Cuban Foreign Policy

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This volume illustrates the sweeping changes in Cuban foreign policy under Raúl Castro. Leading scholars from around the world show how the significant shift in foreign policy direction that started in 1990 after the implosion of the Soviet Union has continued, in many ways taking totally unexpected paths—as is shown by the move toward the normalization of relations with Washington. Providing a systematic overview of Cuba’s relations with the United States, Latin America, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, this book will be invaluable for courses on contemporary Cuba.

The Cuba-U.S. Bilateral Relationship

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At the end of President Barack Obama's second term, it seemed that the U.S. and Cuba might be on track to normalize relations after five decades of cold war animus. These hopes appeared dashed, however, by the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which brought to power a candidate that campaigned on undoing Obama's signature policies, including the rapprochement with Cuba. Several years into the Trump administration there are still several pathways that these two neighboring countries could take to either continue the rapprochement, extend the status quo, or drift further apart. Although it is not entirely clear which direction the bilateral relationship will take, given the varied and divergent political pressures that drive each of the two nations, it is clear that several key opportunities and challenges await them. Drawing insight from the political, economic, and legal spheres, this book examines possible pathways for the two cold war adversaries. Key among the issues that demand attention are unresolved property claims dating back to the 1959 revolution, establishing regularized bilateral economic relationships in multiple sectors of the economy, as well as addressing a variety of legal and political constraints in both Cuba and the United States. This volume tackles these issues by drawing on the expertise of scholars in three distinct fields--political science, economics, and law--while positing viable policy choices and the opportunities and challenges found therein.

The Soviet Union and Cuba

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The Soviet Union and Cuba (1987) examines the thesis that Cuba acted as an extension of Soviet foreign policy or surrogate of the USSR in the Third World. The Soviet-Cuban link is assessed in four conflicts: Angola, Ethiopia, Grenada and Nicaragua. It is shown that Cuba is largely an autonomous actor in international relations, and that bilateral influence flows in both directions. Thus Western reaction to Cuban and Soviet activity in the Third World is often based on misperceptions.

Encyclopedia of Cuban-United States Relations

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Ninety miles from Florida, the island of Cuba has since long before the Castro revolution focused its attention upon, and drawn the attention of, the United States. American interest can be traced to President Jefferson; events since 1959 have kept the two nations constantly at odds. This encyclopedia places persons and events in the context of Cuban relations with the United States and vice versa. An introduction and chronology provide a background. From ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY to ZAYAS, ALFREDO, entries cover such topics as policies (e.g., Isle of Pines Treaty, 1931 International Sugar Agreement), leaders (e.g., Fulgencio Batista, John F. Kennedy) and events (e.g., Bay of Pigs invasion, Baltimore Orioles vs. Cuban All-Stars in 1999). Many see references interconnect the entries.

From Confrontation To Negotiation

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Nearly thirty years have passed since the United States first attempted to overthrow the fledgling Castro government. Despite enormous changes in the hemisphere, significant developments in the nature of Cuba's international relations, and an end to the cold war consensus in the United States that quietly sanctioned interference in and obstruction of Third World politics, U.S. policy toward Cuba has changed very little: It still embodies the failed dream of isolating Cuba and destroying the Cuban revolution. In From Confrontation to Negotiation: U.S. Relations with Cuba, Philip Brenner provides a thoughtful overview of U.S.-Cuban relations since 1898, with an emphasis on the past ten years. Assumptions, goals, and continuities in U.S. policy are highlighted. He then offers a clear picture of the issues that divide the two countries and around which any discussions for a normalization of relations would likely turn. Could discussions occur? Is a call for a less hostile relationship between the United States and Cuba politically feasible? What are the chances that Cuba and the United States can actually work out an accommodation? Dr. Brenner analyzes the domestic political factors in each country that shape policy and that might present possibilities for serious discussion. He then proposes a workable alternative Cuban policy for the United States that takes into account the fundamental concerns of both countries. The policy proposal is related to the framework adopted by Policy Alternatives for the Caribbean and Central America (PACCA).

Canada, the United States, and Cuba

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This engaging book explores one of the most important hemispheric issues of the day - the evolving relations between Cuba and its North American neighbors. The authors identify the commonalities and differences in contemporary international relations between Cuba and the United States and Cuba and Canada, discuss the differing approaches toward the Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro, and debate Canadian responses toward anti-Castro initiatives taken by the United States. They also examine the shift in North American policies directed toward the reintegration of Cuba into the global system - and the degree to which Canadian policy is influenced by the United States in this regard. The final chapter of the book predicts a likely scenario for the future of Cuba-United States and Cuba-Canada relations.

From Lenin to Castro, 1917–1959

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This book addresses the relationship between Moscow and Havana in the period between the Russian and Cuban Revolutions, i.e. from November 1917 to January 1959. It analyzes the reasons why in this era before the Cuban Revolution, which is traditionally thought to have ignited Moscow’s interest in the Caribbean island, a relationship existed between the two countries at a variety of different levels. In order to do this, both the attention that the Third International, or Comintern, gave to Cuba, as well as Moscow’s formal state-to-state relations with Havana, are examined. In addition, United States policy towards both socialism and the Soviet Union are analyzed, due to the role that Washington played in Cuba prior to the Cuban Revolution. Following this, an examination of the events, process and dynamics that characterized the nature of the relationship between Moscow and Havana from 1917 to 1959 will be conducted. A number of conclusions will be given, but the primary one is that prior to January 1959, the Kremlin took considerable interest in Cuba and did not suffer from “geographical fatalism,” as has traditionally been thought. This is significant in itself, but also in light of the relationship that rapidly developed between Moscow and Havana in the aftermath of the Cuban Revolution, as a number of factors that were important in the pre-1959 relationship would also be significant after 1959. Furthermore, this analysis is also important for the contemporary bilateral relationship between Russia and Cuba, as both governments have made increasing reference to the multifaceted relationship that existed prior to 1959.

The United States and Cuba

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This timely book takes the historic restoration of diplomatic ties between Cuba and the United States in 2015 as the point of departure for a Cuban perspective on future relations. Tracing the history of the long and contentious relationship, Francisco López Segrera analyzes the pre-revolutionary and Cold War periods as well as more recent changes within each nation and in the international environment that led to the diplomatic opening and the abandonment of regime change as the goal of U.S. policy. He considers factors such as the declining influence of hard-line Cuban exiles in the United States; almost universal calls from Latin America, Europe, and other U.S. allies for constructive diplomatic engagement; and the economic restructuring underway in Cuba following the crisis of the “Special Period” triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author also identifies conditions favoring further progress, as well as outstanding issues that may constitute barriers—especially the blockade, U.S. demands for a Western-style democracy in Cuba, and its refusal to return the Guantánamo naval base to Cuban sovereignty. Comparing the differing perceptions shaping policies on both sides, López Segrera weighs the steps that will be necessary for the two countries to move toward full normalization.

On Negotiating with Cuba

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