the nature of nineteenth-century political culture—confounded the Democrats’ self-image and exacerbated their divisions, especially over the central issue of slavery. A Nation Divided: Studies in the Civil War Era

Literary Research and the Era of American Nationalism and Romanticism

Book Description

The early years of American nationhood, beginning at the close of colonial rule and ending with the onset of the Civil War, saw both a young country and its literature grow in confidence and develop an awareness of self-identity. Pride in the new nation was a primary characteristic of much literary output in the early years of the country, whether in the form of fiction, poetry, drama, essay, travel writing, or journal. As the country grew and generations began to be born on the new land, Romanticism took hold, lauding not only the construct of the nation but also the natural power and potential of the country. This era of American literary expression has left behind a rich legacy of traditionally canonized authors, as well as material published in the growing periodical press that was of immediate importance to the population at the time. Literary Research and the Era of American Nationalism and Romanticism: Strategies and Sources examines the resources that deal with the literature produced in the approximately 70 years of antebellum American literature. Covering all formats, the volume discusses bibliographies, indexes, research guides, archives, special collections, microform, and digital primary text resources and how they are best utilized for a literary research project. Suggestions are offered for best practices for research while exploring a wide selection of resources that run the gamut from classic standards of American literary bibliography through contemporary open-access digital resources.


Book Description

Journalism: A Guide to the Reference Literature is a critically annotated bibliographic guide to print and electronic sources in print and broadcast journalism. The first edition was published in 1990; the second in 1997. It has been described as one of the critical reference sources in journalism today, and it is a key bibliographic guide to the literature. Choice magazine called it a benchmark publication for which there are no comparable sources. The format is similar to the second edition. What makes this edition significantly different is the separation of Commercial Databases and Internet Resources. Commercial Databases includes standard fee-based resources. The new chapter on Internet sources features Web-based resources not included in the commercial databases chapter as well as portals, other online files, listservs, newsgroups, and Web logs/blogs. All chapters have been revised, and there are significant revisions in Directories, Yearbooks, and Collections; Miscellaneous Sources; Core Periodicals; Societies and Associations; and Research Centers and Archives. The second edition has 789 entries. The third edition contains almost 1,000 entries. James Carey of Columbia University, who provided the foreword for the first two editions, has updated his foreword for this edition.