Developmental Biology and Larval Ecology

Book Description

This is the seventh volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural History of the Crustacea. Chapters in this volume synthesize our current understanding of early crustacean development from the egg through the embryonic and larval phase. The first part of this book focuses on the elemental aspects of crustacean embryonic development. The second part of the book provides an account of the larval phase of crustaceans and describes processes that influence the development from hatching to an adult-like juvenile. The third and final part of the book explores ecological interactions during the planktonic phase and how crustacean larvae manage to find food, navigate the dynamic water column, and avoid predators in a medium that offers few refuges.

The Natural History of the Crustacea

Book Description

This is the eighth volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural History of the Crustacea. The volume examines Evolution and Biogeography, and the first part of this volume is entirely dedicated to the explanation of the origins and successful establishment of the Crustacea in the oceans. In the second part of the book, the biogeography of the Crustacea is explored in order to infer how they conquered different biomes globally while adapting to a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial conditions. The final section examines more general patterns and processes, and the chapters offer useful insight into the future of crustaceans.

Crustacea and Arthropod Relationships

Book Description

Compared to other arthropods, crustaceans are characterized by an unparalleled disparity of body plans. Traditionally, the specialization of arthropod segments and appendages into distinct body regions has served as a convenient basis for higher classification; however, many relationships within the phylum Arthropoda still remain controversial.

Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea, Volume 4 part A

Book Description

As evident from the number 4A tagged to this volume, vol. 4 as originally planned had to be split into two fascicles, 4A and 4B, simply because of the numbers of pages covered by the various contributions meant for volume 4. The present volume, then, comprises the fourth part in the series The Crustacea, i.e., the revised and updated texts from the Traité de Zoologie – Crustacea. The chapters in this book grew out of those in the French edition volume 7(II). The exception is chapter 49, which has been newly conceived; it was never published in French. Overall, this constitutes the sixth tome published in this English series, viz., preceded by volumes 1 (2004), 2 (2006), 9A (2010), 9B (2012), and 3 (2012). Readers/users should note that we have had to abandon publishing the chapters in the serial sequence as originally conceived by the late Prof. J. Forest, because the various contributions, i.e., both the updates and the entirely new chapters, have become available in a more or less random order. This fourth volume, part A, of The Crustacea contains chapters on: • Genetic variability in Crustacea • Class Cephalocarida • Class Remipedia • Subclass Hoplocarida: order Stomatopoda • Superorder Syncarida

Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates

Book Description

"The third edition of Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates continues the tradition of in-depth coverage of the biology, ecology, phylogeny, and identification of freshwater invertebrates from the USA and Canada. This text serves as an authoritative single source for a broad coverage of the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and phylogeny of all major groups of invertebrates in inland waters of North America, north of Mexico." --Book Jacket.

The Natural History of the Crustacea: Reproductive Biology

Book Description

This is the sixth volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural History of the Crustacea. The volume synthesizes in nineteen chapters our current understanding of diverse topics in crustacean reproductive biology. In the first part of this book, the chapters address allocation strategies to reproduction, gamete production, brooding behavior, and other components of parental care in crustaceans. The second part of the volume centers on sexual systems in crustaceans. The third section of the volume covers crustacean mating systems and sexual selection. Reproductive Biology ends with three chapters covering diverse topics including reproductive rhythms, crustacean personality research, and record breaking crustaceans with respect to reproductive characters.

The Biology of Crustacea

Book Description

The Biology of Crustacea, Volume 3: Neurobiology: Structure and Function focuses on fundamental aspects of crustacean neurobiology, from the organization of the central nervous system (CNS) and neuromuscular systems to synapses and neurotransmitters, nerve and muscle, hormones and neurosecretion, photoreception, chemoreception and thermoreception, and mechanoreception. It also looks at systematics, phylogeny, biogeography, embryology, genetics, ecology, behavior, pathobiology, comparative morphology, growth, and sex determination of crustaceans. Organized into nine chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the crustacean CNS, with emphasis on neural organization of the brain as well as neural organization in the optic lobes and in the thoracic and abdominal ganglia. It then discusses the organization and components of neuromuscular systems, mechanisms of release of neurotransmitters at synapses, morphology and excitation-contraction coupling in muscle, and development of nerve, muscle, neuromuscular synapses, and neural circuits. It explains the neural control of neurosecretion in crustaceans, anatomy of photoreceptors and accessory structures in the compound eye, and chemosensory organization. The book concludes with a chapter on crustacean mechanoreceptors and their evolution. This book will be of interest to zoologists, paleontologists, ecologists, physiologists, endocrinologists, morphologists, pathologists, biologists, and other scientists engaged in basic or applied research on various aspects of crustacean biology.

Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea, Volume 9 Part A

Book Description

This volume, 9A, contains the material on the euphausiaceans, amphionidaceans, and many of the decapods (dendrobranchiates, carideans, stenopodideans, astacidans, and palinurans). With the publication of this ninth volume in the Treatise on Zoology: The Crustacea, we depart from the sequence one would normally expect. Some crustacean groups never had a French version produced, namely, the orders Stomatopoda, Euphausiacea, Amphionidacea, and Decapoda; the largest contingent of these involved Decapoda – a group of tremendous diversity and for which we have great depth of knowledge. The organization and production of these “new” chapters began independently from the other chapters and volumes. Originally envisioned by the editorial team to encompass volume 9 of the series, it quickly became evident that the depth of material for such a volume must involve the printing of separate fascicles. These new chapters are now nearing completion, and the decision was made to begin publication of volume 9 immediately rather than wait until after volumes 3 through 8 would appear.