Satan Repentant

Book Description

This long narrative poem, accessing the possibilities of a lyric essay, revisits the wasted potential of Lucifer's character and redirects his fate.

The Day Satan Repented

Book Description

Imagine growing up in the Bellows family where an eternal curse has been placed on them throughout the generations by a witch doctor. With each succeeding generation, only one male could be born within their family unit. The wives of these men could not give birth to any females because the witch doctor caught her husband in bed with his mistress. These men have been watched throughout the ages by Satan who has in fact designed this curse for his eventual return to walk upon the earth. Known as Lokanetra, he is disguised at first as a great miracle healer. Then, as his fame grows, he brings together the leaders of the Middle East, ending the raging conflicts that have ravaged the region. Through Satan’s final act of deceit, his main objective is to have a son born by way of his spirit-filled seed with a virgin wife.

The Doctrine of Repentance

Book Description

Shame and Guilt

Book Description

This volume reports on the growing body of knowledge on shame and guilt, integrating findings from the authors' original research program with other data emerging from social, clinical, personality, and developmental psychology. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that these universally experienced affective phenomena have significant implications for many aspects of human functioning, with particular relevance for interpersonal relationships. --From publisher's description.

Planting Repentance in the Garden of the Lord

Book Description

Lord Jesus' first word, coming out of the 40 days in the wilderness where He defeated Satan, was "Repent" -the Kingdom is at hand. To repent is to decide to change direction from one's own mindset and ways of the world and the flesh to God's better Way of life. To repent is to die to self-rule. Repentance is also a key discipline to cleanse from old sin strongholds, to be ready as His Bride without spot or wrinkle for the soon-coming Bridegroom, the Returning Jesus Christ. Repentance is rarely taught; ignorance abounds that freedom and joy follow repentance. This key book offers a unique small group 14 session process to purify, to experience His Joy, to become more like Him. Pastor Jeffrey Daly, a former Wall Street lawyer, committed to serving Christ in 1991. He and his wife, Laurie, served as pastors of Jesus Christ Fellowship, Middletown, California. Retired from his legal practice, Pastor Jeff writes, teaches, and works with national repentance and prayer ministries in the United States and other nations. In addition to founding the National Day of Repentance he's also a director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Washington, D.C. This is his fifth book. He is also the author of The Spiritual Battle for the White House, Making America Godly Again, Call on God's Protection Mr. President, and River & Streams in the Desert--the Forty Forties of Scripture, a Forty-Day Repentance Devotional. [email protected]

Life of Heber C. Kimball

Book Description

Begone Satan

Book Description

Famous 23-day-long exorcism case of Erling, Iowa. Incredible and frightening. We have received several letters from Iowa verifying that this exorcism really occurred. Probably the most famous exorcism ever performed in the U.S.A.

She Reads Truth

Book Description

Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, She Reads Truth is the message that will help you understand the place of God's Word in your life.

The Devil Repents: Genesis

Book Description

Book one in the reader-driven trilogy between God, humanity and the devil.The Devil Repents goes where no other book has ever gone; to the first evil thought that the devil ever had to a cocktail party in Hollywood while inviting readers to cast votes to complete the story in this three book trilogyThe Devil Repents pulls back the curtain of the spiritual realm of darkness, exposing the raw ungodliness he sows in mans hearts and minds, but why now? Join the intrigue with a best-selling horror novelist, a world famous celebrity and an atheist, all whom get sucked into a confluence of unfortunate events. Delving deep into his bag of deceptions, the devil reveals his most guarded secret to renowned author—how he deceives humanity time and time again. Now the tables turn on the devil. His secret is out and he's got little to bargain with.Unless…has the devil found a clause in the last page of the Bible that just might provide and out? And even if he does, should God forgive the devil? 'Can the devil be forgiven?' The question wouldn't leave me alone for hours as my thoughts turned into keys and opened up more doors in my mind with questions such as, Would the devil even want forgiveness?Surely, I thought, the devil would want at least one shot in human history to try to redeem his tortured soul from the pits of hell to become an angel again. And that's when out of nowhere, The Devil Repents detonated in my mind.As wild and sacrilegious as it sounded, it was a valid question. I never heard those three words put together before. I immediately scribbled it down twice, and then wrote it again as neat as I could. Then I vividly remember sitting at the table and just staring at the words and it was like they were alive and pulsating up at me---so I wrote it down a few more times not knowing that those three words would change the course of my children's and my life forever.For the next few days I read all about Jesus' forgiveness and I searched the Bible several times to see if the devil's salvation was possible and nowhere in the Bible does it say that the devil can't repent. Yes, the devil is judged already as Jesus said in John 12:31---John 16:11. It is also stated in Revelation 12:12 and 20:1-3.Ultimately though, the choice is up to you and your input will be included in the next two volumes of The Devil Repents Trilogy