The Death of Affirmative Action?

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Affirmative action in college admissions has been a polarizing policy since its inception, decried by some as unfairly biased and supported by others as a necessary corrective to institutionalized inequality. In recent years, the protected status of affirmative action has become uncertain, as legal challenges chip away at its foundations. This book looks through a sociological lens at both the history of affirmative action and its increasingly tenuous future. J. Scott Carter and Cameron D. Lippard first survey how and why so-called "colorblind" rhetoric was originally used to frame affirmative action and promote a political ideology. The authors then provide detailed examinations of a host of recent Supreme Court cases that have sought to threaten or undermine it. Carter and Lippard analyze why the arguments of these challengers have successfully influenced widespread changes in attitude toward affirmative action, concluding that the discourse and arguments over these policies are yet more unfortunate manifestations of the quest to preserve the racial status quo in the United States.

The Death of Affirmative Action?

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Affirmative Action

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First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

When Diversity Drops

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Julie J. Park examines how losing racial diversity in a university affects the everyday lives of its students. She uses a student organization, the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) at “California University,” as a case study to show how reductions in racial diversity impact the ability of students to sustain multiethnic communities. The story documents IVCF’s evolution from a predominantly white group that rarely addressed race to the most racially diverse campus fellowship at the university. However, its ability to maintain its multiethnic membership was severely hampered by the drop in black enrollment at California University following the passage of Proposition 209, a statewide affirmative action ban. Park demonstrates how the friendships that students have—or do not have—across racial lines are not just a matter of personal preference or choice; they take place in the contexts that are inevitably shaped by the demographic conditions of the university. She contends that a strong organizational commitment to diversity, while essential, cannot sustain racially diverse student subcultures. Her work makes a critical contribution to our understanding of race and inequality in collegiate life and is a valuable resource for educators and researchers interested in the influence of racial politics on students’ lives.

The Myth of Affirmative Action

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Many White people, and some conservative Black people, believe that affirmative action programs are unfairly depriving more deserving Whites of jobs and education opportunities. The author argues that is a myth. For example, University admissions data demonstrates that, despite affirmative action rhetoric, there remains systemic bias against Black students. Sociological data on criminal record, race, and employment, found that White people with a criminal record had a better chance of getting a call back, than Black people without one. Renowned Professor of Social Work Dr Rudolph Alexander Jr. analyses many examples which demonstrate that the claim that affirmative action programs have led to unfair discrimination against White people of equal ability, is a myth. Though not always comfortable reading, the book is an important addition to the literature on equality, diversity, and critical race theory.

Color and Money

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What is the real story behind the fight over affirmative action at colleges? Veteran journalist Peter Schmidt exposes truths that will outrage readers and forever transform the debate. He reveals how: * colleges use affirmative action to mask how much they cater to the country club crowd and to solicit support from the big corporations they steer minority students toward; * conservatives have used opposition to affirmative action to advance a broader agenda that includes gutting government programs that help level the playing field; * selective colleges reward families for shielding their children from contact with other races and classes and help perpetuate societal discrimination by favoring applicants from expensive private schools or public schools in exclusive communities; * racial tensions like those witnessed at Duke University, the University of Michigan, and scores of other campuses in recent decades are a direct result of college admissions policies; * affirmative-action preferences for women and minorities may have survived recent court challenges, but in much of the nation they are unlikely to survive the forces of democracy; and * regardless of what happens with affirmative action, African Americans are going to be denied equal access to colleges for many decades to come unless American society undergoes revolutionary change. This is a startling, brave, and thoroughly researched book that will ignite a national debate on class and education for years to come.

Death of Affirmative Action

Book Description

The Death of Affirmative Action: The Proposed Model for the Candidate Selection Process into Law School is recommended for U.S. law schools, Canadian law schools, U.S. government and courts, and various civil rights organizations both in support and non-support of affirmative action. All undergraduate college candidates and high school students seeking a college education and possibly a career in law or medicine will benefit from this book. It illustrates an exact science model in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling as announced in June 2003, "Grutter vs. Bollinger" (the Michigan Law School Admissions case), by which race must now be factored into the selection process for law school.

A Conflict of Principles

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"No state . . . shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." So says the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, a document held dear by Carl Cohen, a professor of philosophy and longtime champion of civil liberties who has devoted most of his adult life to the University of Michigan. So when Cohen discovered, after encountering some resistance, how his school, in its admirable wish to increase minority enrollment, was actually practicing a form of racial discrimination—calling it "affirmative action"—he found himself at odds with his longtime allies and colleagues in an effort to defend the equal treatment of the races at his university. In A Conflict of Principles Cohen tells the story of what happened at Michigan, how racial preferences were devised and implemented there, and what was at stake in the heated and divisive controversy that ensued. He gives voice to the judicious and seldom heard liberal argument against affirmative action in college admission policies. In the early 1970s, as a member of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union, Cohen vigorously supported programs devised to encourage the recruitment of minorities in colleges, and in private employment. But some of these efforts gave deliberate preference to blacks and Hispanics seeking university admission, and this Cohen recognized as a form of racism, however well-meaning. In his book he recounts the fortunes of contested affirmative action programs as they made their way through the legal system to the Supreme Court, beginning with DeFunis v. Odegaard (1974) at the University of Washington Law School, then Bakke v. Regents of the University of California (1978) at the Medical School on the UC Davis campus, and culminating at the University of Michigan in the landmark cases of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger (2003). He recounts his role in the initiation of the Michigan cases, explaining the many arguments against racial preferences in college admissions. He presents a principled case for the resultant amendment to the Michigan constitution, of which he was a prominent advocate, which prohibited preference by race in public employment and public contracting, as well as in public education. An eminently readable personal, consistently fair-minded account of the principles and politics that come into play in the struggles over affirmative action, A Conflict of Principles is a deeply thoughtful and thought-provoking contribution to our national conversation about race.


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Argues that affirmative action actually harms minority students and that the movement started in the late 1960s is only a symbolic change that has become mired in posturing, concealment, and pork-barrel earmarks.

Not All Black and White

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Christopher Edley, who served as point man for President Clinton's review of affirmative action, offers a spirited, lively analysis of one of the most vexing and contented issues in politics today. As he did for the President, so here, in a cogent, persuasive book for general readers and serious voters, Edley considers all the relevant legal data, social-science evidence, public-policy developments, and private-sector practice, then makes his eloquent, powerful case.