The Crumbling Façade of African Debt Negotiations

Book Description

An analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa's debt negotiations in the 1980s. It provides a framework for assessing the major types of debt negotiation, showing that faulty procedure made agreements vulnerable to failure, so that nobody was winning.

Recasting the European Order

Book Description

The dramatic events since the late 1980s, which witnessed the end of the Cold War, the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, the fragmentation of the Soviet Union and the emergence of a united Germany, have set in motion a recasting of the European security order.

The Politics of Global Debt

Book Description

The Politics of Global Debt is a detailed political analysis of the origins and consequences of the `global debt crisis' which emerged in the early 1980s. It assesses both `imperialist' and `New Right' interpretations of the crisis, and also presents a series of case studies of the effects of external debt upon Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia. The book focusses upon the `sovereign debt' of states, and its management, and examines the ways in which global economic structures, inefficient policies, weak institutions, and corrupt political leaders contribute to a global debt crisis which has both international and domestic roots.

Indebted Development

Book Description

The Dreyfus Affair, or simply L'Affaire, was the defining event in French life between the disasters of the Franco-Prussian War and the First World War. After decades of prosperity and growth following the Prussian invasion, the destruction of the Paris Commune and the seemingly successful creation of the Third Republic, the Affair cruelly exposed the bitter divisions within French society. The French army was torn apart, ministers were forced to resign, new political groupings were created, and ultimately, the Affair led to an attempted coup and contributed to the paranoia that almost resulted in a catastrophic Anglo-French war in 1898. This short work fills the need for a comprehensible, concise book which focuses on the scale and complexity of the Dreyfus Affair.

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism

Book Description

The Palgrave Encyclopedia Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism objectively presents the prominent themes, epochal events, theoretical explanations, and historical accounts of imperialism from 1776 to the present. It is the most historically and academically comprehensive examination of the subject to date.

La Dette Extérieure

Book Description

The practical importance of the subject of 'The External Debt' in contemporary international life goes without saying. On the analytical level, the interest and indeed the difficulty of the subject lies in the need for a multidisciplinary approach, where political, financial and legal aspects are closely linked and require a clear understanding. From the purely legal point of view, the traditional and largely artificial boundaries between private and public law, between private international law and public international law and even, more generally, between municipal and international law are clearly marked here. In this respect any analyst has to be a complete jurist, and this collection of essays (in English and French) is an illustration of this fact.

African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979–1999

Book Description

This 2001 book explains why African countries have remained mired in a disastrous economic crisis since the late 1970s. It shows that dynamics internal to African state structures largely explain this failure to overcome economic difficulties rather than external pressures on these same structures as is often argued. Far from being prevented from undertaking reforms by societal interest and pressure groups, clientelism within the state elite, ideological factors and low state capacity have resulted in some limited reform, but much prevarication and manipulation of the reform process, by governments which do not really believe that reform will be effective, which often oppose reforms because they would undercut the patronage and rent-seeking practices which undergird political authority, and which lack the administrative and technical capacity to implement much reform. Over time, state decay has increased.

Civil Society and the State in Africa

Book Description

This text examines the potential value of the concept of civil society for enhancing the current understanding of state-society relations in Africa. The authors review the meanings of civil society in political philosophy, as well as alternative approaches to employing the concept in African settings. Considering both the patterns of emerging civil society in Africa and issues relating to its further development, they give particular emphasis to the cases of Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zaire.