
Book Description

Ladakh, A Region Isolated For Centuries, Has Unique, Exclusive And Rich Cultural Base. This Magnificently Illustrated Book Provides A Comprehensive Account Of The Architectural Heritage Of This Unparalaled Landscape.

Cultural Heritage of Ladakh Himalaya

Book Description

PART-I 1. Village Dictionary of Ladakh 2. Dards: An Indo Aryan Race in Ladakh 3. Khalatse: A Village of Dards 4. Stag Rimo Gonpa (Tib. stag rima dgon-pa) 5. Buddhist Engraved Images in Ladakh 6. Spituk Monastery 7. Dorje Chenmo Lhakhang in Shey Village 8. Rangdum Gonpa (Tib. rang-ldurn-bshad grub zamling gyan) of Zanskar 9. Yarma - Gonpo Monastery 10. Likir A Geluk - pa Monastery in Ladakh 11. Royal Palaces in Ladakh 12. Sengge N amgyal: A Great Protector of Ladakhi Buddlist Culture 13. Pt. Rahul Sanskrit yayan's is views about Ladakhi Culture 14. Tibetan Inscriptions near Dorje Chenmo Chokhang Shey PART-II 15. Ruthok Lhuvduh Chasling Gonpa 16. Karma Dupgyud Choeling Gonpa 17. H.E. Chosje Togdan Rinpoche: A Head Lama of Ladakh and his Photang 18. Theghchen Chosling (Tib. ltheg Che Chos gling) Monastery 19. Thuptan Donag Shedup Choskhorling 20. Some Buddhist Monuments in Chushod Village, Leh-Ladakh 21. History of Lamayuru Monastery during 1834-40 22. Tibetan Inscriptions on the Walls Inside the Temples of Alchi Choskhor during 11th and 16th Century AD. Bibliography Index

Amazing Land Ladakh

Book Description

Ladakh Then and Now

Book Description


Book Description

This is the first book to combine essays on the history and ongoing production of art in Ladakh and to recognize both Buddhist and Islamic contributions to the cultural environment. Drawing on recent research in the region, Ladakh: Cultu re at the Crossroads covers subjects ranging from the analysis of key sites and prominent

Rediscovery of Ladakh

Book Description