Stereotyping Africa. Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions

Book Description

Characteristically, Africans in any Western country are asked so many different questions about "Africa," as Westerners love to refer to the many countries that make up that huge continent, as if Africa were a single nation state. So one begins wondering why it is that Africans, on the other hand, do not refer to individual European countries as "Europe" simply, then the trends and consequences of stereotyping begin setting in just as one is getting used to being asked if Africa has a president, or if one can say something in African. It is some of these questions that Emmanuel Fru Doh has collected over the years and has attempted answering them in an effort to shed some light on a continent that is in many ways like the rest of the world, when not better, but which so many love to paint as dark, backward, chaotic, and pathetic.

What is Africanness? Contesting nativism in race, culture and sexualities

Book Description

What is Africanness? Contesting nativism in race, culture and sexualities by Charles Ngwena 2018 ISBN: 978-1-920538-82-8 Pages: 306 Print version: Available Electronic version: Free PDF available About the publication What is Africanness: Contesting nativism in culture, race and sexualities, by Charles Ngwena, Professor of Law at the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, is a peer-reviewed monograph aiming to contribute to the ongoing scholarly conversation in and beyond South Africa about who is African and what is African. It aims to implicate a reductive sameness in the naming of Africans (‘nativism’) by showing its teleology and effects; and offers an alternative understanding of how Africans can be named or can name themselves. The book develops an epistemology for constructing the hermeneutics of Africanness today, long after the primal colonial moment and its debasing racialising ideology. It interrogates the making of Africa in colonial discourses and the making of an African race and African culture(s) and sexuality(ies) in ways that are not just historically conscious but also have a heuristic capacity to contest nativism from the outside as well as from within. The arguments in this book go beyond problematising African identity by addressing an existential gap in theory for explicating African social identity. The book develops an interpretive method – a hermeneutics – for locating and deciphering African identifications in ways that are historically conscious and conjunctural. The hermeneutics look to the present and the future in addition to the past, so that African identifications are not nailed to a mast but remain invested with mobility and the capacity to mutate radically and make new and unexpected beginnings. Comments Charles Ngwena’s timely and original book is a wonderful read, rich in theory and insight, and an essential companion for those interested in exploring the ‘multiplicity of histories, cultures and subjectivities’ that constitute the diversity of ‘Africanness’ and African identities. – Professor Cathi Albertyn, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Editor, South African Journal on Human Rights This is a brilliant exploration of liberating and affirming ways to speak of African identities and sexualities, reminding us there can be creative beauty where pain and dispossession have resided. – Rudo Chigudu, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria This is a masterpiece! Not only does the author capture the discourse and debates on “Africanness”, he aptly examines them before offering his views on “decentring the race of Africanness” with the important recognition of “Africa as land of diverse identifications”. – Prof Serges Djoyou Kamga, Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute, UNISA Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PREFACE DEDICATION PART 1: BACKGROUND TO THE HERMENEUTICS OF HETEROGENOUS AFRICANNESS 1. INTRODUCING THE ‘MANYNESS’ OF AFRICANNESS 1 Introduction 2 Nativism 2.1 Theocratic vision 2.2 Logic of identity 3 Reformulating African identity: Overcoming status subordination and achieving inclusive equality 4 Scope and structure of the book: A broad triangulation of race, culture and sexualities 4.1 Part 1: Background to the hermeneutics of heterogeneous Africanness 4.2 Part 2: Africanness, race and culture 4.3 Part 3: Heterogeneous sexualities 2. HERMENEUTICS OF AFRICANNESS: BUILDING ON STUART HALL’S CULTURAL THEORY OF IDENTIFICATIONS 1 Introduction 2 Connecting inclusive equality with a deconstructive hermeneutics of Africanness 3 Who/what is African?: A central discursive question 4 Hall’s cultural theory of identity as enunciation 4.1 Identity as becoming and being 4.2 Implications of a Hallian approach for conceptualising Africanness 4.2.1 Transposing Hall’s theory to Africanness as broad cultural and racial identifications 4.2.2 Transposing Hall’s theory onto African sexuality identifications 5 Positionality PART 2: AFRICANNESS, RACE AND CULTURE 3. WHAT’S IN A NAME? THE NAMING OF AFRICA AND AFRICANS, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF RADICAL CULTURAL ALTERITY 1 Introduction: Representation, truth, knowledge and power 2 Naming of Africa 2.1 Provenance of the naming 3 Naming of Africans: Epochal re-description 3.1 Africa at the edge of time: The founding of alterity in anachronistic space 3.2 Africa as land of cultural otherness: A leaf from Mudimbe’s The invention of Africa 3.2.1 Christianity and the production of African spiritual alterity 3.2.2 Anthropology and the production of African cultural alterity 4 Mudimbe’s contribution to dialogic Africanness 4. AFRICA AS LAND OF RACIAL OTHERNESS 1 Introduction 2 The contribution of philosophy and science to the construction of African racial alterity 2.1 Philosophy 2.2 Science 3 Re-membering Saartjie Baartman: Black embodiment, ascribed identity and fetishisation 3.1 Logic of identity 3.2 Fetishisation 4 Apartheid and the banality of race 4.1 Creating ‘Africans’, ‘Coloureds’, ‘Indians’ and ‘Whites’ 4.1.1 ‘Africans’ and ‘Whites’ as extreme polarities 4.1.2 ‘Coloureds’ 4.1.3 ‘Indians’ 4.2 Racial positioning among inferiorised ‘races’ 4.3 Apartheid as not so much about apartness but baasskapism 5 Ode to an open Africanness 5. DECENTRING THE RACE OF AFRICANNESS 1 Introduction: putting race under erasure 2 Recalling Hall’s deconstructive identification template 3 Decentring the race of Africanness 3.1 Appiah’s In my father’s house 3.2 Blyden’s black personality 4 Retaining the political salience of race 4.1 Afropolitanism 5 Africa as space for diverse identifications and recognition of ever-evolving ethnicities PART 3: HETEROGENEOUS SEXUALITIES 6. REPRESENTING AFRICAN SEXUALITIES: CONTESTING NATIVISM FROM WITHOUT 1 Introduction 2 Said’s discourse of orientalism 2.1 Orientalism and Said’s aporias 2.1.1 Hybridity: Breaking with coloniser/ colonised binary 3 Nativising African peoples 4 Mamdani’s discourse of nativism 5 Nativism and the construction of colonial whiteness 5.1 Compulsory whiteness and regulation of sexualities 6 Nativising black men’s sexuality 6.1 Southern Rhodesia and the phantom of the ‘black peril’ 7 Black women’s sexual degeneracy and colonial continuities in Caldwell et al: A performative study of African women 7. ‘TRANSGRESSIVE’ SEXUALITIES: CONTESTING NATIVISM FROM WITHIN AND OVERCOMING STATUS SUBORDINATION 1 Introduction 1.1 Proclaiming heterosexuality and castigating homosexuality 1.2 Democratising sexuality 2 Discursive clarifications 2.1 Transgressive sexualities: the terminological rationale 2.2 Overcoming status subordination 2.3 Avoiding LGBTI essentialism 2.4 Avoiding unproductive LGBTI anti-essentialism 2.5 Remaining conscious of colonising sexuality knowledge 3 Deconstructing sexualities 3.1 Essentialist social construction 3.2 Transformative social construction 3.3 Deconstructing the relationship between sexuality and gender: Drawing on Richardson’s analytic template 3.3.1 Naturalist approach 3.3.2 Prioritising gender over sexuality 3.3.3 Gender as an effect of sexuality 3.3.4 Sex and gender as separate, non-deterministic, historically and culturally situated systems 3.3.5 Sexuality and gender elision 4 Way forward 8. MEDIATING CONFLICTING SEXUALITY IDENTIFICATIONS THROUGH POLITICS AND AN ETHICS OF PLURALISM 1 Introduction 2 Rawls’ overlapping consensus 3 Rescher’s dissensus management approach 4 Young’s critique of the ideal of impartiality and the civic public 5 Arendt’s concept of citizenship in a plural political community 6 Finding an overlapping consensus and asymmetrical reciprocity in African political and constitutional frameworks EPILOGUE: THEORISING AFRICANNESS BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX

Questions and Answers

Book Description

This questions and answers book is all about political and cultural system in Africa. The questions are asked and are answered from an African perspectives using the African environment.

Rethinking African Cultural Production

Book Description

Frieda Ekotto, Kenneth W. Harrow, and an international group of scholars set forth new understandings of the conditions of contemporary African cultural production in this forward-looking volume. Arguing that it is impossible to understand African cultural productions without knowledge of the structures of production, distribution, and reception that surround them, the essays grapple with the shifting notion of what "African" means when many African authors and filmmakers no longer live or work in Africa. While the arts continue to flourish in Africa, addressing questions about marginalization, what is center and what periphery, what traditional or conservative, and what progressive or modern requires an expansive view of creative production.

All Bound Up Together

Book Description

The place of women's rights in African American public culture has been an enduring question, one that has long engaged activists, commentators, and scholars. All Bound Up Together explores the roles black women played in their communities' social movements and the consequences of elevating women into positions of visibility and leadership. Martha Jones reveals how, through the nineteenth century, the "woman question" was at the core of movements against slavery and for civil rights. Unlike white women activists, who often created their own institutions separate from men, black women, Jones explains, often organized within already existing institutions--churches, political organizations, mutual aid societies, and schools. Covering three generations of black women activists, Jones demonstrates that their approach was not unanimous or monolithic but changed over time and took a variety of forms, from a woman's right to control her body to her right to vote. Through a far-ranging look at politics, church, and social life, Jones demonstrates how women have helped shape the course of black public culture.

Culture in Africa

Book Description


Book Description

After a lifetime's close observation of the continent, one of the world's finest Africa correspondents has penned a landmark book on life and death in modern Africa. It takes a guide as observant, experienced, and patient as Richard Dowden to reveal its truths. Dowden combines a novelist's gift for atmosphere with the scholar's grasp of historical change as he spins tales of cults and commerce in Senegal and traditional spirituality in Sierra Leone; analyzes the impact of oil and the internet on Nigeria and aid on Sudan; and examines what has gone so badly wrong in Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Congo. Dowden's master work is an attempt to explain why Africa is the way it is, and enables its readers to see and understand this miraculous continent as a place of inspiration and tremendous humanity.

Africa Illuminated: Explorations Beyond the Surface

Book Description

Africa is a continent of great diversity, with over 1.3 billion people speaking over 2,000 languages and living in 54 countries. It is home to some of the world's most beautiful landscapes, rich cultures, and remarkable people. Despite its many challenges, Africa has a unique charm that draws visitors from all over the world. "Africa Uncovered: A Journey Through the Continent's Culture, People, Food, and Languages" is a fascinating exploration of this incredible continent. The book offers an in-depth look at the different aspects that make Africa so unique, including its history, geography, and people. One of the highlights of this book is the numerous quizzes that test your knowledge of Africa's culture, people, food, and languages. These quizzes are thoughtfully crafted, with detailed answers and illustrations that help you understand the nuances of each question. This book is not just for those who are interested in Africa; it is for anyone who wants to expand their horizons and learn about a different part of the world. It is an excellent resource for educators, students, and anyone who wants to learn about the continent's diverse cultures and people. There are many books on Africa, but "Africa Uncovered" stands out for its comprehensive coverage and engaging style. A lot of effort have been put to make the book informative and enjoyable. I highly recommend "Africa Uncovered" to anyone who wants to learn about this remarkable continent. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a curious armchair explorer, this book is a must-read. It is an inspiring journey through Africa's past, present, and future, and it will leave you with a deeper appreciation of the continent's beauty, diversity, and complexity. Good Read!

Visual Cultures of Africa

Book Description

The voices in this book offer a multi-perspectival approach to Africa, focusing on the skills and the knowledge underpinning visual cultural expressions ranging from Akan symbolism to embodied performances by dancers and storytellers, even re-designed models of Western cars. Educators, designers, artists, critics, curators, and custodians based both in Africa and in Europe are configuring spaces for public, private, institutional as well as digital conversation – whether through pottery or portraiture, furniture or film, shoes or selfies, buildings or books. Readers are encouraged to question how African visual cultures are both ‘in’ and ‘of’; identifying and confrontational; post- and decolonial; preserved and practised; old and new; borrowed and authentic; composite and complete; rooted and soaring. Disciplines being engaged include visual culture studies, media studies, performance studies, orature, literature, art and design – as well as their histories. The editors Mary Clare Kidenda, Lize Kriel and Ernst Wagner represent three nodes in the Exploring Visual Cultures north-south collaborative network: The Technical University of Kenya, the University of Pretoria in South Africa and Munich Academy of Fine Arts in Germany.