The Day of Dawn 2016 Jesus Second Coming

Book Description

"And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And the He fought against the False Prophet at last - and the False Prophet was thrown in Gahenna... And the rest of them were all killed with the sword of fire in the hand by King riding the white horse. Then I saw a great white throne and the King of Kings was seated on and crowned he is and - and each person was judged according to what they had done.... And the devil was town into the lake of eternal fire and eternal suffer... The death and Hades were thrown in the lake of fire... And if anyone's name was not found, he was thrown into the lake of fire and eternal suffer forever divided from God's people... Quote: Matthew: Jesus Christ: "So don't be afraid of them. There are nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I do tell you in the dark, speak it in daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim it from the roofs!" "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For it I come to turn!" "If anyone won't welcome you or listen your words, shake the dust off your feet; when you leave that home or town. I tell you truly; it will be more bearable fore Sodom and Gomorra on the day of judgment then fore that town." Quotes from the Holy Bible

The Day of Dawn 2016 Jesus Second Coming

Book Description

To believe and do blame the Jews of killing Jesus Christ that's number one after that they don't believe in democracy at all therefore they are very common in fascist countries World Wide. Off course this first setting itself always been the most thinkable worst blaspheme cause Jesus himself was a Jew and in add the only righteous God did find at earth at Abraham's time was only Abraham therefore he was chosen by God to be father to a holy people - that is the Jewish people what it really is if one keeps to fact - no other way it was given to salvation to mankind if not the Jews and Abraham hadn't existed in the blood of the Jews spread all over the world was the only way to salvation no other way given and all Christians true Christians of today the do meet God and Jesus has to be Jews all other is impossible. That even was the promise and deal between Abraham and God no other way even be. There it happened what did happen. And told what told to Abraham all from the start - what is then written what is the promise content it do follow here: And the Lord did come only to Abraham and said: "I will make you into a great nation! And I the Lord will bless you. And you will be a blessing. I will bless those who do bless you! And whoever curses you I will curse! And all people on earth will be blessed through you!" "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see will be given to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust on earth, so that if none could ever count how many. " "Look up at the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you can count them - so shall your offspring be!" "Before you were named Abram now I give you the name Abraham for I have made you father of many nations. I will make you fruitful; I will make nations of you, and Kings will come from you. I will establish my convenient as an everlasting convenient between me and you and your descendants after you fore the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you; and I will be their God" This was Gods holy promise to Abraham and his people the Jews for all time. Is also written in Bible: "The salvation of human kind comes only from the Jewish people - no other!." This is Gods and Jesus words and it is the truth in the whole matter - no matter which king house in Europe of today and also lord families have all Jewish blood without any exception.

The Day of Dawn - Jesus Second Coming

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The Second Coming of Jesus

Book Description

This book briefly describes HEAVEN and the Second coming of Jesus Christ. When will He come and what are the signs of His coming? Find out in this book

Reflections for Daily Prayer: Advent 2015 to Christ the King 2016

Book Description

Reflections for Daily Prayer is a highly valued daily Bible companion based on the Common Worship Lectionary. Each day, Monday to Saturday, some of the very best writers from across the Anglican tradition offer insightful, informed and inspiring reflections on one of the day’s readings for Morning Prayer. Their reflections will appeal to anyone who values both the companionship of daily Bible notes and the structure of the Lectionary. For every day (excluding Sundays) of the 2015/16 church year, there are full references and a quotation from the day’s set of Scripture readings, a concise but challenging commentary on the readings and a collect. In addition, the book includes a simple order for morning and night prayer, an introduction to the practice of daily prayer by Bishop John Pritchard and a guide to reading the Bible reflectively by Bishop Stephen Cottrell.

Dawn of a New Day

Book Description

If you are even a little bit concerned about your last days on earth and your eternal future, then this is a book you must read. And you must share it with those you love and with those in your church. The chronology of when Jesus' glorious return will take place - before or during what many call the Tribulation - is the most controversial issue still facing the Church. Many favor the common Christian doctrine "In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity" as an explanation why all views of the return of Jesus are equal and valid. But what if our understanding of the return of Jesus is an essential - a most essential? What if the eternal fate of millions hangs in the balance? In this unique, one of a kind, 21 chapter book, Nelson and Bob provide the biblical evidence for the timing of Christ's return and why it matter.

The Second Coming of Christ

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Chronological Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

Book Description

The second coming of Jesus Christ will be a great day for the righteous and a dreadful day for those who are wicked. This book is designed to prepare you, to warn you, and to answer your questions about the coming of Christ. Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is to prepare yourself to enter the presence of the Lord. Signs is a scriptural guidebook on that journey. Author Shaun Bailey has used modern technology and a lifetime of study to search the scriptures for clues that don't just identify the signs of the times, but put them in a useful chronological order. Over 540 scriptural references and quotes from the prophets are compiled to explore 37 signs in depth and in context. This is the first book in a two-part series, and deals with the events of the sixth seal, or the time period ""before the great and dreadful day of the Lord.""

The Imminent Second Coming

Book Description

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is a familiar and well-loved theme to Latter Day Saints and Christians generally. The associated signs of the times have been debated and discussed many times. However, this book approaches the subject from unusual angles and describes signs of the times that have not previously been presented in such a book. The evidence from such signs is compellingthe upheavals of nature which will precede the second coming are imminent and we should heed the words of the prophets and be prepared!

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Book Description

For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' -Matthew 23:39 Approximately three billion Christians and Muslims around the world hold the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as an article of faith. Both the Holy Bible and Holy Qur'an speak about this spiritually monumental event. Has He come again? Author Hasanat Syed, a journalist and research scholar, has documented evidence supporting the appearance of the Second Coming. He begins by describing four historical episodes that each occurred around the turn of the twentieth century and presents evidence of heavenly signs in each instance. Drawing on his deep knowledge of the subject, Syed combines thought from Christianity and Islam to marshal evidence with such conviction that nothing is left to doubt. Distinguishing this work from others, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ discusses this important event from a number of perspectives, drawing together multiple sources throughout the text. Christians, Muslims, and Hindus alike will be fascinated by this cogent discussion of an imminent Second Coming. This book is a must read for anyone seeking answers to this heavily prophesized and centuries old enigma.