The Consummation of the Ages

Book Description

Full length commentary on Revelation; interpretive approach advocates first century fulfillment, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.

The Consummation of the Ages vol VII

Book Description

Consummation of the ages vol VII talks about how the Rman empire crucified and killed Jesus christ a innocent man, and then hundreds of years later assume the position as head of the church by Pope Constantine, and change the history of the church by saying aposlte Peter was the first pope when in fact the Romans crucified peter upside down. Jesus will return and restore his universal church.

The Consummation of the Ages vol III

Book Description

the consummation of the ages vol III is a continuation of the end times series.

The Consummation of the Ages Vol IV

Book Description

The Consummation of the ages Vol IV explores how the bibical teachings of the early church were altered by the Roman pagann beliefs. This book also covers the false doctrine of mamon and the love of money being taught on our Televisions. where is the Christain truths of love, hope and faith?

The Consummation of the Age

Book Description

Consummation of the Ages vol X

Book Description

Consummation of he ages vol X is the final addition of the consummation series. This book is the consummation of the end time doctrines and the preparation of the return of Jesus Christ.

Consummation of the Ages vol III

Book Description

Consummation of the ages vol III talks about the many fals religions plaguing the church, and false leaders. The spirit of greed, selfishness, mammon, liars and decievers are causing many believers to fall away from the faith.These men have been propheised from the beginning.Jesus ill deal with these men in his time!

Consummation of the ages vol VIII

Book Description

consummation of the ages vol VIII talks about the book of revelations and how Jesus talks to the seven church systems!

The Consummation of the Ages

Book Description